General Discussion

General DiscussionMy god I CAN'T FUCKING WIN!

My god I CAN'T FUCKING WIN! in General Discussion
Tiny Airlines Tide refused to buy blink Necro fed Omniknight is broken Brew sat in base all game Juggernaut is bullshit Once again, Omniknight is broken.

    It's been like this all week - why the fuck am I losing so much? I'm about to call Valve's customer service and complain to them about the quality of matches!

    I mean jeez! I lost 6 times in a row and it's like it's never going to get better! This game is going downhill so bad!

    Your Wife's Boyfriend

      Ur in normal skill bracket and talking about the quality of matches... Go play ranked and get 3k + mmr = problem solved.

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        You play RD, Least Played and CM yet you hope to win. It ain't gonna happen.

        Tiny Airlines

          There is no way I am going to all pick or single draft. What mode do you guys want me to play?


            you're the lack of quality.

            Jay Ashborne

              You're the only one that can make a impact on your mmr. You made mistakes in all of those games, however instead of watching replays and finding your mistakes and trying to learn and improve from them, you blame other players because it's less effort and easier.

              Pick your path.

              Tiny Airlines

                Ok, seriously? How the hell are some of these games my fault? I had a brewmaster sit in base one game and another necro threw a tantrum and went on a feeding streak! How is this my fucking fault?

                If Valve doesn't bother nerfing Omniknight I'll start a riot!


                  i'm not even good and if I was playing those games I'd win 1v5


                    You don't get the point don't you? That's why you can't win for shit.

                    Jay Ashborne

                      You're unwilling to even acknowledge the fact you possibly made mistakes. You took "instablame" route, ez kappa.

                      Listen, no one plays perfectly dude. Ever. Not professionals, not 1k kids. No one. Dota is a severely complicated game full of decisions.

                      From the following :
                      [*]You hero pick.
                      [*]The order in which you picked it. (like when, before/after enemy team etc)
                      [*]Your lane choice.
                      [*]Starting items.
                      [*]Skill build / choice per level.
                      [*]Item progression.
                      [*]When to engage.
                      [*]Trying to stop that one kid from saying GG because it impacts team morale, everyone feels like shit and plays worse.
                      [*]Your communication with your team.
                      [*]How much harass you did/received in lane.
                      [*]Rotating for runes when you should.
                      [*]Suggesting ideas to team that they might not have considered.
                      [*]Playing with a positive attitude.
                      [*]Deciding when to farm, and when to fight.
                      [*]Defensiveness/Aggressiveness in lane.
                      [*]General hero rotation map awareness.
                      [*]Checking how other lanes are going to see if things should change or not.
                      [*]Enemy item awareness.
                      [*]When to fort towers and when to let them fall.
                      [*]Perfect un-hero unit control ie courier/familiars etc.
                      [*]Decision making speed.

                      in all of these games you made several decisions that were less than perfect in several places... if you don't play perfect then how do you know you aren't the solo factor in why you lost? Your decisions are what makes or breaks it. Other people matter, but you can't be bothered with it.

                      ...... I can literally do this for the next three hours dude. Worrying about other teammates is like freaking out because the world might explode tomorrow. Could you change it if it was? No. So why care? Every one gets good and bad teammates. They are variables you have ZERO to little control over. So just minimize how much you focus on them.

                      You're norm skill dude. You have a ton of room to improve, I'm actually jealous because I feel like I plateau constantly. This game isn't easy. You need to drop time into it, and inform yourself as much as you can about everything... Yes game is hard, but you will NEVER improve if you keep this constant focus on other players. Focus on you and what you can do to change that. Learn from your mistakes and make adjustments. Eazy as -25 mmr in solo dude.

                      You just gotta believe.

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                      meow maniac

                        You can outfarm the entire enemy team, take 90% of the objectives by yourself, win multiple 1v5 teamfights and still lose when you have a team of players worse than the bots.

                        Jay Ashborne


                          Your drow skillbuild/ item build are questionable but I havent seen the game replay.

                          idk the hero pick order. Your line up was *decent* but they had a shit ton of sustain with nec and GA + undy. Im curious when you towers, because you could have done it at like 4-8 minutes lol. Pressure until support rotated or tombstone was cast, back for 20 seconds, retry. You hit like a truck dude. Also, bkb prooooolly better than sb here. VS the dk/lesh stuns+spells.


                            Melody provides sound advice... just as many have in your previous posts... pretty sure you do not want to improve but just like getting attention.


                              Guide to normal skill, 100% effectiveness if youre not bad

                              Pick PA
                              Don't get a 30 min battlefury
                              Edit: Another quality 1.2k mmr problem thread

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                                @trench lord: no you can't lose, this guy is 1.2k mmr, I can win 1v5 playing with 1 hand

                                this is me playing on a 3.9-4.1k account

                                and I'm not even a very good player, Vrok for example would shit on me easily

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                                  1.2 is piz izi

                                  Tiny Airlines


                                    Make that 7 games now. Dota 2 has officially gone downhill. Now i'm at 1182 mmr and I have a good mind to start shooting people.

                                    i love u butt

                                      at sub 3k mmr, get more carries.
                                      because no one reads the mini map well, dont buy wards

                                      5 carries > 4 carries + 1 support

                                      farm like a mad man and ignore your teammates
                                      once you get your core items on your carry, go push.
                                      if they defend, push other lanes. If they gank your friends, take a tower.
                                      profit $$

                                      Tiny Airlines

                                        I'm starting to think that I'm getting these teammates because of the winter break that college kids get. It was not like this last week.

