General Discussion

General DiscussionSolo MMR is a piss take!

Solo MMR is a piss take! in General Discussion

    Benao copying my large text.

    Miku Plays

      U mean ur large e-peeeeeen

      King of Low Prio

        just pick zeus, hero is hella broken atm

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          King of Low Prio

            O core just fixed his late game problems which changed him from strong to broken

            casual gamer

              If you were better than your teammates, genuinely demonstrably better, your games would look like [URL=""]this[/URL]

              Multiple snowballing heroes on the enemy team, all other lanes lost, still a win

              And it's not hard to be better than the people that you are playing against, it just takes longer than posting a whine thread


                I had this discussion befor a Month ago ... There was no Point for me to play this anymore .... BUT !
                Like 2 Weeks ago i just said FUCK IT,i dont belong in this trash MMR im in and just played every time Ranked when i normally played pubs solo.
                Since this,i grow on ~300 MMR so far in around 2 weeks
                Most ppl say, " Mute everyone and do your own thing" !
                No,just dont cause then ur not better than everyone ! Just communicate or even try to,dont pick your stupid Heros you like just go for the ones which yiou are confident with and which fit in your Team the most !
                Thats what i do...

                -Try to talk,even if noone is responding which happens alot -> They will if it works :)
                -play hero's that actually fit in your and the Enemy's Team
                -No trashtalk at all,this will only make it worse - Fucking believe in DOTO and RNG
                -Improve from the Fails

                the realm's delight

                  100% of people who read this, read this

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                      I haven't read any of this thread, but you realize just because a tower is deniable you shouldn't deny it right?

                      Keep in mind if you can fortify and TP for T1 if defensible.

                      Don't deny T2 unless they are actively pushing it down, for the entire time they aren't pushing it's still a teleport spot.

                      Never deny T3 unless it literally has 1 auto attack left of health and they are currently pushing.

                      Never deny barracks unless you are sniping it while it is already dying.

                      Never ever deny T4 never ever.

                      Always deny your ancient. They can't win if you just lost lel.


                        "dont pick your stupid Heros you like just go for the ones which yiou are confident with and which fit in your Team the most"

                        but what if I am most confident with my stupid heroes xddd


                          If you consistently get into arguments with your teammates mute all chat every game, it might sound stupid but it really does work. I doubt you're better than all of your teammates, I used to think that, but now that i dont complain about things that i cant change i've improved a lot and my games look like this.


                          The disruptor wanted to lose so bad he bought a rapier, but luckily i was able to hide it in the trees after he dropped it.


                            almost everyone in my games who has dotabuff recently has had either <50% winrate or TBD mmr. i cant actually handle the level of autism im currently experiencing, i've dropped 200 mmr and i dont think i'll ever see it again


                              Thats nothing. the people in my games would take 45 mins to end vs passive bots. They're all retarded.


                                solution to have fun in this game is q with me and we drop 500 party mmr cuz roaming with any hero is fun


                                  I played a game yesterday as dirge where I owned safelane, pushed the tower then rotated mid and pushed that, just to have a tiny io stack have a freak out because we called them 5 year old as they threw an absolute spaz because someone told them to b. The tiny sold items for a divine then purposefully got killed while the IO tpd our necro into bushes where he couldnt get out. Apparently we weren't appreciating how much they were carryinbg us and didn't deserve to win lol