General Discussion

General DiscussionCS 1.6 this weekend

CS 1.6 this weekend in General Discussion

    We gonna play some oldfag 1.6. Due to poor connection of mine, we´ll probably play on some random russian server, so you should either be rustard as well or have very good internet/not care about laggs.

    Skill doesn't matter.

    Everyone is welcome, no one will blame you for playing bad - no mmr to care about, what a patient game.

    Time gonna be arranged with those ones who join and later on added to thread description, in case at least some1 responds, ofc.

    EDIT: currently in: TripleSteal-, HWA, Mokujin, Havoc Badger(?), Hans_Krebs
    time: saturday, 18-00 CET

    EDIT x2: TeamSpeak server:

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    Giff me Wingman

      and where are you going to get the gameserver?


        I think we can chip in for one or we can go here or smth


          "search server" =)
          Ill just find some random pub with suitable ping

          Giff me Wingman

            LeL, i thought we would go look for 3v3+.

            Giff me Wingman

              but we need a teamspeak server. It's gay without one ;3




                  I have a TS you can only sits 10 though. Also through the provider they have a load of free ones...try


                    please play visage

                    THICC BABY SHUM

                      u guys will get banned for not talking about how good dota is KAPPA


                        i'd like to join



                          what time is suitable for you?

                          @Hwa, Crimson Badger
                          Are u willing to join?


                            @Andro this is Havoc :) I had to log into this account from work cause it won't let me post from my main here for some reason?

                            I haven't played in years and play battlefield which is more strategy less yolo so I dunno how well I would do.

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                              where to download it? What time will you be playing at?


                                1st question - I dont know, afaik its pretty easy to find some "pirate" copy of cs 1.6, but it doesnt let you connect to most servers unless you install some specific tool. or you can buy this game in steam, although i guess thats not the best way :)

                                2nd question - still dk, depends on what other guys want. we'll try to make it suitable for everyone.

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                                  @ 3pleSteal, for me anything between 15-21 CET on Saturday/Sunday is nice
                                  Если ты в живешь в центре я тебя могу довести до комп. клуба, сядем на пару часов например) так легче будет если у тебя дома проблемы с высоким пингом + ничего не надо скачивать

                                  Giff me Wingman

                                    sure i'm in


                                      i dont need to download anything, its just a very common problem of cs that all the servers hosted in other countries have high ping, and high ping in cs is a bigger problem than high ping in doto. but we can try it anyways, mb something changed in the last years.
                                      там нужен совсем высокоскоростной инет чтобы не лагало, короче. в россии такого почти нет, уж в комп-клубах так точно.
                                      мой родной интернет не так уж паршив, но все же недостаточно крут

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                                        do u have time preferences?

                                        Giff me Wingman

                                          not really i don't do jack shit on weekends.


                                            Haha " buy it on steam" lol
                                            Do we have to play on a VAC-enabled server? How would it matter otherwise?


                                              non-steam cs without upgrades cant connect to most not-protected by vac servers as well.
                                              answering to your question in general, servers without vac are ok, too.

                                              kvasius # KSVM

                                                Would like to join, if there gonna be smth really going on.

                                                Oh, and also there are a plenty of good pirate servers out there. So it isnt should be a problem.

                                                Saturday evening (18-21 CET) or sunday... all sunday (13-21 CET)

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                                                  something will be going on for sure, even if it will be just me playing cs 1.6 solo. I suddenly realized I miss that game, so Im gonna play it anyways.


                                                    EDIT: time - Saturday, 18-00 CET

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                                                    kvasius # KSVM

                                                      Any TS/raidcall/mumble?


                                                        as u want, its not required. i can use TS or skype.

                                                        kvasius # KSVM

                                                          Yeah, TS would be nice, so we could *cough* cooperate *cough* and have fun.


                                                            If some1 who is willing to play is not on my friendlist so far, add me. It will make it much easier to coordinate untill we get to TS/skype.


                                                              can I play? im from Chile but lag is no excuse


                                                                every1 is welcome. hopefully ur internet is good enough to let you play :)

                                                                Giff me Wingman

                                                                  where is a TS IP?!


                                                                    Ill come little bit later, ~ 18 30 CET. Playing doto with some friends atm. Sorry for delay, start without me.

                                                                    Teamspeak server:

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                                                                      kvasius # KSVM

                                                                        GG WP guys, had fun yoloing all of enemies =D


                                                                          Thanks everyone, I guess we can play CS sometimes in the future as well.


                                                                            when do we play unreal tournament or quake 2 ?

                                                                            kvasius # KSVM

                                                                              I think after BF3 =P
                                                                              Noshahr 24/7 TDM HC ftw.

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                                                                                fck this newfag games