General Discussion

General DiscussionTY Valve

TY Valve in General Discussion

    I'd like to show my appreciation to Valve for many things

    Thank you for pairing me with retards so it takes a year and almost 1000 ranked games to climb from 4600 to ~5500 MMR

    Thank you for placing this account in hidden pool so the other team's 4ks instantly pick broken heroes while mine picks medusa (while still being utter shit)

    Thank you for your trash report system so that flamers get sent into LPQ but not actual gameruiners (people who can't click creeps, instalock cores but have 0 map awareness, build absurd items, etc. are all non-bannable or even warnable offenses)

    Thank you for focusing the bulk of your attention/developments on cosmetics and "remodels" and not fixing bugs/server issues

    Thank you for putting the 5k Peruvians (which is like 4k in America) on my team

    10/10 Great Game Valve

    HOpe the devs choke on a FUCKING DICK

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      What is "hidden pool"?


        ^Speculation, IMHO.


          Says "I'm 5.2k"

          Endscreen shows 4.6k MMR

          His ranked win rate is 43% so I'm betting his real MMR is like 4.2k (cuz he lost as drow vs necro safelane and was pinging me, a jungling Juggernaut, to go gank the necro when I'm like level 3, which was a huge red flag cuz nobody who's 5k+ should be asking for ganks that early especially against a relatively easy lane)

          Thanks once again for putting account buyers and other subhuman filth on my team u fucking trash shits at Valve

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            Who has more than one "star" rating anyway?


              well, who knows it might be true but still you can't see your average 'star rating' and you can't possibly know if it affects who you are being matched with or not.

              the dev quote
              "We are making some improvements to matchmaking to put players with similar play styles together. For example, players who repeatedly abandon games before they begin, or intentionally throw the match. We want to make sure these sorts of players can more easily find each other, to increase everybody's enjoyment of the game"


                I'm 5330 mmr on my main, with most of my games having at least 2 competent players on each team

                I'm 4700 on this account and I rape my lanes even harder (cuz I'm going up against 4k's) and yet my 4ks still manage to lose their lanes or fuck up somehow (get picked off by smoke ganks 50 min in despite me telling them that they're smoked, no buyback, shit item choices, etc.)

                I don't think it takes a lot of intelligence to figure out why this is the case

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                  this fucking shit with rating, but i still dont get it, am i 5 star or 1 star???
                  i get omni who dies 3 times in 4 minutes to axe and abandons saying jugger is noob (jugger didn't do anything wrong).
                  and i also get a cool dude mid who knows how his spell works, has nice farm and is being supportive and shit.

                  if this is a thing, then you should be able to see it, to know how bad you are rated and maybe work with that.


                    I'm gonna get 6k sometime in 2015 and I can guarantee you my opinion of the MMR system wont change

                    I've seen some really bad 6k players, and these cases make you wonder how they got there in the first place. Of course I'm not saying 6k isn't a notable feat - most people seem to deserve it but every bracket has its share of shitters and they seem to wind up on my team more often (at least on this account, the other one is OK but I'm not sure for how much longer)

                    Ugh, just thinking about it gives me an aneurysm

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                    the realm's delight

                      posting here has no use, valve only checks the 3k mmr autistic reddit threads. hidden pool does exist and its fucking retarded. Yesterday i got 16 lp for the 3rd time in 1 week

                      ty valve amazing game


                        Smurfs should be banned, it's because of players like OP, MM is broken (account buyers, system giving too high mmr compared to skill etc.). I hate smurfs. Do u know that when ur 5.5k & smurfing at 4.8k u're making games imbalanced?

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                          rofl are u fucking serious

                          i have hundreds of ranked matches on this account, i climbed to almost 5.5k on the other one and didn't bother to play solo ranked on this one nearly as much because i heavily dislike playing in the 4800-5000 range. lots of 5k players have alternate accounts in the 4k range either because they calibrated there a long time ago or enjoy playing less stressful matches every now and then

                          do u even understand what a smurf is?

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                            ^he meant to say that a 5.5k guy playing on 4k account with all allies and enemy 4k is kinda imbalanced and is an uneven game.


                              and? i should not be allowed to play on my other accts? what about 6k+ people who start new accounts and calibrate at 5k (cuz that's where calibration mmr is capped)? they should not be allowed to play as well?

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                                dude, first of all its way lower than 5k now, and 2nd, can you read what you just said?
                                mmr should define your skill, or at least show your approximate ability to win in a solo ranked match.
                                so if a 5.5k plays on 4.5k account, and a 3.5k plays on a 4.5k account and they end up on the same team, its normal for you?????


                                  Tbh I don't believe that link. I was put on the same team as wave and I have never been in low priority etc.


                                    i'm scratching my head wondering how you equate an account buyer (3.5k on 4.5k account) with someone whose account is 4.7k while he CLIMBED ON HIS OWN to 5.4k+ on another account, and then chooses to play some games at 4.7k for various reasons


                                      "Thank you for putting the 5k Peruvians (which is like 4k in America) on my team"

                                      In us east I get dual lanes and razors that buy mask of madness with 50 last hits at 30 mins. I'll just stick to SA, it's harder, but you don't get shit like that.


                                        you dont get the definition of unbalanced?
                                        a account buyer is a liability to your team making it an unbalanced game, and a 5k on a 4k account also makes the game unbalanced,
                                        giving your team a big advantage.
                                        i hope you get the point after 3 comments, im not even trying to start drama, dude.


                                          I can't say that for sure though since I know wave has like 40 accounts. :horse:


                                            ^ ROFL


                                              Guys, some of you are obviously stupid (report me if you recognized yourself in it).

                                              This hidden pool DOES exist - no doubt about it, it's a fact. I experienced it on my main account in one of the most shittiest Dota 2 experieces i've ever had. I hardly abbandon any game (0% abbandons on my main), never ever feed intentionally, always do my best to win the game, BUT i sometimes flame a lot. I have my reasons for it if i see my team beiing completely fuckin useless and way below the skill they should be according to their rating.

                                              Is this my fault? Hell fuckin no. It's the Matchmaking's fault they pair me with players that should play at completely different level. If u are really unlucky u tend to have few of those games in a row, ofc you flame some in order to help them do their shit correctly, but they obviously dont like that. So you get reported for trying to win the game, evaluated with low stars and quite quickly u realize, you are paired with complete utter garbage players every single game. THAT'S the hidden pool some descent players already experienced and it is real.

                                              How to get out of it? I have no clue. Maybe mute whole team, never ping or say anything and act like you're a plant as communication goes. In aspect of the play - play like a Hulk and rape whole map by yourself. Maybe then you got some chance to get into normal que.


                                                ^looks like axe/troll/jugger strat


                                                  Are there any pills to decrease self-esteem? Vaccine? Something must be done, because it looks like epidemic already. =)