General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion
D the Superior
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      Hmmm interesting

      D the Superior
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          one syllable anglo-saxon

            i think i saw "abibas" wear on a local market some years ago


              rofl the teacher that gave me a D now gave me a D+ after telling him hes a retard SeemsGood


                in what possible situation would someone call his teacher retard


                  ?? d is by far and i mean by very far the worst grade ive gotten in my last 4 years.. the course was practically a reading fucking contest and i even read out (maybe im just awful at reading SeemsGood)


                    i didnt call him a retard but an idiot

                    Nah, I'd win

                      spunki loves those Ds

                      D the Superior
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                          did you call him a hurensohn tho?


                            no i just said that hes an idiot and that hes stupid if he believes that his lessons are worth attending


                              u love those D's, I bet u loved that D+ a lot more tho

                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                that's a rly stupid thing to say(at least so long as u need them to give u a good end of the year mark)
                                pretty sure that any teacher would look for any reason to give u a bad mark after this so unless u do everything perfectly u're gonna get a D in all senses


                                  look, in germany ur final 2 years in school (assuming u want to go to uni) you get grades every half a year, and after those 2 years you get an average grade which consists of all the grades you got every quarter + a final exam

                                  you can also lodge an opposition if you believe that the teacher assessed you with false thoughts (i.e. gave u worse grades b/c u are a forienger), or if you believe that the course was a shitshow in general (i.e. only very few hours, so the teacher couldn't see you performing well)

                                  i only have this guy for 1 more half a year, and that guy can fucking give me an F if he wants, i literally dont care

                                  Nah, I'd win

                                    Bei euch gibts noch Mitmachnoten? In 2017? LUL



                                      D the Superior
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                                          achso, ja

                                          each grade consists of 50% oral and 50% written (unless you have a course solely orally), so if u don't attend class/don't participate u get a bad grade


                                            during my afternoon nap i had a dream that im dualqueuing with miracle in normal mm


                                              afternoon nap are u a baby ?

                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                afternoon nap are u a baby ?


                                                the realm's delight



                                                    afternoon nap are u a baby ?


                                                      at some point u gonna realise that sleep is literally the most desirable thing of ur life, and it will remain this way for several decades, i think


                                                        ye ure all babies


                                                          sleep is already the most desirable thing in my life, remember the threads where i say that im always sleepy


                                                            GG i got this tomorrow wish me gl boys

                                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                              seems fucking easy


                                                                in french*


                                                                  thank god they change it from pass mark per test 12/25 to 5/25

                                                                  Nah, I'd win

                                                                    It's official spunki has autism


                                                                      wow spunki sucked a dick for the easiest language test in existence. says a lot about his intelligence imo




                                                                          french (puke)


                                                                            the only reason why im taking this exam is so that i can put it on my cv even though i won't know a single word of french in 1 year from now


                                                                              spunki took an extra oral exam


                                                                                i hope u die


                                                                                  official c2 exams are fucked up, everything else can be studied and prepared to

                                                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                    doesn't it go like a1>a2>b>c ?


                                                                                      c2 (equal to native) > c1 (advanced) > b2 (upper intermediate) > b1 (intermediat) > a2 (basic) > a1(very basic)


                                                                                        i think the juimps between each letter are quite big, i could do a2 french while sleeping but b1 was quite tough (3 years ago, duznno wether i got a lot better)

                                                                                        i'd really like to try an english c1 exam but im too scared to try becuase school doesnt prepare me at all for this


                                                                                          no much diff between b1 and b2, a lot between a2 and b1, as well as b2 and c1


                                                                                            a2-b1 is probably the buggest gap
                                                                                            (well, actually c1-c2 is)


                                                                                              "i'd really like to try an english c1 exam"

                                                                                              said noone ever