General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat's with normal skill people outright refusing to farm, or disrupt...

What's with normal skill people outright refusing to farm, or disrupting the enemy carry's farm? in General Discussion

    Like, I can end up getting like 200 CS at the end of a match and still end up irrelevant as fuck cause Bristleback refused to farm until it was too late and the enemy can have a Sven running around 1v5'ing without a care in the world cause no one stopped him or tried to out-farm him.

    Why is this bad habit so common in the normal skill bracket?


      its life now enjoy game or kill urself


        I can't enjoy the game when I have dunce teammates who think you shouldn't be farming after the laning phase and should immediately pushing as hard as possible.


          well im fromn quebec canada but i have some shit from british



            after u saw the first 10 minutes you feel better on ur life whatver happening


              A lot of people in the lower skill brackets (I'd say 3k+ and below) like to fight instead of farming. If you're the carry, I suggest being very choosy about the fights you go into. I've been listening a lot to aui's replay analysis trying to get advice and I'd say it has helped me a lot (by farming more efficiently, making space for team etc).

              Chances are your enemy team is also doing the same thing (taking fights they shouldn't). So, you could punish that by pushing lanes and towers and then tping into the fight to clean up or when you have an advantage in the fight.

              Also, watch top carries and how they find their farm and itemize. You'll learn a lot. If your item build is different from theirs, you are most likely wrong (compare it to their level and experience), so think about that too.


                The problem was my team literally had no killing potential in the fights without me, cause they again, refused to farm and get items. I couldn't split push then come back and clean up, because there'd be nothing to clean up at all. The problem is people fighting and feeding instead of farming and playing it smart. It's such a headache...


                  holy shit i have tobe up in 8 hour for my benevolat ( free helping losing people) well im ou pce guys i know yall miss me!! BUT ILL BE BAQCKKK no wrories


                    When my team is feeding and fighting, I just play the farm and split push game. It doesn't matter if your team has no killing potential because even if you go in the fight, you'll probably die. The best way you can help your team is by farming a lot more than your opponent.

                    Also, improve on your farming pattern and farm with a purpose (meaning that you should accomplish another objective while farming such as pushing lanes your team can't farm so they can get farm and xp). Your last hits per minute is pretty low.

                    Just look at it this way, you have a lot to improve on. So, even though your team is actually stupid, there were things you could have done that could have turned the match more in your favor.

                    Just try and start looking at better players and see where this goes.


                      I'm aware there is more to improve on, but it doesn't excuse that a team of 4 dregs like this is something no amount of farming could have fixed. And that it should be common sense to be farming more.


                        Look at it this way. There is nothing in your power that can change that. The only thing you can change is the way you play.

                        By the looks of your stats, you're really lacking in the farming department despite saying that your team mates suck at farming. So there's something that you should always work on.

                        casual gamer

                          yeah if your teammates are constantly fighting instead of farming you have a ton of space to split push and soak up all the extra creeps that aren't being taken.

                          i honestly have more trouble with a jungle NP who just uselessly sucks up farm and leaves me having to take risks just to get minimum acceptable gpm


                            I've tried split pushing, my team being trash in fights, posing no threat, and not farming leaves them to come after me without worrying about losing a lane.


                              What i love about 3k peeps is they say "omg my team wont do x , they wont farm they wont push they dont take objective" while they do the same AND there enemy do the same


                                That would apply if I farmed as little as them.

                                saving private RTZ

                                  Fuck them, fuck alliez, fuck enemies. If you see your team is full of bastards just keep on farming. I had a game, with jugger, I got killed like 3 times in 5 minutes (well ya, it was my bad too). Their QoP got a 13min bottle, orchid, treads which is pretty significant. Stil, I kept farming, pushing safe lane, clearing camps and ancints and I just outleveled and outfarmed the enemy. True, they started overextending, giving drow on my team some farm so he could catchup a bit, but I think was the gamebreaking factor, as at some point I was 4-5 levels ahead everyone on my team or theirs.

                                  As pilot said, even if you lose the game, sometimes it's good just to keep farming and pushing

                                  Still I was jugg, hard to lose with :P

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                                  kvasius # KSVM

                                    A little explaining.
                                    On our skill bracket (normal skill) players need a adequate combine of fights/pushes and farming.
                                    Most of normal skill playerbase prefers to farm like 15-20 min, then teamfight and push, get a snowball effect and get items (with exception of some ultra-late carries like AM and Void)
                                    Optimal is at least 30 min of adequate farming (with exception of some semi-carries). You can join 1 or 2 teamfights here and there, but better to get your TP/blink/sb/any other escape ready, cuz dying you will lose too much. I think that ~10-11k networth is enough for first 25 mins. (And dont say that its low, remember, what skill bracket it is). Then its better to farm some expensive things and win doto.

                                    Wanted to just answer, but than all of that text poured out of me. =P

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                                      Jug is so easy to powerfarm and outlevel the enemy its not even funny. I've done if a couple of times recently but the one windrunner game was beyond my control. Team fed her so hard throughout the game.

                                      saving private RTZ

                                        Ya, jugg troll, too ez to farm, high kill potential throughout the game, jugg even from lvl6 with just MoM+omni
                                        Anyway, if you are the carry, if there is a fight you know you are gonna lose go farm, put pressure on towers, take down them. At 3k they will probably not even notice it

                                        ^bts voltage, that game was winnable. Stop getting aghanim if you are the 1st position. A butterfly there might help you, though I bet windranger would be able to get a mkb but still, much better than agha

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                                          ^I would suggest not aghs or bf, but sb as 6th slot.
                                          although ofc butter > aghs


                                            I'd rather my team get trashed in fights with me taking a tower than all 5 of us getting trashed and the whole team not getting any objectives done. From the way you are stating the situation, the game has already gone out of control and your farm has to be significantly greater than theirs for your team to be able to win the fight. Make space for your team earlier so that your opponent is already at a disadvantage when they take a fight (losing 2 towers already vs them taking 1 tower and team fight).

