General Discussion

General DiscussionLifestealer jungle

Lifestealer jungle in General Discussion

    This shit can´t have better than 10% winrate, no way, even in low low brackets.

    Dark Mango

      if you look closely you will prefer the player who want to play it jungle to stay there. Just imagine if he think thats naix jungle is good. What he will make to your team if he go to lane :D

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        You sound like the people who shat all over Terrorblade/Meepo jungle before it was popularized.


          atm junglers in general are not as relevant as they used to be, and lifestealer particularly is very out of meta

          casual gamer


            low priority is a scary place

            Dire Wolf

              Naix is too slow in jungle is the problem. He farms incredibly slow compared to jug, troll, axe, ursa and tb before nerf. Not sure how tb or doom do now as I haven't played them in a while.

              The other problem is people level him wrong when jungling. They will max feast which is just stupid. 1 point feast, then get a few in open wounds so you can gank, a couple in rage so you can gank/dps.

              Jungle naix can work if your team is setup to handle it but it's not ideal. I mean hell, I've jungled dusa and luna before, almost anything *can* do it, it's just not that good.


                No, farming speed is not obscene, problem is Naix needs to be a position 1. You can't have another position 1 farming in safe lane, your support can't roam or do shit, enemy carry will free farm, you will lose all lanes.
                So I think it's more about team composition than farming speed.

                TB and Meepo can recover easily because they can flashfarm (tb is not viable anymore, Meepo is doable by rushing a bottle and pulling small camp). LS on the other hand is always slow at farming.

                I agree tho that picking LS jungle in this patch is autolose, probably the worst jungler with Doom and LC, autolosing picks.
                Even Ursa is better because he can get out and go Roshan. Axe too needs only a blink and can gank and farm fast.

                harvard graduate

                  Yes of course. Anything in the jungle that is not Chen/Enchantress/Enigma and I guess SK is awful and deserves a loss.

                  Dire Wolf

                    LC and doom are fine in theory cus they don't need money, they need level 6 and to start the gank. The problem is when players don't gank at 6 at all. They just afk farm woods. They're fine for jungle. People do same shit on enigma too.


                      Biggest problem with Lifestealer is that if you pick him, your random teammates will pick cores in a way to force you into the jungle 9/10 times. Second biggest problem with him is his difficulty in taking down agility carries.

                      Dire Wolf

                        He's kind of a wasted pick if enemy team has no strength heroes, but axe and pudge still get picked all the time so it's not usually an issue. I mean he's fine but how is he any better than say PA if enemy team is all int/agi?