and those players most likely have something like 4700 solo rating too
utter trash
^ what isn't. Also...again most troll sniper lina players at 4.8-5.2 are only there because of one of those three heroes so their mechanics of how to play are still inferior to their current rating.
Why does people complains about Lina, shes very good mid atm but once ennemy team gets bkbs shes gonna get rek lol.
^ What is this comment achieving? Im 3699 atm and i simply play the game for fun, if i want i could spam sniper/jugg/troll and get higher than you, what does it mater?
We have a Mr Epeen here haha.
I enjoy playing different heroes and take loss like a man.
" if i want i could spam sniper/jugg/troll and get higher than you, what does it mater?"
"but once ennemy team gets bkbs shes gonna get rek lol." - You do know agha (core on lina) pierces bkb.
everyone wants to delude themselves by thinking "i'm just going to pick sniper/troll/axe/whatever and get [x] mmr" but i maintained 5.4k by randoming every game for ~20 games, getting trash supports like cm and the such in over half of them (and going offlane for most of the non-support games with heroes like slardar/et/clinkz)
on top of that if my teammates are all significantly worse, then picking those heroes is the only chance i have of carrying them cuz they're fucking retarded. since u have never been put in a match where ur team is much lower mmr than u, i'm not surprised at all u don't understand
i didn't bother replying to ur "bkb counters lina" comment precisely because someone else would correct ur misconceptions
on eu west i notice the retards are about evenly distributed between my team and enemy team, so games tend to be closer
don't get me started on us west, i still get teammates who dont buy dust/sentry against brood at level 1 for some reason even though i could tell my 3k friends on voicechat to do it and they would
Sniper/troll been good for years. It's just that 6 months ago the pro scene just finally caught on, then the twitch noobs brought it back to the pubs. Sort of like how jug was OP for years, then they nerfed him and pros started picking him after his nerf lol. Same effect back in rubrick/bat rider days and centaur as well as brood.
Remember the old days, if u wanted to MMR climb u insta-picked either drow, slark or troll.
"Old days" "mmr climb".... Not that I disagree but in the old days there wasn't mmr and io had his stun.
I actually liked sniper even better before his "buff." Old shrapnel was a tower destroyer, made playing a passive, farming sniper a breeze, just kill all the t1s, farm lanes and woods. New sniper it's hard to kill towers without exposing yourself.
oh nice it's so good to flame other team for inflating their mmrs with broken heroes cuz they lose xDD
Weaboos or people using Chinese characters in their names... Biggest tryhards ever, pick literally any hero that the pros pick and ban and expect to have the same results
I don't even understand the weaboo connection with those heroes. I mean, Lina? How many redheads are there in Asia?
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there's a fucking troll/sniper/lina in every single party q match
i can understand picking those in solo q, but party q? that's so fucking shameless
dota's beyond terrible everywhere u play cuz icefrog is fucking retarded