General Discussion

General Discussion4k players in a nutshell

4k players in a nutshell in General Discussion

    Kitrak you are suffering from Dunning-Kruger's delusion. You imagine you are ordinary. But you are actually phenomenally above average. At some point you will realize this, but maybe right now you are too young, too arrogant.

    It is uncharitable of you to selfishly believe that everyone is like you. I also played against many pro-players years ago. I played against Fear, Aui_2000, Demon, March, Febby... and many others from the NA scene in dota 1. I assure you they were already astonishingly faster than average players when they first started. They have improved a great deal, of course, with practice. But many others who were similar in stats at the time have not, despite also playing thousands of dota games.


      Everyone can be good, some people have to work for it and some have a natural talent for it. Just because you're not musically talented doesn't mean you can't be a good piano player eventually with the right training and practice.


        I dont agree. It's like saying everyone is special and that actually implies no one is special. You can get descent if you work hard enough - i agree with that. But withouth the ability to be outstanding at something, you can work as hard as you want and you'll never achieve what someone can achieve in really small amount of time. It's called talent and it's that 1% you can never get only with hard work.


          You can't be a good piano player if you have arthritis or something, though.


            And you cant be exceptional Dota player if your fingers and brain connections are just not fast enough. it's your body limitations and they're not the only limitations one may have.


              Yo Relentless my man, I remember when I asked for your guidance but time has passed and I can see things objectively, for example that you are not that good, some might say "3k trash". You are very kind, and me as your pupil don't want to be ungrateful, but your posts should be taken with grain of salt cause 2k mmr might see you rationalizing simple things and give up but you are just giving a speech that if you are untalented, you lost, if your fingers are fat and slow - you lost. Stop being delusional. You don't have to search for reasons to be bad, eg not being talented, being old (which is your excuse).


                I don't mean to discourage 2k MMR players from playing. In fact I hope what I have written will encourage them to keep playing free from the concern that they should be going up to 3k etc. Passion follows talent. Those to whom becoming a highly skilled dota player is important have the means to fulfill their ambition in general...perhaps not as fast or easily as they would like, but they can achieve what they passionately desire to achieve through lots of practice and by taking good advice. Those who can't, also don't really care about it. This is a natural alignment of personalities and talents that is typically human.

                Sadly there are exceptions, but even then you will find that an athletic cripple will end up playing basketball surprisingly well in a wheel chair after he lost his legs.

                But 1234 is correct, and Havoc is incorrect. Everyone can't be good. Everyone can't even be above average. Half of everyone has to be below average. If you (2k mmr person reading this) think you can grow, you are probably right. You (personally) don't have to accept that you are stuck where you are. But the fact is half of all the players will remain below 2,250 MMR. And only one to two percent will get past the 4k MMR mark.

                As for me personally, I expect that my current high score of 4.1k MMR is about as high as I could go. I base this on reaching a similar peak of just short of the top 1% rank when I played in ThroneIT, and Dotacash back in dota 1. At that point, when I start to get the occasional truly amazing player in my games the only thing I can do well enough to compete is warding - since that has no connection to speed and precision. But maybe I am wrong. I will try to raise MMR back up again over the next several months and see how it goes. Experiments trump speculations.

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                  ^ i hope ur not saying 4k players r talented


                    Oh I am. And they are... not compared to 4.5k, but far more skilled than 3.5k. Its just a matter of perspective. But a 4k player is so far above the average dota player if you actually put them in an "average" game 2.2k MMR... they will dominate it with any hero at all.

                    Most people who post on dotabuff are very good at dota 2, even if they imagine themselves to be bad because they compare themselves to pros. But you should realize that most people don't take 0.3 seconds to think enough to cast a spell. Most take over 1 second. I've watched games where it takes people several seconds just to open the shop and then over a minute to buy an item.

                    That is below average, but not much. Don't forget these people are real, and they are legion. They are in fact the backbone of the dota army who buy the tickets and the cosmetic items by the millions who make this all possible.

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                      what is your mmr relentless


                        Currently I'm at 3450 solo and 3401 party for ranked. But a couple weeks ago was 2350. MMR can change a lot depending on what you do. Unranked is harder to judge, but probably something like 3.9k at the moment. That's why you have to talk about typical, or average players. Any individual might play way above or below their rating in a certain game.

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                        Last picking is 4 pussies

                          Thread needs to be put out to pasture.


                            Our definition of good is not the same , a player who will never be good compare himself to ppl lower then him , because thats how he consider himself good , this lerson will never improve
                            Thats ur definition of good.

                            My definition of good is way higher then urs , imo anyone under 5k is bad , 5.5k is meh , 5.5k to 6k is good , higher then 6k is really good , my max was 5.8 , its only 200 mmr away from 6k and i dont consider myself 6k , ask anyone he will tell u ur mmr is +-200 so i can consider myself 6k if i follow that , but no i dont , when i reach 6k ill look to 6.5k , and compare my self to ppl at that mmr , thats how u become better , i dont be like trash in 5.8k im way above the average , i be like why can these ppl reach that mmr and what im doing wrong , in every game i know i didnt do the best i could , and btw the people who reach 5.5k+ by buying accs or boosters r the worst trash players that will never be good at the game.

