General Discussion

General DiscussionList of good rat heros that can mid

List of good rat heros that can mid in General Discussion

    ratting seems to be strong this patch and being good at mid gives u leg up on any patch. Which heros yall think could fill this nitch, I have been using drow.






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        ember spirit

        legion commander



          Pom Pom 🍕

            Lycan is okay mid as well.

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            Dire Wolf

              How is medusa a rat? Ulty and run? She doesn't have good tower dmg at all, just good wave clear, but her strength is her tankiness in team fights, being able to stay alive and deal tons of dmg slowly over time.

              Clinkz. Very good mid, good ganker, good rat. I don't really understand why he doesn't get more mid play. He has a sweet escape to deter ganks (even with dust he's hella fast), he has a ton of dmg and zone out capability with his searing arrows, shouldn't miss many last hits with those. He's got great gank potential for side lanes if you choose to do that. Maxing arrows early lets him push towers as hard as drow does (his 60 raw dmg plus strafe early is equal to her ult plus aura until she gets more agi). Is it cus he has no nukes? Don't get it.

              Razor maybe. If you get aghs and/or refresher he can smash some towers. Boots of travel, s&y/manta, aghs and refresher, plasma field clear waves then melt towers. Problem is his ult can't be aimed so any surviving creeps or heros who run up ruin it targeting towers and he'll have shit dmg outside of that so no wave clear with plasma field down.

              Dragon knight is kind of the old school pusher mid, but I don't think he's a very good rat.

              Shadowfiend is a surprisingly effective ratter, probably all due to his soul dmg, it's quite a bit.

              Leshrac. Great tower dmg, great wave clear. He's a strong mid too if you do it right.

              Pugna. His tower dmg and wave clear aren't as strong as lesh though.

              THICC BABY SHUM

                STONE GIANT


                  Tiny is not a good rat in the sense that you actually need to win the game first before you "rat" with him.

                  CAN'T WIN

                    naga, morph, dp, visage, wisp+tiny, drow, wind, meepo, brood?


                      naga lycan wr dp drow invoker ld lesh meepo rhasta troll tiny weaver morph

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                        Brood is a spider. Not a rat. And technically she is not ratting if she have had webs there for a while.

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                              I think Lone Druid is a mid hero now

                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                @Meta Designer - CC1
                                rat hero is hero that can be chosen to play as rat, you can play dogon prophet with hex dsnt mean its not rat hero
                                or play lycan with basher bkb etd dsnt mean he is not rat hero.
                                Edit PPD played tiny rat many times he just go for towers then bkb tp in front of everyone that came to def, always solo pushed.

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                                  Drow Ranger?


                                    Why has no one mentioned DK O.o


                                      because he isnt a rat hes a frontliner for group up tower pushing


                                        Why haven't anyone mentioned invoker? Forge spirits + alacrity and necro units is crazy good for ratting