General Discussion

General Discussionroaming/support mirana

roaming/support mirana in General Discussion

    I am interested in playing support mirana, but I don't know the general strategy...should I hang out mid, or try and lane support a carry, or roam from lane to lane? What item builds are good on her? Should I get a bottle even as a hard support?

    Also i have heard you can use sacred arrow to farm creep camps from certain lanes, but I don't know the specifics.

    Thanks for the help


      land the arrow

      Jay Ashborne

        Hiiiiiiii edict.


          You literally just land the arrow.

          Bottle > Boots > anything depending on how your game is going depending on how many arrows you landed.


            melody i thought you were dead

            Jay Ashborne

              I am dead. On this account at least. I'll hit you up on my alt with an add in the next hour or so.


                Try to shoot from the back, it's a lot more difficult to dodge.

                Understand whether landing the arrow will lead to a kill (some heroes aren't able to follow through until a certain level).

                Pick the easiest lane to gank, why choose a centaur/TA when you can go for a sniper etc etc.

                Have a back up plan, your arrows might not always hit, you can scout for the courier/junglenub or leech some exp from offlane.

                Help buy wards, it benefits your team AND yourself.

                Time it so you force people to either give up last hitting the creep or risk getting an arrow in the face.

                Cut their paths off, don't shoot straight arrows.

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