General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you farm as Tinker without starving your own team?

How do you farm as Tinker without starving your own team? in General Discussion
Low Expectations

    Every game I play it ends up being 1v2-3 lategame because the hero seems to takes up all 3 lanes and the jungle, lategame I still cant carry because the fear of several bkbs during a push is greater than the dmg I can produce as a tinker.


      Communication is key. Tell him not to farm or push a lane. If he isn't listening - then utilise the space he makes to push towers and gank; gaining money this way instead.

      If someone is going Tinker first, then repick a hero that can farm from ganking quite well such as Axe or Bounty. If you have already picked carry - I'd suggest talking with the potential Tinker picker about where and when to farm. Usually the Tinker should be staying in a lane long enough that you can farm substantially in another lane.

      If he is BOTing into your lane and farming it - then you just have a typical arsehole on your team and you can only take it into your own hands.


        if you can farm the enemy safelane & parts of their jungle without putting yourself in danger do it. By taking the 'hard' farm you save the mid/your jungle/your safelane for your team. I haven't played tinker in a long time, but it's what i generally do as Storm if they don't have great pickoff potential.

        Quick maffs

          Eblade dagon build is not as good deadshot

          Before it was good because you could blow up people before they even reacted, now unless you are really good that its imposible


            you farm the enemy side of the map, farm the lane that allows you to farm the enemy jungle - i.e. if you're radiant you push out top so then you can bots close to the dire jungle, and vice-versa, or the same can be done to the mid lane as there's camps near the mid lane for both sides.

            if no one else is going to defend a lane that's pushing to your side of the map, that's when you tp back and use march, as no one else is there to take the farm. otherwise let your team farm it.

            Quick maffs

              Andro are you rushing bloodstone lately ? When do you get lvl 2 ult, after the soul booster?


                U CANT


                  not starving ur team as tinker lol what is this ?


                    well :(((((((((( sorry team

                    legendary ball

                      Nope you cant.. But you can deff until your team got their item... Quite hard.. But if you really good , will be hard for your opponent to reach high ground and if they force it you might win the clash that you needed... $ for everyone..


                        ive been trying something different yes, i go bloodstone after blink quite alot now. after BS my next item varies. i believe ive been getting dagon much less recently, i think ive been going either hex, or shivas then disassemble for hex, then rebuild shivas.

                        as for when i get lv 2 ult, preferably when I have enough bloodstone with 2nd soul ring. when i have soul ring + soul booster, i wait until i have 1600g in the bank so i can buy another soul ring + the bloodstone recipe. after 4-4-4-1 build (lv 14), i always keep 1 skillpoint spare until i do get the bloodstone + 2nd SR.

                        my opinion is cos when i only have soul ring + booster im just gonna try to play pve until bloodstone + soul ring, so i dont need the lv 2 rearm.

                        i try not to get lv 2 ult with just bloodstone because u lose out on a lot of mana going from soul ring+soul booster to only bloodstone, since u cant do the drop trick to get more mana from your BS. even if you don't drop mana items before u use soul ring that's like 5 soul ring usages or 750 mana.

                        although if i need to, i will lv up rearm while im already channeling it if it's important (e.g. need to blink out, or kill possibility), because it reduces the channel time but doesn't cost you 100 extra mana for that one rearm. i guess it's kind of like resummoning spirit bear to get a 2nd root.

                        i dont even know if my build is actually working or if it's just cos im playing unranked though.


                          I never know why Tinkers don't just say "hey team lets push I'll spam march for ezy tower"

                          Its never done especially when March is unstoppable (levels <16). Instead, they go off to farm... and farm... and farm... and then go ham on their team when everyone but him is poor.