                                        King of Low Prio

                                          college breaks ended last week so your conspiracy theory falls short

                                          i love u butt

                                            its clear you have to work on your mechanics first, if you do not belong to that mmr skill bracket you would either
                                            1. win easily and rack wins
                                            2. have a clearly high gpm from winning your lane and effective farming
                                            3. low kda ratio

                                            actually you would have all of the above, if you belonged to a higher bracket

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                                            meow maniac

                                              @Young Princess Zelda
                                              Start playing Juggernaut & Troll Warlord. They're easy and the people in our skill bracket can't do anything to them once they're farmed up.

                                              King of Low Prio

                                                Jugg is a high skillcap hero


                                                  U had 4 games with a tp in ur inventory.
                                                  When u get to know how tp works, u might win more.


                                                    Quality post from Melody, too bad this guy needs a tl;dr version for everything or he's just too fucking stupid.


                                                      That drow makes me want to cry


                                                        Well you probably lost the most recent game because you had spirit breaker and Bloodseeker as your carries compared to 2 of the hardest carries in the game (Slark and PA)

                                                        My advice to you is:

                                                        1) play all pick, just forget all the other game modes because no one in the 1K bracket is going to be co-ordinated enough to use the gamemode well.

                                                        2) learn to play a few hard carries well, like being able to reach at least 100cs by 20 minutes. If you can pick a hard carry and learn how to do fairly decent with him it should be easy.

                                                        3) practice carrying tps more and learn when you can join fights and when to keep farming. Both teams have 4-5 heroes mid? Farm the jungle so your economy isn't as slow yet you can still react. The enemy's diving a t1/t2? Tp in and punish it etc

                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                          pick Jugg, go safe lane or jungle and it doesnt even matter how much your team feeds you just omni the most farmed hero on the other team and get even more gold


                                                            Seriously, do you even bother to learn this game? My friend startet playing dota 1 month ago. He startet from the bottom now he has made it from 1k to 2k mmr in 2 weeks with little advice from me. I told him general stuff like "don't rely on your teammates ever, learn to farm well, map awareness... If u practice this stuff ur game sense and mechanics will automatically increase anyway. This is 3K scrub advice btw

                                                            Jay Ashborne

                                                              @ Steror / Kappa

                                                              Yeahhhh been a minute since we had something quality from me Keepo


                                                                K imma try grinding mmr now, see if what u say is real, cos were on the saym mmr.

                                                                stand up nigga$ dont lean

                                                                  I know how you feel zelda , but guess what? those games are gonna happen. I've raged before and started saying "GG" ten mins in before and I've realized it does nothing!! as everybody else has said on here : you have to worry about improving yourself bfore you can worry about your teammates. If you were so good you'd have a much better xpm and gpm even if you were playing shorthanded.


                                                                    All of those links have - in the ending which makes links not work..


                                                                      normal skill , seems ez but idk


                                                                        Omniknight is broken!


                                                                        Tiny Airlines

                                                                          WangDong- I know, it's just frustrating when I have a bunch of losses - makes me frustrated.


                                                                            are you taking in any of the advice that people are telling you?

                                                                            i don't see how it's your teammates fault that you're 1k mmr

                                                                            Jay Ashborne

                                                                              Melody used to be this way til Sampson and other db forum regs drove it through his skull. This reaction is pretty common I think lol

                                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                                I am the truth

                                                                                Tiny Airlines

                                                                                  Good lord I keep going! I just lost another ranked game and now it's 1159 mmr.

                                                                                  I can't take it anymore - fucking give me a win or I'll consider cheating! I'm taking a break from this game for a week - this is just too much and with the amount of shit I'm going through I just can't stand it anymore.

                                                                                  Dota 2 has just gotten so irritating to play - like no matter what. I'm falling apart here, I got a brother who's suffering mononuclleosis, and a mom that always gets nausea from stupid allergies! How else am I gonna enjoy the game when I got all these problems?!

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                                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                                    Just pick jugg it is extremely hard to lose with this hero

                                                                                    Tiny Airlines

                                                                                      Dota 2 needs a development team that actually watches the win rates and trends of the game. Every 2 weeks they do a balance check and update the game - it's that simple.

                                                                                      And last game I played, my team made me go Silencer support - how the hell do I support with a silencer? I'm going insane!


                                                                                        I'm starting to think you're a troll

                                                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                                                          Tiny Airlines

                                                                                            No I'm not trolling - I enjoy dota 2, but when times like this occur I get so angry and have no idea what to do.


                                                                                              silencer is a support wtf is your problem! max that shit that silences (300 nuke dmg?) and get 1 in glaives and ez, spam that shit and you hit hard too!!! you get nice rewards for kills too!

                                                                                              Jay Ashborne


                                                                                                This was back before mmr was even a thing and we were using pubstats to find bracket. Long story short, i am on enigma, safelaner asked for sents cuz pull was warded., i said that is a 4-5 role job and that I have other priorities to focus because im 3 role. I was wrong. End of story.

                                                                                                And hey look... I'm out of your bracket now... figure...

                                                                                                You are literally ignoring advice from players like me, a full 3000 MMR over you... Benao is a full 1000 MMR over myself... Why are you not able to accept you could be wrong dude... Everyone that posted in this thread has had more success with ranked pubs, shouldnt that make their opinion more stable and trustable?

                                                                                                I don't get it dude... drop your "better than thou" attitude, you'll improve.

                                                                                                Tiny Airlines

                                                                                                  Melody: The reason why I have that attitude is because I don't appreciate losing or ending up getting so frustrated...

                                                                                                  I really think I'm on tilt or something. I don't usually have streaks like this, and tilt is easily the reason why. I can't concentrate very well anymore and there is just too much frustration going on with me in the real world as well.

                                                                                                  Should I not play for a few days or something? If I queue again I'll easily get another loss while I'm like this.


                                                                                                    you could either:

                                                                                                    take a week or so break. go outside and do social human-like things
                                                                                                    play like you don't give a shit and see what happens