General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp me and guess my hidden MMR after 6 games (2 in VHS)

Help me and guess my hidden MMR after 6 games (2 in VHS) in General Discussion

    My new account in the links below since I have 5 games in LPAR on this one I am writing on here.

    Help me and guess my hidden MMR after 6 games. Please?

    And yes it is true, the games get more easy the higher you climb in the MMR ladder. This last one was very easy and it was 10 solo players. Way more easy then playing in the High Skill bracket.

    Lina and ES ofc flamed each other and ES also flamed me and cried for report on me in the begining. But after I told them to stop it, they muted each other, and when I started to win the game for them ES did su. Just look that xp graph how it turns to our favour when I start to snowball. I am very proud of this game actually. :) :) <3 <3
    (not saying that is my only good game in my +6000 games)

    If they hadnt stoped flaming and blaming and crying fo report I dont think I could have won it for them. So if you want to win your games, just DONT flame, blame and report. Then you increase your chances to win by 50%, or something like that.

    Be nice and stay happy :)

    Giff me Wingman

      you are still in calibration, noone can predict your MMR before 20 games.

      Meepo Lord

        Why dont u try the values of me mmr checker


          Hello Friends,

          Well, I assumed that someone would have enough experience and tacit knowledge in order to do this. At least with respect to how people have explained the calibration system to me.

          I understand it like one can jump up in the ladder during the first games. For example my first VHS game might have been on 3700/3800 mmr and after the last win I mention in my post I might have jumped to 3900/4000. That is how i thought hte system works.

          OK, let say it like this. Do you have any clue about how much MMR I might have gained from that 16-1-7 game with Riki, considering that it was game number 6 on this account?

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          Not Really

            well, if u play with 4ks . then your mmr is 4k . but what do i know ? im still TBD too . 1st game i played with 4.6k opponents the next game i played with 4k only . lol wtf .


              Practice Razor-mercy

              Why dont you do it for me? ;)

              Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                U must be in at least 4k MMR. But why smurf? do you get your accounts muted/LPQ alot?


                  Yes, on my first account with more then 2000 games I played around 10% of the games in Low prio. Around 50% of the reports I recieved was as captain in CM due to my drafts in the 3000-3500 mmr bracket. 30% for item choices. 10% for split pushing.

                  Edit: I even had "friends" that reported me and removed me from the friend list due to picks and item choices in normal games :)

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                    I actually estimate that I have been insulted more then 60.000 times during my more then 6000 games since 2007. And almost always by people that are less skilled then me.

                    Giff me Wingman

                      why is it hard to understand?
                      After 20 games your MMR is stable, before that it is impossible to predict where u will stay at.


                        I think it is you that dont understand me. Im not interested in "predict where u will stay at"

                        I asked the hidden MMR I had after that game number 6.


                          However, it is true that the retards and trash grow in numbers when you climb the ladder.

                          This game, Magnus started to flame min 0 since no one bought a courier for him. And after his first death he stayed fountain and used couriers to send gems to the other team

                          Wind ranger bought 4 sentries that she tried to give to the Druid since she blamed me when he killed her.
                          But she even failed to give them to him so I picked them up instead :)
                          Some people are so tragic.

                          If this is the way these people want to behave towards strangers and spend their limited time on this planet I actually feel sad for them. But it makes me angry when they ruin my games.