                                            Nothing good can come from joining a disadvantaged fight.

                                            Also, in game, just keep encouraging your team mates in chat. Tell them when you plan to get objectives and ask them to hold/farm/don't initiate the fight. If they don't listen, then whatever, just continue doing what you think is best.

                                            As I have said, go watch high leveled players. Think of their decision making and what made them do a certain action in a certain give time.

                                            (any high leveled player is welcome to contest my claims/advice as my experience mostly lies in the support role)


                                              That's the thing, making space literally does nothing though Pilot, they refused to farm with the space created.


                                                You're stacking too many things against yourself. We get it, your team sucks.

                                                The space you make for them is also made for yourself because this creates for areas for you to farm. Just focus on improving because once you improve, you will win the game despite having shitty teammates.

                                                He's Panicking

                                                  Pilot is right, you have no power or influence on your allies, all you can do is try perform to the best of your abilities, my second last game was an AM game where we struggled in the laning phase but I knew that if I could just get through that without dying too much I would pick up my farm later, I had to go vlads first then battlefury to farm jungle as lanes were just a complete nightmare. Once the laning stage ended I farmed lane/Jungle and ancients for a solid 10 minutes to catch up and just tolkd my teammies to defend deep and try not get picked off. This gave me space to take Tier 1 safe and half of tier 2 and forced the rotation which let the team move around a bit more freely.

                                                  Point is they let me farm for 10 minutes and if you check my CS, I made them pay. As soon as I joined team we won 2 team fights and that was GG as I was so far ahead. Carry means to carry your team on your shoulders, they eat the sh*t so that you can take them over the line, Sometimes its not enough and maybe that was the case with your game. Items do make a big difference and farming fast is a skill in this game. Hopefully next one goes better for you


                                                    And what if the team refuses to sit back and turtle and come out going full-retard and say; "The time to farm is long gone" or "You shouldn't even be farming" anymore?

                                                    Cause that's generally what I'm stuck dealing with alot of the time. I'm wondering what to do about people who are blatantly wrong 100% around and won't even take the good advice. :T


                                                      Then mute them. Just don't bother with them if you KNOW they are wrong. (the key word here is know). If you know that what you are doing will help you win the game in the long run then just do it. Fighting into a farmed enemy team when you and your team is not ready is just stupid.

                                                      If they want to fight so badly, just encourage them to gank and make pick offs. If they can't (because the enemy goes as 5 all the time), then you will eventually win the farm war by yourself.

                                                      Basically, it's good to inform the team of what you are doing, but if they choose to do retarded things, just don't follow because that doesn't make you any different from them.

                                                      In my last juggernaut game, the enemy was ahead in XP for about 20+ minutes. If I had fought in all of those 20 minutes instead of trying to split push, farm, and force some tps back, then we probably would have lost the game. Take the advantages you know you have and make good use of it.

                                                      He's Panicking

                                                        Mute them, its as easy as that. There is a fine line between and over farming knowing when its go time, sometimes its crucial. At our skill level however you can get away more with over farming. The way I see it on most heroes you will need a core item or 2 to be really effective, without them you offer very little (eg: AM Treads, Battlefury, Manta). Sometimes its earlier like a void, Sniper, jugg can start fighting with just tread/Phase and a mom. On PL my go time is treads, Aquila, diffusal.

                                                        Think its about knowing when your hero comes online in a way that can turn fights or get pick offs. People dont like dying or getting forced into corners where their options are limited so they will rage on you as they are struggling. What they dont realize is that you are trying to get into a position to make their lives easier. What I say when I am not carrying and find myself in that position is (hey Carry Ive checked your items, could you maybe help us out a little here). Most of the time it works, sometimes it doesnt and then all you can do is hope for the best, some people will be stubbourn and will be convinced they can win 1v5, they are the worst kind and hardly ever win. If people are shit talking you, mute them, get what you need and then join in. The joy of pubs friend

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                                                          that's why you play spec, if you get pinged for afk-farming just say "Haunt > Ready" and let them do their little hero arena sh*t in mid


                                                            The reason people don't farm in normal is because when you try to go farm your team will ping and try to report you for not joining them in throwing their skulls into the enemy deathball lineup when they're often better off split pushing.


                                                              So ignore morons and do what I want to get greedy items, seems more legit than doing what they want atleast.

                                                              kvasius # KSVM

                                                                Got two games in a row, where people on my team was "Oh, I'm lvl6, im invincible naw" on 8th minute, then went and feeded enemies A LOT. Then, when I realized what was going on... Shit happens. ;(


                                                                  I need advice on how to split push and farm efficiently. I know to ignore my team mates, I know to NOT sit mid during those stand offs and instead TP in if they decide to actually push. What I don't know is how to split push effectively or farm efficiently. Even when I do get massive space from my team mates and get absolute free farm I still have never gotten more than 900 GPM, even on hero's like TB, Luna, Dusa.

                                                                  I played this game as Lycan, where I get a massive lead, I have both side lanes pushed in, but every time I go for towers I get 2-5 of the enemy coming at me. I feel like any 4K+ player with the lead I had would have gotten rax at like 20 minutes, whereas I have no idea why I am having trouble just taking their tier 2's/3's.

                                                                  Its so frustrating, because I have no idea what I am doing so horribly wrong and I feel like split pushing would help me win so many games because it doesn't rely on my team mates.