General Discussion

General DiscussionNEW PATCH??

NEW PATCH?? in General Discussion

    who else besides sniper and troll will get nerfed? im hearing sf and storm too??

    casual gamer



        troll, sniper, lina, lion, storm, sf

        Natsuki Subaru

          Is there really a need to nerf anyone besides sniper and troll...
          Besides icefrog often releases pub related rant patches after TI, if he does nerf sf, lion, lina then it's like committing with the same mistake as alche, these heroes excel when played and drafted properly and that's all.

          EDIT: Oh yeah, I'm excited if Icefrog ever decides to revert old alche and old lycan (prolly old tinker) I want to see how the meta will look like with more op heroes and not just a limited flavor.

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          Bad Intentions

            Bring back old bara :D

            Livin' Real Good

              I think Troll, Slark (yes, still), Lina, Sniper, Storm Spirit, Wind Ranger, all need to get looked at, notice how i didn't say nerfed.

              He's an A-star student, y...

                How are Oracle, Winter, Axe and Earth Spirit not mentioned yet?

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                  Icefrog almost never undoes his past patches.

                  The only exception was with how ridiculous the values 6.82 had. I still found it ridiculous that they released that version. Their patch testers must have been absolutely retarded to not feedback how extreme the values were.

                  Last picking is 4 pussies

                    Troll, Slark, and sniper need some form of nerf.

                    BKB max 8 seconds would make me happy.

                    Earth Spirit how would u even nerf it at this point? CD between using remnants? Any nerfs suggested on this forum would probably make earth not useable for anything so not sure why I mentioned anything.

                    For the love of gawd though give us something to nerf slark way too mobile every ability has like no cd.


                      Why would you nerf BKB?

                      The item has already been nerfed to oblivion. Its not even a core item now when it was a must have for all carries in the past. Duration dropping, no longer sellable, plenty of spells are now pure/bkb piercing, basher meta. And Slark isn't even good this patch... He performs mediocrely in any game >4k.


                        I think they will give small nerfs to the meta heroes, but then give significant buffs to the lesser played heroes.


                          i just want a game with no sniper troll pls


                            SF is fine. storm could use a nerf, maby make him unable to hex/orchid while he is still lightning. lina's ult needs to be a tiny bit worse at 6 but she is fine the way she is at all other levels. winter will get nerfed/reworked a bit. blink is to stronk make it cost 2500.

                            but please please please buff enchantress (and alch but I don't play him so it doesn't effect me one way or the other )

                            Low Expectations

                              Dont understand why Storm has to be nerfed.


                                Why would you nerf sf, hero is strong because the meta is agi farming heros nothing less.

                                Str carries on the other hand are useless right now, they need to buff their mid game or nerf agi hero to later game.

                                bum farto

                                  Why does sniper have to be nerfed? He is the same hero he always was just people figured out he was good. He just started to be picked more as a counter to some of the metas.

                                  Troll pickers - "Sniper is broken"
                                  Sniper pickers - "Storm is broken"
                                  Storm pickers - "Lina is broken"

                                  I honestly don't find Jugger or Lina much of a problem. Sure they can be annoying but you can deal with them even when they're farmed as hell.

                                  CAN'T WIN

                                    WHY SF??????????????????????????????????????????????????

                                    CAN'T WIN

                                      LIna is a problem, cuz there are no way to stay in mid vs lina, sf is a problem cuz ?¿?¿¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?

                                      FUCK U VOLVO


                                        For earth spirit, the nerf to go is to remove agahnims

                                        Hatsune Miku

                                          storm spirit overcharged now needs two remnants to activate bonus damage or 2 secs of zip zap ult


                                            ^ that's overkill imo ;p


                                              -1 armor and +15 manacost on all levels of remnant is enough

                                              CAN'T WIN


                                                CAN'T WIN

                                                  storm is dead


                                                    Buff Heart/Armlet/Veil/Alch
                                                    Nerf Sniper/Troll/Skadi
                                                    Make the map symmetrical with 2 Rosh pits, randomly spawns at one and then switches every time after that


                                                      There is no reason for snipers Q to be so cheap, also add a 2 seconds be Cd between casting charges

                                                      Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                        You seriously think slark is perfect the way he is? Am I alone thinking +1 sec cd on some abilities is much?

                                                        Earth Spirit Aghs never was remotely what I expected getting.