General Discussion

General DiscussionNecro in 6.84

Necro in 6.84 in General Discussion

    This hero is so useless now since the introduction of Glimmer Cape. This item that got nerfed today (from 66% magic resistance to 55%). Now all supports do is carry Glimmer Cape and use it on a hero getting Necro Ulted.. Literally the most annoying shit ever... broken item...
    I honestly don't see this hero viable until Glimmer Cape gets removed from the game

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        well his wr hasnt seen a dip so theres that.

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            Honestly glimmer cape is broken as fck even after multiple nerfs. The item is way too cheap for what it gives the item should literally be removed.

            waku waku

              nobody will bother to counter him


                Is your ulti the only source of damage to the Glimmer Cape'd hero that many times for you to think it's such a counter to him? I mean, most Necros I see just use it on the target the team most wants to have 30 seconds of extra dead time, so the hero would very rarely die from Reaper's Scythe itself and Necro can continue to be semi-OP.


                  Could make his ultimate pure damage I guess and scale fractions proportionally.


                    Necro is strong enough already dont buff him. 2min no buyback gg.

                    Bait the goddamn cloak.


                      From 47.4% (lethal threshold) to 28,8%, good but not that much.
                      Instead of using the ult at 75% you just have to use it at 55%

                      Dire Wolf

                        "Is your ulti the only source of damage to the Glimmer Cape'd hero that many times for you to think it's such a counter to him? I mean, most Necros I see just use it on the target the team most wants to have 30 seconds of extra dead time, so the hero would very rarely die from Reaper's Scythe itself and Necro can continue to be semi-OP."

                        This. I made this point in some other thread where necro got brought up. The case where necro is solely nuking a target and said target will receive the glimmer cape buff is very rare. If 1v1 you just bait the cape, wait it out. In a team fight the enemy support has to realize and buff him and no one else can be hitting him. In that case a mek heal is almost better, much easier to pull off if it gets said hero above the kill threshold. Necro's ult is really much more useful for the increased rez time and no buyback than for the dmg it deals.

                        I really wish they would remove necro's ult stun going through magic immunity though, that shit is annoying for accidentally casting it on heroes who just popped bkb lol.

                        Quick maffs

                          No guys just no, there is a LOT of situations where your team depends of your ult to kill someone, even more in late game, and i am pretty sure the enemy team is going to have 2 or 3 glimmer capes by then.


                            This makes it a matter of skill however, the support must cast the glimmer within 1 second. If its too easy to do they can nerf the cast range (currently 900). You can still instantly burst solo pushing heroes.

                            But what about Lotus orb? Icefrog was clearly going for nerfing the single target burst tactic in this patch.

                            All this is really going to be nuts for play by play style shoutcasters. There is already too much for someone to describe as it happens.

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                              off-topic question, does Refresher Orb work on Linken's Sphere?
                              edit: meaning - does it reapply the buff on the wearer?

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                                Not only the new items affected poor guy with the Reaper, but also the meta itself. We do not see 1-2 pure cores and the rest of the team supporting atm. No buyback death of #1 doesnt mean the end of the game. The difference in impact between positions decreased.


                                  so useless that he still has a 57% win rate.

                                  btw, ancient necro is fucking legit because he can simply play support for the offlane if the enemy interrupts your ancient farming. Unlike other heroes that try to cheese that who can only play as ranged carry.

                                  Go for ancients. If they fuck it up, immediately buy support items.

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                                    TBH you can still make it work, EVEN against a glimmer line-up, simply use it as a stun/disable when they are low-hp so your teammates deliver the damage, i've ulted on bkb-d/repeled targets several times, still getting the kill.

                                    You dont depend on the reaper's dmg to make a big impact, and aghanim still wins games that strech for too long.

                                    Anciente necro is not legit at all, its extremely risky and only works in lower skill brackets, ancients are very close to the enemy safe lane wich usualy holds 2 supports who can (And will, from 4k+) contest you with ease since you lack stat items regen and death pluse, plus giving away that stack to a enemy mid/carry like alche/luna/gyro (Wich are very common these days) is stupidly dangerous.

                                    Its so obvious when ur not around in any lane and the ancients are a very common place to put the first ward for the enemy team, if you get contested you will fall behind in xp and gold, plus necro is a good laner anyways and doesnt need to rush any particular item to make impact, besides for yolo pubs and low mmr ranked games, its not legit, and in those cases ur better of with something like ursa/jugg jungle that will stomp much harder.

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                                        If they are going to contest you, they will usually do it early, at which point you go to offlane and they waste time/wards and you still have a stack for your offlaner or mid. And the alch/luna/gyro bit is kind of a meaningless point because it is so early in the game that you dont have to worry about them soloing.... you act like stacking is just bad now cause maybe the enemy will take it.

                                        necro ancients isn't going to work in high level play, but my overall point is that of all the level 1 ancient farming tactics, necro is the most viable because he can rotate out to a lane if shut down at ancients and manage. the other ancient farming tactics all involve hard carries

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                                          maybe in 6.85 patch necro ss changed to pure damage with scepter, just like lina lol

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                                              I really hate to be "that guy" but at "High Skill" (3200-3600 mmr if i remember correctly) many tactics only work cause of the general lack of knowledge and skill.

                                              I agree he's the best and easiest hero to do lvl 1 ancients but its also so easy to contest and the risks of leaving your team 4 v 5 until you catch up is not worth it, ur not enigma/blinkaxe who can come online of the woods and change everything.

                                              If necro ancients is good for you i suggest you keep using that tactic since im sure most ppl around there dont even know about it untill you showed it to them, hence your knowledge is superior, but once your start going up you will find it much harder to pull-off, and you can single-handedly lose the game for your team.


                                                honestly there is hardly any difference between 3.6k and 4.3k....

                                                its always a crap shoot.

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                                                    the trench never ends.


                                                      ^ True Dat. But well, at least on the servers where i play, when nearing 4k, people get really desperate and read guides, watch youtube videos and pro matches, spam heroes with big winrates or good known tactics (lina euls, jugg mom, etc) anything to get an advantage to reach their glorious 4k-trash-title.. so there is a real improvement in general knowledge.

                                                      I noticed it last week when playing with some 3k friends (i got 4.1k party), got matched up with 3.5k enemies, and it was a stomp all the way, 11 of 12 matches won ( ), even as a support, since they didnt know how to handle a rotating sup smoke-ganking mid and enemy safelane, id say 60% of the matches they started blaming the enemy middle and whatnot. But maybe thats just my server/region, and in yours the differnece is not that noticeable.


                                                        4 games in a row necro ancient win.

                                                        But to be fair, it is really easy to see who will contest and who wont. Like if i know the enemy has a hard jungler and a single lane support that wont be able to avoid zoning our offlane.