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Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion

    ^ wp dude. literally carried your whole team. that graph tho


      Not a lot of impact you had on the game but your cores did their job really good and you won in the end after nice comeback :)

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      Pale Mannie

        Feels bad to lose as a 6 slotted WK. You almost came back but your team was kinda squishy what i get bcs Pudge ganked them and then came Sven to rek them. Got the same lasthits with SF lol.
        420 T O W E R D A M A G E blaze it
        Good Radiance and AC so your team could survive but they didnt
        still lost due to magecreeps FeelsBadMan


          You did what you could in a semi 5 (or 4.5) core line up against the other team.


            When your mid hero has 14 cs and your hard carry has 17 cs 10 minutes into the game there isn't really much you can do to win as offlane nyx.

            Also humans are a lot harder to beat than bots.


              With an extra .2 in your KDA you would've had 32.2 KDA.

              That's the only thing to critize you in that match


                Team good u good = victory
                Graphs looks like u lost a huge fight but managed to come back afterwards.
                Im impressed by ur winrate btw


                  Felt like the enemy team had 0 clues as to what they were doing.
                  Trainquil boots on ember spirit, double deso, an ember that farmed probably the whole game but still couldn't contribute.
                  You farmed a lot too huh 300+ CS compared to everybody on ur team.


                    PS. Y i X5 stacked ancients like 3 or 4 times that gave me a significant gold advantage.


                      U had a meepo on your team and you outfarmed him. lol


                        XD the meepo built fokin phase boots if u see him having nice stats n stuff bc he just knew how to blink poof kinda


                          good farm, good damage, not sure about the butterfly? or the embers tranqs lol.

                          mom said it's my turn to ...

                            looks like a really intense back-and-forth game. I'd guess veno's ult made for a good soft "ice blast" proxy for cancelling out alch's chem rage. it doesn't seem like they had a reliable initiator to open fights either, while your lineup made zoning in for team fights easy(bara and veno). wp.


                              Gj there carrying the game as Abaddon. Seems like your team had a bit of problem early game, possibly because Sven didn't do really well and ended up giving some easy duel damage to Legion. But you together with Invoker managed to turn the tide when the enemy tried to push your mid rax.


                                You did more hero damage than your riki and slardar wow. Also the CK wrecked face huh.
                                Maybe get an offering for the lifesteal and extra dmg. Not a lot of healing done with the mek either weird.

                                Player 124137522

                                  what a game you had as morphling. Your invoker went maelstrom for no reason whatsoever. If he got bkb instead of a fucking maelstrom you woulda won easily. But what do you expect from the SEA server. Random ass builds that don't even make sense against a line up with disables. Sad that you couldn't carry these shitstains. Anyway bad luck.


                                    Seems like u couldnt rat well bc of pa BoT and everyone having tp shows that they weren't shitstains but ur teammates seem to be. Not sure why u wanted to build a second battlefury u couldve gone other stuff (or maybe u were building linken's?)
                                    I dunno the decisions u made and stuff but seems the feed was too hard to handle


                                      @chi long qua,
                                      Well it was 26 min orchid, 42 min midas, 52 min scepter and 56 min maelstorm... he actually didnt exist in the game. :'(
                                      I tried.

                                      Sniper is back! Also is this a support kunkka? Don't know if battlefury was the item but guess your team found a way to make it work well.
                                      Sniper did a huge chunk of dmg, bet you and 3 other teammates were much like a meatshield.


                                        At first i was going carry but as game processed later on, i decided to be the initiator instead of pos1/2 carry. Played kinda like a pos3 kunkka

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                                        7Mad About You

                                          ^Izzy last game

                                          That hero damage for both spectre and zeus is too damn high..

                                          even enemy's anti mage can't stand a chance.. both hero known as 'global damage' hero and can combo really well

                                          nice pubstorm


                                            Nice hero dmg, i guess you carried pretty hard. Should have splitpushed a lot more tho, you would have won faster in my opinion.


                                              Holy shit dude how did you lose this? You had so much advantage and kills. I guess not focused sniper and he killed all? Or maybe 1 bad teamfight and u lost gg bois?


