General Discussion

General DiscussionJugg trend?

Jugg trend? in General Discussion
Giff me Wingman

    So what's going on with the juggernaut picks lately? Every game jugg gets picked and gets rekt. And i'm not even going to start talking about 4k people jungling with jugg.


      Then you can start by talking about the 6k people jungling with jugg.

      playinginursockdrawer mm soc

        He's largely considered an overbuffed pub stomper who got +6 agility and a 20% chance for crit in the last patch. As with every 'op' hero, people flock to him for ez games, knowing absolutely jack shit about the hero.

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          Giff me Wingman

            i c, so the +6 agi and +5% makes people want to spam him. People still don't understand that jugg is a glass canon and not your rambo PA.....

            Oh well....

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              Jugger is anything but a glass cannon TBH. He is one of the hardest to kill agility carries you can get in the game. But people still go YOLO when they have everything on CD and that's where the problem starts. I don't know man, Jugg has always been popular. Pretty easy and fun hero to play, also pretty strong even if played bad. Press R = ez win.

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                Glass canon? ROFL

                Giff me Wingman

                  Guess low HP and much dmg doesn't refer as a glass canon anymore.

                  The only thing that makes him somewhat survivable is his healing ward, which usually doesn't do jack shit against nukers.

                  I won't deny the fact that jugg is a fun hero, but the feed i've seen lately is outstanding.

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                      The phase is simply to chase down enemies in blade dance right? Aren't treads viable on jugg bcuz jugg loves attack speed?

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        You can't compare Jugg's survivability to someone like Drow,Sniper or Skywrath. Think about it and you will see that he is actually rather hard to kill.


                          i rarely see the jungle roam jugger lose


                            just the new over buffed fotm

                            Giff me Wingman

                              Idk, i just see, stun, nuke, ded.


                                Juggernaut is actually very fun to play even if they nerf him i will still play him, hes hard to kill because hes got free bkb that nukes in laning phase and his ult makes him invulnerable. Hes also got an aoe heal which makes him also versatile in lane/push and teamfight. I just think people rushing aghs on him is a bad decision, most of my games ill farm a quick battlefury if i got freefarm and from that i can snowball very easly. I rather fight a shadowblade slark over a jugg anyday.

                                the realm's delight

                                  just had this game, we were 20-0, at like min 25 or something, jugg was doing woods, 0-0-0 stats, comes out of woods and wins game.


                                    ^ I just watched that game , LOL wtf


                                      By 0-0-0 you mean 1-2-1-1 ... right? I actually like his build.

                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                        0-0-0 stats = 0-0-0 K-D-A


                                          x-4-1 builds the best


                                            What's that skill-build, I'm confused.


                                              1 point crit max ward 1-4 points in spin depending on enemy lineup and opportunities to kill the offlaner
                                              i mean lane jugg though


                                                I'm talking about the match posted by cryingfaceball


                                                  "The phase is simply to chase down enemies in blade dance right? Aren't treads viable on jugg bcuz jugg loves attack speed?"
                                                  I find that Phase is usually more popular on heroes with critical numbers because they go a little higher, also on heroes that have naturally high attack speed from their skillset (Ursa, for example)
                                                  Remember that using blade fury after you phase will cancel the phase. Gotta phase after.

                                                  the realm's delight

                                                    thjats how u build him in woods, its legit


                                                      phase is for mele, and jugg can reach the <0.4sec par attack pretty easily without tread anyway.
                                                      I will make some vid about the crit build and the sr build (via replay otherwise i lag way too much when making the vid with my connection ^^)

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                                                        jugg was pretty strong before buffs now hes firstpick worthy material maybe not as #1 but definetly super stronk