General Discussion

General DiscussionGuide to getting to the toplist.

Guide to getting to the toplist. in General Discussion
bum farto

    1. Someone random adds you from dotabuff, asks to play.
    2. He's in a party of 4 so what can it hurt to do just one game.
    3. Go offlane Axe because hey it's your most played.
    4. Stomp living shit out of the game then begin to realize it may be very low skill
    5. Go from 130th to 500th, and diamond 9 to diamond 1 in a single game.
    6. Don't actually get to the toplist.
    7. Make post on dotabuff
    8. Inb4 "who cares about the toplist"
    9. Staff won't change anything and the toplist continues to discourage playing with friends.
    10. Repeat.

    waku waku

      it's fine if you get too high other people will start trying to get other people to report you as you're an obstacle to getting top 1 for them
      so why care about it when you can just quietly live your life and play pudge with your 700 mmr friends wherever you want


        whats toplist ?


          the solution is so fucking simple, just make it so you can't lose points after a win...


            the algorithm can't detect your intention and atm it's treated like:
            playing with lower ranked friends = trying to inflate ranking/abuse etc.

            so you get fucked regardless of if it's just one instance of stacking with lower ranked buds and not a series of games.

            whiskey waters

              9. Staff won't change anything and the toplist continues to discourage playing with friends.


                hey look, it's this thread again.

                hi thread.


                  Thread: Hi xan!


                    What happened? Normal skill happened!


                      I knew it

                      havoc is a normal bracket scrub

                      bum farto

                        So does this mean I am uninvited to the BR stack :( but seriously there only options to this are...

                        1. Turn of match sharing when stacking with friends who are in a different brackets (but even then I have lost rating in VHS games)
                        2. Play heroes you can't play or don't like because any you frequently play will get the chop


                          then stop picking axe when you party with people you don't know? is that so hard?

                          that was easy..

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                          bum farto

                            Why would I not play heroes that I frequently play/like/are good, doesn't matter stacking or solo.


                     you know how the rankings work. You then go ahead and pick axe even though you know you could be playing in a low skill game, and then you come on here and complain. Doesn't that seem a little bit weird to you? Leave axe for your solo games and pick one of the other 100+ heroes in the game when you queue with people you don't know.

                              you only play axe in 5% of your games..not picking him when playing with randoms isn't going to restrict you from playing him as much as you currently do

                              this is like a kid who knows that a knife edge is sharp, intentionally cuts himself and then complains about the edge being sharp..

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                              bum farto

                                A lot of the people I queue with have hidden profiles or are invites made by a person I don't know and as stated in the original post I don't actually know/care about the skill level of the game till I am in the middle of it. I am also not, not going to pick a hero that is viable against opponents and very strong currently.

                                I don't just play any of the heroes and some of them I am not very good at playing, I will pick heroes I like and heroes that are viable. The issue is not that I consistently play with lower tier players as Axe the issue is I play ONE game as Axe in a low tier and it drops by monumental amounts whereas getting back to where it was is a shit ton slower.

                                Again to reinstate...the issue is not consistently picking and playing a hero in lower tiers as obviously your suggested solution is both obvious, and advisable, the issue is you will play a single game where you will receive a MASSIVE deduction to your rating/


                                  Havoc you're always welcome to play with us in our magnificent server with the highest IQ average player

                                  (still better than us east connection quality)

                                  bum farto

                                    ^ you just have to invite me :) I get about 150 ping so its playable I forget if it was BR or SA server.


                                      BR = SA server lol unless you mean the new peru/chile servers (never bothered to try them out) but yeah sure let's play someday


                                        u wanna play with me?


                                          hmm lemme see
                                          Earth picker

                                          Sure why not


                                            yeah when you get an invite from a guy with private profile and 5k hours in dota you don't expect him to be 2k mmr.
                                            but sometimes they are


                                              Havoc you have to teach me Axe -.-


                                                ynit look what i found
                                                edit: kappa

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                                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                                  ^ What about it?
                                                  How long did you look?


                                                    LMFAO whos that fanboy


                                                      When do you go for Euls? I don't really see why you'd go for it, except maybe countering silences but then Manta is better

                                                      THICC BABY SHUM

                                                        rofl, I looked at ur acc and this guy, and I like hes 420 blaze it kda better xaxaxaxax

                                                        EDIT: can anyone shit on this?

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                                                          Hey YNIT if you are playing mid you should play a different role than if you're playing safelane. If farming you can go for the aghs, but midlane is all about killing the enemy heroes as Tiny. That's why you go for blink or MoM. Just my 2 cents, they're free

                                                          THICC BABY SHUM

                                                            My build changes a lot, I pick off items from situational items, sometimes I go blink, sometimes I feel like I need to just do nothing but farm looking at the way game is rolling, sometimes rat. Every time I get drums on tiny I feel like monstar just gives too much, blink is good vs drow sniper, wd, helps rat easier, and sometimes to start team fight 5 v 4. Shadow blade sometimes also good, as tony likes to attack. Safe lane I super rarely go botl, that is mid lane tiny build, I havent been ever asked to make tiny safe lane build, so I never made it. Also quiling blade, Found that item to be 200 gold midas rlly good, if your team makes lots of space and ur hardest carry on map.