General Discussion

General DiscussionBloodstone on Medusa?

Bloodstone on Medusa? in General Discussion

    What do you guys think about building Bloodstone on Medusa?
    This guy is shown as Best medusa Player and He does it every game but i think Its very much Money for 0 Dmg on an physical core hero

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      No no, of course dont

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          But why is it working so Well this guy got almost 70 %win rate with an hard out meta hero

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              Ill try it out before I say anything I guess it makes you really tank.


                @ jenkin. On 6 k mmr?

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                  I could Image with someone like dp or wd Who does hard physical Dmg in early game Its enough for medusa to just Use ulti and snake in the early teamfights so u can get Bloodstone in early to just be tanky as shit


                    It doesn't help you farm and you usually don't want to fight too early. Ill try it out though.

                    Livin' Real Good

                      In hindsight it seems like a good idea cause of the crazy mana regen, but like someone above said, it will slow down your farm, and lower your damage output, despite raising your tankability to some extent, and even then, since it slows down your farm, it will probably slow down your tankability items.

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                          Thats maybe cuz He got only 100 ranked matches with dusa


                            bloodstone can work on medusa, cause it's basically a hot, which doesn't lose the hp reg in fight.

                            Indeed, medusa always lack of mana before dying, thus that huge mana reg is awesome.

                            What is also shown with his build, is that he tends to lose late game, which is normal, since lategame, you'll need bkb.
                            And bkb + bloodstone is a definitly no, you'll be a shit with 0 damage, unless you have 2 divine.

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                              Here we go bs + bkb + skadi + 2 rapier you cant die and got 700 Dmg


                                Yeah you just need a Beastmaster with drums and assault cuirras to give you AS.


                                  I tried it its honestly not bad but i prefer it as a 2nd or 3rd item. I still prefer skadi a lot more.


                                    I genuinely HATE Bloodstone on Medusa, but it has its legit uses. Basically, Bloodstone is a pure tank item for extended teamfights. If you manage to keep more than 8 charges on Bloodstone, it begins to noticeable outperform Skadi as an tank item in teamfights that last more than one minute (with a lot of charges you can bring it up to a half of a minute). However, going Bloodstone you are losing quite a lot of dps yourself, strong slow and a lot of EHP against burst damage.
                                    Bloodstone also gives good sustain, suicide option (which is good, because you're likely to be top networth hero on a team) and faster respawn.
                                    Going Skadi and Bloodstone together is bad.

                                    My overall advice - don't go Bloodstone. You are playing on Normal skill, you're most likely don't know how to farm efficiently. Bloodstone does not work if you don't farm extremely fast. Bloodstone doesn't help you to farm. Bloodstone requires your team to be able to deal damage instead of you doing it for quite a long time.


                                      Dont Pay to much Attentate on my normal Skill i play with average 200 ms 15 fps and 2 1 k guys supporting me and Still i manage to have 8lh + per Minute almost every game


                                        I like it, i found this medusa build works just fine. Aquila - Phase -Skadi - SaY - Blood stone - Rapier

                                        plz do

                                          well, considering that u get an early soul ring and arcanes, it seems legit on a single lane (probably rather off than mid). you can spam harrass w snake and take lots of hits w mana shield and farm ancients/jungle - then its only 3200g til bs and u got possibly a strong laning phase, getting good farm. However, it means that dusa plays a pos 2 or 3 - seems very situational to me.

                                          and then the enemies gank u w full team and uses 5 ults on u to secure the kill.. Click on Bloodstone.. :>


                                            Midorikasugano is farming ancients almost every game


                                              of course it's fine, basically a heart for this hero
                                              Main reason is the instant rez when you have like 24 charges

                                              Good item for buying and starting to snowball 5v5 early

                                              Yes 3k/4k people will flame you for it becuase they always rush linken manta and do nothing

                                              Great item in this patch imo and i'd always take it before skadi

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                                              Dire Wolf

                                                He also builds power treads every game too, you're telling me that's the best for medusa every game? We had a dusa thread a while ago and most people prefer phase.

