General Discussion

General Discussion@Great Cornholio, show us your main account MMR!

@Great Cornholio, show us your main account MMR! in General Discussion


    I'm waiting for @Great Shitposter to show us screenshot of his main 6k MMR account. Thanks for cooperation - hopefully. If you don't post it, you have no right to call out anyone on their performance, you freakin scrub. Come at us, bro. Give us some proof of your superiority, or shut the fuck up. Thank you!

    And I'd love if you stop offending other people, it only shows how childish you are.


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      I honestly don't care. Blunts not 6k. He's not even 5k.

      Posting just for #Support.


        i'm bad player :(



          I'm 3k but at least I'm not smurfing around and sayin' I got 6k main acc.


            when a meepo shitter challenges a meepo shitter.

            News at 11.

            P.S. - I wish i was a good meepo shitter.

            P.P.S - that square monitor wtf.

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            Giff me Wingman

              @Shred: Nice lossrate you fuck, even 3k shitnaps crush you hard. If you would make a smurf that shit would be beyond pathethic.

              When a normal skill player posts shit because he can't post anything productive because he is 2 shitty with his insanely low ass knowledge.

              News at 11.

              Shut your 3k trashmouth. You did admit that you didn't deserve 5k, so go cry me a river fucktard. Also what fuckign good would posting a screenshot do? You would only claim it's not my account you braindead fool.

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              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                You know flaming won't help this situation. You may be 6k or not and I don't really care, but you really need to fix your attitude.

                Giff me Wingman

                  This is the funny part, Sam being one of very few people who actually have a brain as it seems. What good does it to you retards if i am 1k or 7k? The result is the same, i'm a flaming asshole.


                    Only on the internet though, irl you don't say much

                    Giff me Wingman

                      This is the fun part, i'm exacly like this in real life. An asshole. Unlike little DD who is getting abused by his classmates and has a very troublesome puberty, i actually am pretty much a guy who talks a lot and does a lot.

                      I was with DD on teamspeak and BOY, this little kid is so quiet he really doesn't say shit. Vroksnack is the exact same, he shittalks a lot when it comes to forums and has a big ass mouth, but when i met him on Teamspeak he got insanely quiet while i trolled him.


                        Stop having convulsions @Great Shitposter, your words are meaningless, as you refuse to show your 6k mmr superiority.

                        From now on we have proof that you either have no "main account" or its so low mmr that it would make your statements and accuses irrelevant immediately.

                        You can still come back to this thread in the future and show us your 6k mmr, but until then stop with your offending posts. You seem to act like a little baby who can't even walk and tries to teach others how to fly.

                        King of Low Prio


                          Giff me Wingman

                            If i give you a screenshot with my 6k acc, then you will never write to me again and accept that you are inferior fucking being that needs to stay silent because you are utter shit?

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                              am i inferior to you? well, if you show us your 6k mmr then sure, obviously youre better than me. but since right now we only know that you are 3500 mmr, you have no right to speak down on other people. i dont need to stay silent since as i said mmr is relative, i see no problem of you (3500 mmr player) commenting on 2k mmr games. but stay away with your comments about 3k+ brackets until you come up with screenshot of your 6k superiority.

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                              Giff me Wingman

                                Then you are wasting my time. Unless you agree to my terms which i posted above u don't get shit.

                                deal with with 3k trashcan.

                                Recap for dravic 3k trashcan:
                                If i post screen from my main wiht 6k mmr solo i can flame you every time i want to and point out why you are fucking garbage without you being able to ever respond to my flame, because you are inferior trash.

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                                    @Great Shitposter

                                    I recommend you go see a doctor, you might have problem with your eyes. Look at the opening post again. Since i am not a pu**y (unlike you) i posted screenshot of my main account's MMR as well as dota 2 toplist history of how my MMR changed from 2400 mmr to 5300 over last 10 months.

                                    Get on my level, kid. Post your main account MMR screenshot or just hide in your shadow lair of Shitposter.

                                    Giff me Wingman


                                      You know yourself you don't deserve 5k you even said that yourself you fuck. You are nothing but trash that can't even win in 3k bracket without meepo you fuck. I told you what you need to do in order to get a screenshot from me, unless you agree you get shit.

                                      Deal with it 3k trash.


                                        the funny part is i have been very high and normal just like you have. I'm ok with that personally, but you seem extremely insecure and defensive.

                                        Its like you think we all forgot your mmr fluctuations. As if calling people "3k trash" means you are somehow erasing your own past (and main account).

                                        You can play meepo. Grats. The issue is you are being a dick, and it is particularly hypocritical given how many games you spent in 3k.

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                                        Giff me Wingman

                                          Exacly you have been very high bracket with stacking. GTFO of this thread trashcan.


                                            Rofl, Concede talking while being in normal skill bracket with more then half or ranked games :D Go somewhere else reddit fanboy.


                                              Shut your mouth you pu**y. Give us screenshot of your 6k mmr. you already proved youre not even 4k on your main account because you refuse to prove it, therefore you have no right to call anyone a "trashcan".


                                                rofl. I have never stacked. I still have TBD as party ranked. I've played maybe 20 party games on this account in normal, and I played 1 ranked part game. I am still very high in normal and I tilted and dropped in ranked.

                                                Regardless, it doesn't change the fact that you are being a douche, a hypocrite, and at best you are bored and feel like arguing with people.

                                                @2k trashes in my team - In fact i'm doing the exact opposite of that.