                            CAN'T WIN

                              its imposible to be 5k if u werent 4k


                                I agree. Buying accounts will not improve skills. Being "good" at something is a relative term. It makes sense for you to attach your personal sense of what is a good dota player to your own experience.

                                I find the idea of never having arrived is useful. At whatever level you are you can strive to improve. But while putting stress on yourself to drive to improve has positive effects it can also have negative effects if overdone. Consider what happened to Tiger Woods who drove himself so hard in his sport to be the best that he lost focus in other important areas and destroyed his personal life and family. At some point you need to accept your own limits. It is difficult to know where that point is without banging into the limit a few times. Eventually you learn to ease back when you get close to the ceiling.


                                  @x6 did i ever say a 4k cant become a 5k ? Did i ever say a 5k cant be 6k? Did i ever say a 3k cant be a 6k? I didnt , i was 3.6k , i reached 5.8k , everyone can improve , i reached 5.8k does that mean when i was 3.6k i was good ? No i sucked ass i was so bad .

                                  @ relentless there is no limits to what you can achieve in skill, go back 2 years in dota look at the pros back then u will see they were weaker then now , did they suck back then ? No they were at the top , but they improved which means they crossed what they called limits , i never said u have to delete life to reach what u want , but once ur satisfied with your results ull stop improving . ThAts my rule in everything , if i want to become better or want anything , i should strive to become better , im not saying i suck and im so bad i have to improve , im saying im good and i can be better.

                                  Last picking is 4 pussies

                                    And yet fire what account # are you on?


                                      ^ im on my 1000s account , why does it matter for you? I grinded from 4.6k to 5.450 , give me your point please

                                      And btw i reached 5.8k at the same acc i was 3.6k on

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                                        It is true that once you are satisfied you will stop improving. But it is also true that whether or not you choose to be content, you will reach a limit you cannot cross.

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                                          ^ by your logic the limit is infinity , because even the best are improving


                                            i think relentless is saying people have two limits - one is potential limit (the one which governs how good you might be at something if you dedicated all your time to it). this one is tied to stuff like reaction time, memory, knowledge, etc - the other limit is a realistic limit, based on your motivation and objective, as well as affected by your potential limit.

                                            basically nobody is at their potential limit, therefore over time the standard will always go up. but for realistic limits most people will never surpass a certain level because they will never have the motivation or aptitude, tempered by their talent and abilities.

                                            and due to talent differences the potential limit for some people probably cannot even surpass the realistic limits for others (i.e. some people can never beat others no matter how hard they try)

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                                              No, its just undefined not infinite. Think about the world record mile times, or 100 meter dash times. They keep going faster, but no one will ever run a mile in 1 minute or a 100 meter dash in 5 seconds. Exactly where the limit is - that's undefined, but its not infinite.

                                              And Zenoth is absolutely right. While it may be realistic for FIRE to reach 6k and easy to reach 4.5k. It may be impossible for me to get to 4.5k. For most dota players reaching 3k MMR is impossible.

                                              Now some people talk about MMR inflation. But really there is MMR deflation. The value of a given MMR has been increasing over time as the community has improved at playing dota. This is another major reason why most players will never reach 3k MMR. Because to do so they do not merely have to improve relative to their old selves, but they must improve faster than the community as a whole.

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                                              Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                My point is you know little about the brackets you skipped and smurfing is pretty lame and pointless.



                                                  "Unlike an extremely simple hero like WK - who has only one active ability"

                                                  Why not the other way around?

                                                  The micro management with WK is easier, yes. But since he has so much less options and flexibility, in theory this could actually make him harder to play. From a strategy point of view that is.

                                                  "Getting to 6k MMR on a hero like sniper is nearly impossible because he doesn't really accomplish much until he is farmed and someone else will therefore decide who actually wins the game - not the sniper player."

                                                  I agree if he is played like a free farmer. But many carries can be involved early in the game. Depending on strategies and play styles.

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                                                    Last picking is 4 puss

                                                    Smurfin is fun.

                                                    And if you actually want to create a new account? Is that also pointless?

                                                    I mean, if I buy a TI5 compendium on my smurf, is it still a smurf then? And if so, when does a smurf stop being a smurf?

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                                                      @last , i reached 5.8k on the acc that i calibrated at 3.7k with and went down to 3.6k with , i still cant get ur point , i needed money so i sold my acc , i got 4.6k on my acc and got to 5450 , i beg you to give a valid point with your statement


                                                        People should have learned by now: You cannot make players better just by screaming at em. That would make them only play worse. EE has to learn that shit. Just because he was the superior on that game doesnt actually give him the right to offend his fellow mates. If he have done that to me, I would glady do it to see him cry more :)

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                                                          how can u 6k fucks think telling ur superior to everyone and not let some 4k dude who makred mid before u go just because ur better doesn't mean u get some stupid priority and decide shit, its not like the 4k dudes playing in ur bracket ur playing in the 4k dudes bracket let him pick his shit FUCK.