                                                Plus skadi has a slow. that's huge on a slow hero like dusa where people can just run from you since your ult doesn't do shit to running heroes. You can pray for s&y procs, depend on your team for slows, or just get skadi.


                                                  He got SnY no Safe slow but Bonus speed


                                                    I tried it in 6.83 and it was legit, i went phase yasha bloodstone then i was pushing wave with snake all day and jungle regening all night. Plus later when you get skadi you are almost unkillable and even if they kill you, you respawn super fast if you get charges. So you have to down medusa twice and then she can still buyback.

                                                    Id say its legit but not always optimal.


                                                      u can pretty much build anything on this hero imo, kind of like techies/NP

                                                      allies flame my pick (last pick jungle medu lol)
                                                      ES camps wood like a nerd, wards ancient
                                                      team all gives up when they see bloodstone parts
                                                      higher level/networth than safelane carry all game
                                                      0 deaths
                                                      dove fountain at end and talked mad sh*t

                                                      bought like 8-9 wards and flying cour just to shut my team up (it didn't work)
                                                      didnt really do much except stone people for QOp early haha

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                                                      Mortimer Smith

                                                        1300 games with farm farm farm

                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          Well sure it's fine, but it's not standard and for a normal skilled player it's probably not as good.

                                                          You can go a cookie cutter build with medusa and it will be ideal nearly every game, so why try to out think yourself?

                                                          Phase, aquila, s&y, skadi, mkb/daedulus, another dmg item of your choosing.

                                                          Only time to deviate is if you want manta for an extra dispel then go yasha, skadi, manta. Or if you need bkb just fit it in there as needed.

                                                          I used to swear by phase, aquila, mom, skadi skipping yasha but the move speed nerf on mom does indeed hurt it quite a bit.


                                                            ^if you liked mom try maelstrom, get 6 slotted at 35min.

                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                              I have tried it but for one I find it much harder to build than yasha cus of the 600 more g for hammer over alacrity, and it also doesn't really seem needed with a few points in split shot for clearing waves. Dusa is mainly going to be limited by her mobility than by her wave clear since with split shot it'll be insanely fast with yasha or maelstrom. That's why mask was so good and why it's not as good now cus of the movement nerf.

                                                              It's certainly not bad, you could replace yasha with it and go straight to skadi or still pick yasha up along the way. And I don't mind mjollnir late at all instead of butterfly for more IAS if dodge isn't really needed. I've done it a few times.


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                                                                I have tryed offlane medusa with Bloodstone 1st item i won 4/4 games with average kda 4,18 but i always be ultra useless untill min 20 or sth what item should i get after Bloodstone? I miss Tons of Dmg in early... Maybe mjollnir? Or manta? Anyways If u go for Bloodstone u are Kinda forced to get a rapier pretty early
                                                                If always gone: bs manta BoT rapier so im Kinda tanky very mobil and had good Dmg

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                                                                  offlane medu, that sounds really hard to make work. i usually get some kind of dps/farming item before bloodstone, like
                                                                  aquila>phase>MOM or maelstrom > then bloodstone

                                                                  i do like getting bloodstone early as possible, but it's kind of hard to gain charges if u just have naked bloodstone, your team pretty much has to 4v5 people down during your ult, and half your team is prob magic users so they can't even do anything

                                                                  I guess the best cheap DPS item beside MOM would be yasha (i'd rather upgrade to sny than manta)

                                                                  Also maybe try maxing mana shield then split shot, with a couple point in stats, and skip snake, probably the best skillbuild if u wanna get bloodstone charges fast imo, just buy it and start 5v5ing


                                                                    I had the bs always after 15 - 18 min on offlane but u need the snake cuz Its 3 Safe lh in every wave at lvl 5


                                                                      I think bloodstone dusa is significantly more legit now that you can consume a moonshard to get the AS you are missing out on from using a pure tank item.