That account doesn't look like a buyer. Check his match history, he was calibrated Very High his second game, this looks like the old system. He has been struggling for ages. he will get to 2k eventually :)
why should someone spent money on an account which has roughly 300 games recorded on dotabuff?
12.5% wr on juggernaut
it looks more like a guy who abused callibration and got mmr higher than his real one, so now hes losing. nice representation of why it is sensless to abuse callibration.
Jesus, I'd rather buy that guys accuunt than yours, TripleSteal-.
was this the "flame the guy above" thread?
@Hush hush
You d better spend money on something less useless than buying accs - f.e. get some manual of how to cure autism by urself.
Idk, I dont like flaming and every time I try to flame without rly wanting it, the result is shitty, just like now.
idk if this guys just lost 1 hand, is overcalibrated, or bought account, but look at his recent games, even in easy games for his team he usually feeds.
overcalibrated.. i guess due to the amount of games he had before he started to play ranked. His KDA has been around 2 without significant loss lately. Might be justified because he is like only supporting. I have noe clue why he went into very high skill games right away. lol
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I just had my first run in with an account buyer!!!!!
Is this a milestone, should i be proud!?
Is it normal for account buyers to be really salty? He was flaming at the 4 minute mark.