                                                Stomped hard. LMAO that Venge, no support gaming, or that Phoenix sacrifice himself as support?
                                                Nothing you can do, really. You play well, considering the situation. Good luck next game

                                                Pale Mannie

                                                  Impressive how the game kept equal until minute 26 even though its normal skill and SEA. Your mkb purchase was some good shit 👌💯👀👀 just to shit on PA ✔✔👀👌. GooOOOood farm i guess👀👍 i dunno 👌💯💯. 600 gpm 👌 SIX HUNDRED💯 G P M👀💯💯 (pronounCed: Gee PeE ehM✔👌👌) GeeeEEEeeEe PEEEeeeE💯👀💯 EEEEmmmMMm 👀HoooOOOooOOooOOOOOooo👌👀👀💯💯✔💯.


                                                  Did megacreeps only just to shit on the PA even more 👌 wow👀👌✔
                                                  Stompy stomp

                                                  Dagoth Ur

                                                    Nice job keeping up with your other 3 cores in terms of farm. One of those games where you can tell you kinda set the tempo for your team and they just responded well.


                                                      Great KDA and a great example of picking up your team and carrying them to the finish line.

                                                      But still,
                                                      A pubstomp with a pubstompy hero with a cookie cutter build.
                                                      Challenge for you. Achieve the same result with a different hero.

                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                        That luna just rekt the other team's face, but I am sure she did enjoy the early 'bkb' provided by you so she could get effective early eclipses thanks to you, also good job with 5k hero healing @ 33 minutes.


                                                          Good job, a legion player that doesn't farm jungle for 35 mins and come out with treads and armlet. Overall nice KDA, I wish I could play legion like that. Well played. (Also omgwtf that skywrath)


                                                            You're winning with lc offlane every game. Had some easy duels with the skymage it seems. Calibrated too low.

                                                            @pepe. I think you'll agree that it was a shit game with people leaving. Still you won though. Good participation in fights, did some pushing with the birds. Hope you didn't fed your birds too much vs the luna.

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                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                              Actually, that Skywrath was a 5k booster, and I am technically kind of a self-booster because my unranked is at 3.5k and my ranked is at 1.8k so ranked games are ridiculously easy anyway, I did go to jungle (as I usually do unless I spot a really weak safelane or I can go solo because I can't depend on supports to do anything right in this bracket), but I never returned to jungle past the 7min blink, I just went with skywrath and we killed everyone, the other guys weren't useless either so it was a good game, at the end I just threw my body at rax and yolo'd to get mega creeps (which I didn't have to, I just like doing that sometimes for the #yolo effect, I even dueled SF in thier fountain and won it), they'd kill me, but each time it was a set of rax gone.

                                                              Since Snuffel didn't see your comment, I'm gonna comment on your game

                                                              I don't know how you played but you seem to have played visage pretty effectively, that's pretty rare to see in NS games, most visages just feed familiars away/keep dying like retards because they try to micro familiars, though you did play 4vs3 so it's meh anyway. You probably could've farmed more though, 24 last hits is kind of unacceptable even for a support visage, but I guess that's okay if you didn't have a downtime with familiars (and you probably didn't with your KDA score). But I guess, try to farm more in between kills next time.

                                                              You really tried to win with WR (3 days ago) but that OD was way out of control, you had a fucking useless LC in your team, and LC can deal with OD quite nicely, shame, don't think you could've done anything to win that game.

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                                                                well you stomped the shit out of them. so.... well done? althought jungle legion, and maxing MoC whillst skipping OO sickens me, imo thats the worst way to build lc, try playing her in the mid or offlane.


                                                                  Looks like a close game that you lost as the result of one lategame fight, died quite a bit but thats expected against their lineup. That one's probably not on you

                                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                                    Solo or dual offlane phoenix? Either way it seems you've been and contributed in most if not all fights, you were rather rich and purchased correct items, you didn't die a lot which'd suggest you've had your share of well decided ults, well played.

                                                                    Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                      Demolished some fuckers. Good LC game. Radiant pick was ultra greedy.


                                                                        mid arc warden, split pushed and created enough space for slark to get farmed and take over the game. Also went the cheesy divine rapier on arc warden lol. MAybe bkb unless u had one and sold it

                                                                        Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                          [Skip me]

                                                                          I didn't have a BKB, I just backdoored 5 out of 6 raxes with Double and Necro. I had Midas and Bottle but those are no-brainer on AW. Also I ate a delicious Moon Shard. BTW, check hero and tower damage.

