General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestion about skill bracket?

Question about skill bracket? in General Discussion

    Hey guys I've been playing dots for almost a year. I first started playing on my bro's account and then decided to create one for myself. And I have done well for most of the games. I've got good winrate. My question is why am I still in normal skill bracket? Do I deserve to be at least in high skill bracket? I see some of my friends who make smurf and get vhs bracket just from their 1st game itself. Can someone explain me why is that?


      U guys can check my games. I can play some heroes very well especially slark. But I know I need to improve a lot. I still suck with some heroes though.


        "very well" :')


          Look if you keep winnin you will definitely move up to high. Just be patient lol.


            The smurf detection is based on a lot of statistics. If your friends are from vhs, they likely farm well, fight well and know when to take objectives and such... This would be reflected on their LH, HD, HH, TD, KDA etc.

            Looking at your first couple of matches.

            20.8k Net Worth as an AM in 40 minutes is not vhs, and unlikely to be hs... it's decidedly average, and thus ~2250 MMR (normal bracket.) Especially when coupled with your lowest HD in the team that game.

            Your second game was definately much better.

            Since he commented... here is Benao's Jugg game with a similar end time and similar impact (kda anyway) in vhs:

            The next game was a Slark game with all around low stats (12k networth at the end of a 40 odd minute game, not one hero on your team has 500 tower damage)

            Trust me, I'm not trying to put you down (I'm a normal skiller myself)... but your stats don't scream hs or vhs to me.... they look very similar to my own... Hence I would say you should be in normal, and look to improve.