General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion
D the Superior
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      dont u love those games where ur more farmed than the enemy and still dying, 3-8, until they all 322 like mad and then u win

      D the Superior
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        D the Superior
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            not arin

              i'm convinced that envy is getting worse and worse at dota

              not arin

                not arin


                  which one?

                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                    would rly like to watch ur stream arin

                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                      wHOOPS no can do!

                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                        whatever the more im preparing the less confidence i have that ill pass(very cool effect!!) might as well

                        not arin

                          math analysis, am i reading it correctly?


                            spunki and alenari are the same person heard it here first


                              20.01.18 в голову ебал!! !


                                So cool comic haHAA


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                                  <tag k="name" v="Neu Broderstorf"/>
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                                    berry cool im a master programmer :joy:

                                    not arin

                                      not arin

                                        this is even funnier (i firstpicked zeus)

                                        [Allies] fred: hello team
                                        [Allies] fred: how are we today?>
                                        [Allies] Jonski: hey
                                        [Allies] fred: blue and orange roll
                                        [Allies] 努力嘗試: onski получает случайное число (1-100): 努力嘗試 получает случайное число (1-
                                        [Allies] Jonski: Blue rolled already
                                        [Allies] 努力嘗試: ive rolled already
                                        [Allies] 努力嘗試: xd
                                        [Allies] 努力嘗試: zeus mid
                                        [Allies] fred: yo orange
                                        [Allies] fred: so rude
                                        [Allies] Jonski: yeaah
                                        [Allies] arinki: yes
                                        [Allies] 努力嘗試: without any wortd
                                        [Allies] 努力嘗試: and roll
                                        [Allies] Jonski: I think we should report orange
                                        [Allies] fred: why didnt you roll?
                                        [Allies] Jonski: just for that
                                        [Allies] arinki: go ahead
                                        [Allies] 努力嘗試: so what should I do
                                        [Allies] Jonski: some low priority as a lesson :)
                                        [Allies] 努力嘗試: roam
                                        [Allies] Jonski: go roam
                                        [Allies] Lost in the Abyss: wait
                                        [Allies] Lost in the Abyss: go carry
                                        [Allies] Lost in the Abyss: if you want
                                        [Allies] 努力嘗試: ty
                                        [Allies] Lost in the Abyss: saddens me
                                        [Allies] Lost in the Abyss: that i cant play core again
                                        [Allies] Jonski: sad that people misunderstand the commendation button
                                        [Allies] Lost in the Abyss: but hey
                                        [Allies] Lost in the Abyss: thats life
                                        [Allies] Jonski: it's a miracle that orange has so many commendations
                                        [Allies] Jonski: no one wants to play with someone like him/her
                                        [Allies] fred: its from the commend for commend trades
                                        [Allies] Jonski: lol
                                        [Allies] fred: its pretty oldschool


                                          arinn!!! so toxic :/

                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                            Hello, my fellow well-mannered individuals! Please, roll for lanes and pick properly, or kill urself worthless piece of shit hope u die irl fuck ur mother enjoy lp scum

                                            chicken spook,,,,

                                              Overly nice PMA tards are the worst


                                                for you sirs!

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                                                    that chat u posted may have given me cancer
                                                    how can anyone be that
                                                    full of themselves

                                                    not arin

                                                      multiple people telling me that my audio is delayed and that they're kaleing but i have no idea what's wrong

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                                                          D the Superior
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                                                            not arin

                                                              don't talk to me or my son ever again

                                                              not arin

                                                                ritsu's tb with golden kinetic gem looks so good

                                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                  cant remember the last time i ate at home/in the dorm not in front of a computer

                                                                  what have i become

                                                                  D the Superior
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                                                                    D the Superior
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                                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon


                                                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                          u know when u buy something apple-flavored(candies, toothpaste, gel etc) they have this overdone scent that has nothing to do with apples?

                                                                          well i got a detergent that smells EXACTLY like apples, i dont think i ever bought something apple flavored that smelled like apples(except actual apples ofc)) )
                                                                          and now i want apples
                                                                          but its cold and apples in winter are usually either very expensive or garbage(often both)


                                                                            Soft apples r the worse
                                                                            U want crunchy ones
                                                                            But u don't get em in winter

                                                                            D the Superior
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                                                                              not arin

                                                                                pen pineapple apple pen


                                                                                  i have some super good apples must be 3rd world stuff

                                                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                    im very sceptical of that my dude! maybe u just have garbage taste in apples

                                                                                    email me one of ur "super good apples" and we'll see

                                                                                    me, government hooker

                                                                                      consume the forbidden fruit

                                                                                      D the Superior
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                                                                                          🍎 gatekeeper


                                                                                            Fruit in Winter suck

                                                                                            Some days ago I bought a pack of strawberries for 2.5€ and they literally tasted like water

                                                                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                              ok fuckers i had enough
                                                                                              im on the quest to get the best apples ever

                                                                                              (mediocrest apples ever will do as well)