                                                                          Anyway it was a party game...

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                                                                            Rat doto best doto. Nice 2 rapiers :)

                                                                            wut up

                                                                              ur gonna tell me u couldnt get all the tiers 1s at least with that damn bear and those items??


                                                                                Those Slark items at 53 mins make me think that you'd have won this even if you had been afk. Also a rapier would spice things up.


                                                                                  You really love Oracle, didn't you?
                                                                                  Better luck next game, I guess. Solo supporting is hard. Your warding is too mid centered, and it's too predictable because you take the same spot over and over again (7 spot for 16 obs placed), and it is easily predicted position to boot (roshan, dire top rune, dire and radiant cliff). Try to variate your ward position. Also, against Mirana Invoker Riki, consider Gem of True Sight. Or ask your team to buy dust more often. Only you and NP who buy dust entire game, really?

                                                                                  Then again, your opponent didn't even buy a single obs or sentry


                                                                                    Long match, You guys couldnt push it seems and so they earned gold late game and you ppl lost :(
                                                                                    Whao arc warden raped you guys :)

                                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                                      38 kills? Seems like you got 50+ essence stacks multiple times in the game if you could kill so many people, died only 7 times in such a long game, pretty nice, 50k hero damage and 12k tower damage, nobody got even close, and you finished the game with necro 3 and sny in your inventory despite the game being so long. Really weird but seems like it was a good game for you.


                                                                                        Unlike you, I can't seem to get ppl on my team that can help share the weight of the team..
                                                                                        btw is medallion actually good?

                                                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                                                          This sf was actually terrible and feeding, the only reason he got his shit up is that we were winning really hard, ench was good, silencer and warlock were feeding their lane in the beginning. Medallion is amazing actually, that's deso level of -armor for 1200 gold, now medallion and blademail is as much money as a deso but works much better. You just have to be kinda fast with your fingers. Plus, blademail + medallion is a ton of armor for the early game, eventually you sell medallion for something better as there's no need to build it into solar crest unless you're losing/getting bashed.

                                                                                          Well, now I see why you were saying that, your morphling game is just sad, so much damage and such a score and all for nothing, it seems your team didn't really keep up and you were far ahead, eventually the enemy team knew once you're dead they can just push and finish. Had games like those.

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                                                                                            good performance overall.

                                                                                            you took too many lasthits tho (assuming you supported), you generally want to let your cores or even undying get them

                                                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                                                              ^Actually I started off as a core, farming the offlane, I was to build stuff like treads skadi sny basher etc so that we have at least one hard hitting hero that lc can't really fuck, what happened is that I got my arcanes early due to a double kill in a undy-aba vs slark disruptor lane, so it turned out we kinda needed vlads, needed pipe for zeus, etc... I got drums so we can destroy highground faster, I basically turned into a support out of a necessity, bloodseeker was jungling so we were good to go since he got some kills and gold. I was also the one to carry dust and just run around slowing people down and saving teammates with some heals and shields, so I guess I've done my part, which was a bit different from what I have imagined. Really a clusterfuck of a game anyway, I could've gone greedy but I wanted to win more than kill people really slowly. Besides, this is a 2k average normal skill game, people are dogshit so anything works, really.

                                                                                              @Your game: That was kind of a stomp, while most people were trying to amass kills, you were confidently split pushing. I like that and try to go by that logic myself, because kills don't end games by themselves.

                                                                                              HATRICK BATEMAN

                                                                                                Played LC had good gpm and xpm 150 lh for a short game focused objectives 5k tower shows pushed down buildings to win game gg


                                                                                                  Seems like you did your job well. You're a good support player based on your profile. But then again, Hero Damage quite low for AA with aghs. It was a short game so that's understandable.

                                                                                                  I kind of recommend playing some more 'core heros'. The more you play different roles, the more you understand about dodo 2


                                                                                                    Both team has a good mix of skill so your last match comes down to the execution. Looks like your team won there so that's good. However, having the highest death on your team as Ember is quite bad. You should let Abaddon or Disruptor initiate first and don't get too greedy yourself.

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                                                                                                      Your 2 cores had pretty much 0 impact, same goes for you and that's why you got stomped. I guess it's not easy to play as disruptor vs their farmed heroes.