General Discussion

General DiscussionNew Truesight statistic: APM (Actions Per Minute)

New Truesight statistic: APM (Actions Per Minute) in General Discussion

    We have just launched a new Truesight statistic showing APM (Actions per Minute). It is using new data, and is NOT retroactive on old games.

    APM includes most actions and unit orders in the game.
    It does NOT include:
    - Pings on the minimap
    - Browsing the shop interface (it does include purchases)
    - Typing in chat, or chatwheel actions
    - Checking score screens or going through menus such as changing keybinds
    - Camera Orders

    Additionally 1 ability cast = 1 action regardless of if the player uses quickcast or traditional cast

    You can see an example game's APM here under the Farm tab:


      Does this include positioning clicks? People at low MMRs often spam a huge number of positioning clicks, mostly in error.

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        Nobody's saying APM represents skill ( I hope )


          This does include positioning clicks (such as a movement order telling your hero to walk over there).

          What Luxon said... no one said APM = Skill.


            Right, it may actually indicate the opposite in a lot of cases. I think this feature could be very helpful to show people how many extra clicks they may be doing. Pro players will make more efficient use of actions and do fewer of them. Certain heroes I expect will average far more APM.

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              With tinker I can shift queue many skills and I will have the same APM of my support that is spamming right click move? Seems not accurate.

              THICC BABY SHUM

                Nice, time to keepo.


                  I dont think that's the case. It's just the style of yours, nothing else. There is nor positive neither negative correlation between skill and apm. It was discussed pretty often in wc3 community, btw. Some peopl just spam-click to the place they want their unit to come, while others use the mouse button only once and then just watch.
                  Although it cant be applied to fights. In most cases, the higher ur apm in battles, the better.


                    what triplesteal said!


                      apm doesnt measure skill but saying less apm would be better is utterly bullshit! its all about how you use your apm. doing 1 a click and 4x shift-a to clear the jungle might be efficient apm wise but its terrible gamewise. unless you are spamming useless actions everygame a higher apm means you are more likely to react on something in time.

                      TL;DR: sensless apm spam = the higher the suckier, real apm = the higher the better.


                        TripleSteal, when you see the APM of various MMR levels you will realize that spam clicking is the regular habit of lower skill players. They may end up with double or triple your APM.

                        It's not related to style. It's related to missclicking from lack of control and to panic because of the stress of a game moving too fast for them to see. Now very very low skill players do fewer clicks, but if they move up into the above average player range (maybe 2.5k and higher) spam clicking is very common.

                        Of the thousands of players I have watched from player perspective in game the pros are the ones who do the least extra clicks. Even comparing a typical 5k player to a pro who might also be 5k MMR. The clear difference when you watch how they play is how many misclicks are made. The pro player does not panic, he is calm and reacts according to the situation. The pub who is at max MMR (say 5k) is tense with emotion, wiry - aware that things are moving so fast he can just barely grasp and react to the game in time. Watch on 0.25 speed from player perspective. It really is a visible difference in skills.

                        Even moving in the lane at the start of the game, pros use fewer clicks to juke, lasthit, draw agro, and harass. They get more of it done, but click less. This is largely tied to whether autoattack is on or off. Only the best really have the skill to perform better with autoattack off. But those who have autoattack on - it feeds their extra clicks for hero control making it worse.

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                            zai 2micro4you


                              mokujin laying it out there Keepo


                                not keping it in




                                    Emotional responses typically indicate a personal connection. Rather than taking offense you might realize that your mechanical weakness could be improved if you admitted it and made an effort to do so.


                                      fuck now i gotta play a game to check out my insane apm


                                        omg my dotabuff plus expired

                                        < blank >


                                          Would like to know my APM here, all left the game so, i needed to mirco them all


                                            ayy you tard, it's only for new games. and atleast somebody has to have plus


                                              I actually dislike adding useless stats like APM... it literally says nothing


                                                Relentless in HoN they showed the APM statistic on your ingame profile. On average (on my level, 1920 PSR or something) core players had ~120 APM and supports a little less unless you played Enigma, Chen, etc. The equivalent of high skill players in Dota 2 would have a lot lower than that, maybe 80-90 or something.


                                                  Also pro players like n0tail had 150+ average.. It's clearly not entirely uncorrelated.


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                                                    From what Ive seen myself, pros tend to have higher apm on average. Not cause they panic though. May be my experience was just different to yours, w/e.


                                                      THANK YOU MY GODDDD


                                                      FUUUUCKKK I DONT HAVE PLUS

                                                      Y U DO DIS

                                                      plis put apm feature as a normal feature :(

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                                                      ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                                        stop buying cheetos every day and you will have enough dotabuff plus dough, for you and your mom


                                                          i don't think i'll buy another month at the moment but i have to give u guys props for consistently raising the bar and delivering a better product and better features

                                                          ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                                            pfft, no history hero rating graph? no apm charts? you call this raising bar? who are you kidding?

                                                            though now when I see that 170apm storm on the other team

                                                            I feel less bad for getting trolled by retard slark and afk single player gaming veno, oh and by the way that's all before they fed early game forcing me to go a bunch of teamfight items and carry their ass back in mid game


                                                              Apm, in a moba type of game.
                                                              As important as choosing a certain color slot in lobby games.


                                                                I would prefer epm/eapm over apm, but dunno if you can get it.

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                                                                ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...


                                                                  there actually IS apm graph for each player

                                                                  FUCK ME

                                                                  ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                                                    what's your definition of eapm for dota matrice

                                                                    ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                                                      btw thanks for posting these update threads glad I check this forum glad I paid for plus buck well spent

                                                                      THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                        epm in dota would be boring, it wouldn't show how player plays it will show the cd of heroes basically.


                                                                          @Matrice it kinda is "EPM" since it doesn't count random mouse clicks and instead counts unit commands. Would love to know how you would further filter it down for Dota.

                                                                          ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                                                            will you show worldwide average apm stats for each hero tho? would love to know how I fare against most people? and whether invoker meepo tinker etc have over 200+ on average?


                                                                              If I'm playing Bristle and spamming W, even when it isn't cooled down, does that count towards APM? Having an argument with my friends about whether or not this "not ready" key pressing is counted... :P


                                                                                Kind of interesting that Fear has about 350-400 apm every game, while most players have much lower apm. What do you reckon out of that relentless?


                                                                                  I reckon its a bug.
                                                                                  Fear of all people with that apm.


                                                                                    Alternatively he has such injuries thanks to that APM ROFL

                                                                                    So far I'm between 120-170, usually the lowest on my team for some reason


                                                                                      wat is my apm plz tell commended


                                                                                        Maybe his arm injury game him inhuman super powers that allows him to attain insane APM


                                                                                          I once saw a Purge game and he was right-clicking like a madman.


                                                                                            I random-click a lot, for several reasons:
                                                                                            1) Avoid having my hero stopped when chasing
                                                                                            2) Avoid stupid body-blocks
                                                                                            3) Make my hero position less predictable, making it harder for enemies to catch me with spells that are cast on ground
                                                                                            4) Cancel backswing animation

                                                                                            I'm pretty sure pro-players random-click a lot more then me.


                                                                                              @bandit if an ability is on cooldown extra spamming will not increase your APM


                                                                                                Not knowing what this looks like.

                                                                                                Could you maybe add a break down of what actions were taken per minute?is that possible?it would help distinguish from inflated move commands

                                                                                                But tbh I can only see this being any help with heroes like meepo...... And techies as a low apm techies = wasted time and mana = a bad techies