                                                          2k life fuck everyone

                                                          Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                            Selling an account for money is fine but there are loads of people who smurfed and used 1-2 heroes to calibrate higher then they maybe if everyone started at 3k.

                                                            and no smurfing isn't fun its for rejects in most cases trying to get some enjoyment they normally cant or aren't capable of earning.


                                                              ^ please look at my games , the people ur talking about will drop or will never get higher , i dislike selling accounts but a human have to do what he have to do , i never said smurfing is fun its my main acc now , and why the hell would i smurf with a 5.5k+ main the calibration limit is 4.7k i got 4675

                                                              Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                ^ I did look at your games you have primarily storm spirit and lina and then the 27% earth spirit.

                                                                From that you think anyone should be amazed?


                                                                  ^^calibration cap is 5k. i knew couple of guys who got 4.9 (im talking about last 2 months).


                                                                    ^^ i have never played earth and i didnt care about getting higher mmr so i trained on him and i play him decently now , and lmfao at u saying i main storm and lina i think u cant see recet matches or ur an idiot by default ,and even if i do , i would like to see ppl grinding with them , go look at match history before u talk , a little trash want to give himself an explanation why he is a trash

                                                                    triple actually idk the exact number but thats what i heared


                                                                      well i heard 'bout ppl getting 4.8-4.9, and 5k might be the barrier cz this number looks cool. i might be mistaking though, and who knows what this last patch changed in calibration system.

                                                                      Last picking is 4 pussies


                                                                        This game officially has me probably giving up finally.

                                                                        5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                                                          well i'm 5k and 5k is fucking trash so i hope i don't stop here

                                                                          Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                            ^----come on down to 3k-4k were if you pick support your team has bad carries. Or you pick a mid then the last pick is kunka and you have no carry. Id give my right nut to be up in 4500 and play support oh life would be easier.

                                                                            5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                                                              like everyone whose fucking 5k in US East just farms all game long and doesn't do shit, it's not even comparable to an actual dota match

                                                                              if i played on a 3k account people would even try and rotate/gank (and fail at it, nonetheless)

                                                                              it's like

                                                                              3k: i don't know what i'm doing most of the game
                                                                              4k: i don't know when to utilize tps, join fights, pick off critical heroes, push towers
                                                                              5k: i don't know how to win if i'm behind on farm

                                                                              everyone's just so fucking bad, i'd better be 6k in 2 weeks

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                                                                              5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                                                                @ last picking is 4 puss1es

                                                                                i'll lend u my 4.5k smurf later tonight when i get back home, but i'll enable family view so u don't do shady shit like change password or remove friends

                                                                                trust me it's nothing special

                                                                                Last picking is 4 pussies


                                                                                  all of what you describes being held hostage for one hour and yes I shouldn't have bought lotus orb my fault we were dominating by a bit and wanted to test it and personally I think its highly situational.


                                                                                    I think it depends on the player

                                                                                    I myself do not spam clicks (it's really tiring...) but I do miss left-clicks sometimes (mostly when going across the map to check items)

                                                                                    you're right though, the weaker the player, the lower definition they see the game in.

                                                                                    and when I queue into 4k teams sometimes I am honestly astounded by the shallowness of their thinking

                                                                                    then again sometimes they carry me, so there's that


                                                                                      i stopped reading at " Dango, that is because you are, in fact, extremely talented. "
                                                                                      -lmfao <3

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                                                                                      casual gamer


                                                                                        its because if ur a 4k and ur mid vs a 6k you will get destroyed

                                                                                        and then the 6k will exploit that into a massive lead and take over the game

                                                                                        ive had people tell 4ks (me included) to go mid vs a 6k-5k adn the same shit happens every time


                                                                                          Regards the matter of "4k scrubs", I think that's too much to declare. That said, there are 4k scrubs, but there are 4k decent players too. I've met many 4k or even 3k players who play well, admit their faults, communicate and not flame. I've had enjoyable games even losing, because I have good teammates, we lose, we learn, we have fun.

                                                                                          I don't know how people up there (6k?) see the 4k players down here, but if you never enjoy games with "4k scrubs", then the problem is in you, not in the scrubs you play with.

                                                                                          Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                                            watching the "back!" replay looks like they were already dead. Lina who tried to help... well she's dead once she tried to help. EE needs to work on a bit foresight. You can't tell people to back the minute they're already engaged, some people the moment they step pass a certain distance they smell blood and already dived too deep.

                                                                                            I'm amazed they didn't mute during gameplay. As for the cheese part, EE-Chan shoulda told them like 30 seconds before attempting he doesn't have room. You don't telll your allies when Roshan is at 1% hp that you don't have room and the enemy is right there. No wonder why they never win any tournaments. He needs to work on his social skills more.


                                                                                              yep when in doubt resort to ad hominem "ur a fucking idiot" when some guy goes all the way to make a point, which, if your reading comprehension was as good as your MMR, you would have gotten it.


                                                                                                i played with him aswell, this guy is pure toxic constant spamming

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