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                                                Giff me Wingman

                                                  if u had been so sure that i am not 6k u had agreed, but you do seem to realize that i am 6k. So SHUT YOUR MOUTH 3K TRASHCAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNN

                                                  Unless you agree you should stay in your emo corner and keep crying you fgt.

                                                  Jay Ashborne

                                                    For once not a thread with my name in it.


                                                      im selling 1 lvl 10 vrh bracket account for 4 keys, who wants.



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                                                            actually vrok is pretty nice to be around with in voice

                                                            Giff me Wingman

                                                              maybe, but he is rather quiet to people he doesn't know. He's a shy person in real life.


                                                                oh my guard so many butthurt kids

                                                                i started reading this shit 5 mins ago and already out of popcorns


                                                                  hey guys may i participate in this shittalk too?
                                                                  why do u care that much 'bout whether this guy is actually 6k or not? him being pri in doto doesnt influence his personality and the way he can behave here cz it is fucking internet, lel. it is maid by trolls for trolls in order to let them troll, thats it.


                                                                    I'm a nerd who's bad at dota and is shy irl. S A D B O Y


                                                                      no one would care about whether he is 6k or not if he just didnt flame people for being lower than 6k.

                                                                      also vroksnak shy :laugh:


                                                                        but whats bad in being below 6k? im 5 and if I did something more useful instead of climbing 4->5 irl, it would have been much better. talking bout 6k, its even worse, as far as i see it.

                                                                        btw game should be fun and not senseless pursue of rank


                                                                          TripleSteal- have you seen how much flame Cornholio shares with us?


                                                                            i would bet my ballless (wow, triple l) cat's virginity he's trolling


                                                                              omg so funny calling everyone retarded piece of unbelievable shit for being 4k (!) MMR.

                                                                              offending people is not trolling, its not funny, its not comedy. its being a dick to people which should be punished long time ago by dotabuff admins but for some reasons he is condoned by staff of dotabuff, maybe he's a friend with some admins i dont know.

                                                                              this great shitposter is a reason why this forum is so fuckin shitty, every thread that is not whining about teammates is immediately encountered and overtaken by the Great Shitposter who will then proceed to flame everyone for not being 8K MMR.

                                                                              He calls 5k MMR players trash which obviously annoys some people, some people dont care about it, but when someone calls me out like this and goes unpunished:

                                                                              "If i post screen from my main wiht 6k mmr solo i can flame you every time i want to and point out why you are fucking garbage without you being able to ever respond to my flame, because you are inferior trash."

                                                                              when he posts off his smurf account and refuses to prove he's not 3k mmr himself...

                                                                              I dont understand why is dotabuff staff allowing this guy overtake forums and doesnt ban him yet.

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                                                                                if everyone being a dick in real life was be punished, then ill certainly be in jail for the rest of my life and even further. and if u didnt take this guy that srsly, it would be much better for you. most ppl do not give a fuck, join us.

                                                                                btw as 5k playa myself i can say 5k is trash. 6k as well. all pub doto is trash, but still funny.

                                                                                saving private RTZ

                                                                                  If he post a SS of his 6k mmr I will post my mmr( I'm a 3.9k mmr scrub:( too bad) and I will agree he is superior than us all


                                                                                    dravic u sound like butthurt fucktard

                                                                                    Giff me Wingman

                                                                                      Dravic has a very tiny brain. Offending people IS comedy. Most comedy consists about other peoples misery, a dumbfuck like you doesn't even understand that. Watch your comedy shows and watch what is happenng and what jokes they are telling you fucktard.

                                                                                      People like me are the reason why this forum is not dead yet. We are the active elitiest that flame shit for brains like you. We are the entertainment.

                                                                                      I call YOU trash because you have a rating you don't deserve and you know & admited it yourself. So shut your 3k trashmouth.

                                                                                      Everyone knows that i am at least 5k mmr because they watched my stream. There are only little braindead idiots like yourself who are just claiming shit left and right. You are not even sure that i am not 6k otherwise you would have agreed to my terms you shitfuck.


                                                                                        Still no screenshots therefore your opinion is IN FUCKIN VALID


                                                                                          so acording to u mmr gives u to have opinion wow ur smart one


                                                                                            anyone wants to play to help me increase winrate?

                                                                                            Giff me Wingman

                                                                                              Dravic is a bit slow. Let him process....


                                                                                                hh this guy :)
                                                                                                if u were even close to 6k you would have shown it at least 10 thousand times already, the need to proove ppl they are shit compared to you is just too strong.

                                                                                                #3k scrub


                                                                                                  You didn't show up on dotabuff after the coincidence showing your 3,5k mainaccount whereas you turned match sharing off.

                                                                                                  Then after 8 months you came back with a stream that showed you were 5023 mmr.
                                                                                                  Wow, you used 8months to climb back to 5023 mmr from 3500 mmr?

                                                                                                  This is actually so funny. Everybody knows he's not 6k, and he know we know he isn't 6k, but he is taking advantage of that by making us look like fucking retards. Wait, probably we are fucking retards.

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                                                                                                    k wa ` if you want to increase ur win rate go stack with vroksnak


                                                                                                      I dont know if he's 6k or not, but he's definitely 5k judged from the way he plays. I suggest 1 vs 1 mid vs every 5k+ player in this topic, dont forget to bring your popcorn boys :)


                                                                                                        I dont have time, besides he claimed he's 6k, i am not going to accept a 5k mmr player who shitposts all the time and calls 4k mmr players who enjoy the game in their free time "Retarded trashcans". 5k is trash as well so if he's just 5k then he has no right to speak like THAT to people.

                                                                                                        but if he's on leaderboards with 6k mmr then fair game!