why u have to put every fucking game u lose i know u suck hard bro and cant win with OD ( even midas dont help u ) but try keep ur shits in ur brain and let it go its not end of world
#roadto3k arin
i hope i see u in game give me some free mmr
I remember when I played with my friend he went invoker offlane and didnt even lvl up orbs and he went 0/0/0 in a 30min game or something, we won tho XD
ill take that one
why u have to put every fucking game u lose i know u suck hard bro and cant win with OD ( even midas dont help u ) but try keep ur shits in ur brain and let it go its not end of world
#roadto3k arin
i hope i see u in game give me some free mmr
The Katz
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I failed XD
guess i have to practice voker in normal mm once again
i missed like 80% of sunstrikes
like.. not having jungle veno or spectre that randomly ults and suicides into enemy jungle would win us the game for sure, but..
its said in the video
but i say it too
mega cringe warning
The Katz
can anyone fucking stop this arin shitposting his noob games
i cant enjoy ayy lmao anymore srsly will u stop ??
3k dogshit
^^ XD why troling me im not 3k trash xD
idk watched it yesterday didnt cringe and enjoyed my meal
mb ive grown resistant to these kind of things
The Katz
The Katz
The Catz
thats a Kappa123 right there
The Katz
The Spatz
The Katz aka anus destroyer aka blessed aka xd aka kill me im twelve
hi mom im famous
wtf skim. honestly I'd ban you. Like, I don't like anime either, but doesn't life have any value in your world?
i dont know what to play maaaaaaaaaaan
anyone wanna party in dotes or something?
tfw its hard to tell wether kitty is srs or not
any1 up for battlecuck tmrw??
@ weebs, I will give you 1000 likes !!!
ROFL le 6k+ avg lp game what a dream, 13min gg and it's FREEDOM!!
come to ranked arin
ROFL my lyrics in bc thread got erased
didnt know beatles' yesterday was such an offensive song sirs
alright time to take a break from dota let's do this guys
any1 knows what this memes called
ask meka
why would he know
cuz hes mekarazium
i killed 0 heroes in my last 3 games playing core
[disclaimer: 2/3 games were mid 4k average]
I remember when I played with my friend he went invoker offlane and didnt even lvl up orbs and he went 0/0/0 in a 30min game or something, we won tho XD
feed my children
*quoting gotvet*
oh man this is pure fucking gold, I can't stop laughing DEWARD THE CLIFF U FUCKING SHIT FUCKING PLAYER, HIT THE TOWER XD
are u gonna back ur gΓΌn
When my time comes around
Lay me gently in the cold dark earth
No grave can hold my body down
I'll crawl home to her
hey spunki
can you go online so we can start?
(but in case if ur busy atm, im looking for +1)