100% won game turned into lost game because APPARENTLY it's too hard to wait for everyone to respawn, instead you gotta def as one person until each teammate dies
ive 60% winrate with lina, 68 in 7.04, it gives me 25 mmr every 10 games but it takes me a week to play 10 games so idk whatre u on about
and even if i was stuck the difference is whether i take responsibility for that or blame the horrible 4k shithole trench or whatever
if that were some 2k complaining about the trench u'd make fun of him but u're acting exactly the same now
im pretty sure i've agreed with like 70% people who posted about being stuck in trench
the remaining 30% are cases where op posts a game where he was the deadweight himself or they're made by local retards (while i ignore 95% of those)
even then i respond into like 1 out of 10 threads of this kind so i'm not sure where are you getting this info from
then what was the point except your flashing discovery that i occassionally use this thread to vent about unwinnable games with more than
~500 mmr below my own which is what i'm doing for like a year or so
too bad that you need to have 6k, play almost flawlessly every game and not get tilted by people in your team doing their best to lose and flaming the shit out of you despite you carrying them to have >60% winrate in 4k
along with splendid comeback setting where enemy team just needs to throw 5 bodies on your hero in order to win because you die for 1k gold each time and your team's keyboard's magically disconnects as soon as you make a quick trip through fountain
or just pick axe or lc and buy blade mail TURBOLUL
not sure how marlan was a retard
not sure how ability to ignore teammates and not get tilted or coordinating monkeys while they hiss at you is more relatable to skill in contrary with playing against high mmr, somehow organized 5 man stacks
im pretty sure that not even you would win my last two games.
lol tru fucking forced 40% winrate amirite man? :DDDD
Moonrunes cringe
you're playing nothing but lina and yet haven't even see upper boundary of low 4k
you tell me
100% won game turned into lost game because APPARENTLY it's too hard to wait for everyone to respawn, instead you gotta def as one person until each teammate dies
digging up
ive 60% winrate with lina, 68 in 7.04, it gives me 25 mmr every 10 games but it takes me a week to play 10 games so idk whatre u on about
and even if i was stuck the difference is whether i take responsibility for that or blame the horrible 4k shithole trench or whatever
if that were some 2k complaining about the trench u'd make fun of him but u're acting exactly the same now
im pretty sure i've agreed with like 70% people who posted about being stuck in trench
the remaining 30% are cases where op posts a game where he was the deadweight himself or they're made by local retards (while i ignore 95% of those)
even then i respond into like 1 out of 10 threads of this kind so i'm not sure where are you getting this info from
also 90% of 2k games are actually winnable
forget it
u missed the point entirely
then what was the point except your flashing discovery that i occassionally use this thread to vent about unwinnable games with more than
~500 mmr below my own which is what i'm doing for like a year or so
too bad that you need to have 6k, play almost flawlessly every game and not get tilted by people in your team doing their best to lose and flaming the shit out of you despite you carrying them to have >60% winrate in 4k
along with splendid comeback setting where enemy team just needs to throw 5 bodies on your hero in order to win because you die for 1k gold each time and your team's keyboard's magically disconnects as soon as you make a quick trip through fountain
or just pick axe or lc and buy blade mail TURBOLUL
Hey arin chill
when is 8.00 coming?
Darude - Sandstorm
when is dota 3 coming
or more importantly aion 2
speaking of 3
where the fuck is team fortress 3????
Ikr? I wanna see some new hats
ure not just venting which i do too from time to time
the point is stop deluding urself
guess marlan was delusional too when he carried 6k avg party games but couldnt win games for shit on his 5k solo rank
marlan is a massive moron
as well as any1 who compares pty ranked with solo actually
cyrillic in 2017 LUL
4 minutes ago
not sure how marlan was a retard
not sure how ability to ignore teammates and not get tilted or coordinating monkeys while they hiss at you is more relatable to skill in contrary with playing against high mmr, somehow organized 5 man stacks
marlan was a huge retard
But he was my retard
Shoutout to xxvapegodxx this vigga tite
clays mum is pretty hot in 13 reasons why
cool shit thanks iceforg!!!!!
Bryce will rape 2 girls, one of them is hannah
who the fuck is Bryce
im at episode 6
a friend of justin
party ranked is an abomination
man clay could be me 1:1 shit thats triggering me
I had a lovely Veno feed me EZ 32 MMRS today cause axe stole a few of his jungle creeps!
gotta love dat TILT
game before that AM tilted because no supports would help him against the fire bird I picked and it was another GG EEZZ PEEEZ
wrong thread
is that a new mode?