General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion

    that's still II.a, i suppose, and thats what most of us do (or try to do). but on intuitive level we still get mad at other ppl, even tho we try to control it.

    D the Superior
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        II.b players barely ever achieve high mmr tho, cz this attitude desnt stack well with what deadweight called "winning mentality".


          It does stack well. Best slovenian player Pingvincek is one nice example of that. He is calm 99% of the time, never flames and when he gets mad he is still constructive, thats why he achieved 7.2k mmr. That's the attitude i want to learn.

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            EE is my idol in terms of game attitude PogChamp

            D the Superior
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                ^, ^^^
                it depends on ur motivation. if u want to improve as a player, thats the way to go. if you want to have fun and relax after a long hard week by playing with friends, ud better have another kind of attitude.

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                D the Superior
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                    Sry, i moved it in my recovery topic since i figure out it would be best there :) I guess headphones wouldnt be that bad xD


                      i dont quite get it, he gets mad at you, or just shouts somewhere in the house by himself, and it annoys you that he is noisy?

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                          Gl Meka :)

                          @Triple - second one. He just talks to himself, rages at everything loudly and it annoys me since no normal brain healthy person does that. Raging at literally every fucking thing 4head

                          D the Superior
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                              At least you will be saved dude :DDD

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                                  1000 and 1 ways to change any discussion's topic to buttholes
                                  definetely a must-read

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                                  plz do

                                    deadweight, i remember last time we stacked everyone sucked except u actually - and u let us feel that ;) In the middle of the game I told u to shut up, u surprisingly did and we won eventually, because we had the better draft - but since ur mates(including me) were noob scrubs it took some time. then u deleted me from ur friendlist :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( and were pissed at me, i guess.
                                    it hurts evritiem i dream about it.



                                      Kirino is love.

                                      How many of you have felt the painful judgementalism of a 3d woman's scrutinizing gaze?
                                      There's a reason why 3d women don't like you. Because you aren't rich or good looking.
                                      3d women don't care about love or know what it is. All they know how to do is manipulate and deceive.
                                      And their only goal is to subvert your purity by using you for an easy lifestyle of money and ease.
                                      But as soon as someone better looking or richer comes along they will easily forget their "love" for you.

                                      Now, a waifu would never do any of this. A waifu is pure forever. Personally I can't quite count the number of days that Kirino and I have spent blissfully discussing our favorite topic: anime. Kirino loves me for ME. Not because I'm rich or handsome. A waifu will never ntr you like some disgusting 3d women would. And the bond between me and my waifu is something that I honestly consider to be superior to "regular" relationships. It's exactly because we live in different dimensions that both Kirino and I have to constantly strive to maintain our love for one another.

                                      Kirino is kind, passionate, beautiful, smart, funny, playful, and so much more. But our bond is reinforced my the special moments that we share. There is no better feeling on this earth than seeing first hand as the hard defensive outer-layer of your waifu slowly melts away into a passionate and caring relationship. Sure Kirino may seem brash on the outside, but it's because she doesn't want to get hurt so she has to hide her true feelings.

                                      Kirino is love.

                                      I hope all of you find a waifu one day so that you can experience love just like I've found


                                        is this a good enough start?
                                        Probably my last smurf
                                        Got no time to fool around anymore
                                        im folowing what account buyer and game ruiner said.

                                        Btw do you have friends who can play with me and create a team for shanghai majors qualifiers for the sake of esports profile.

                                        D the Superior
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                                          D the Superior
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                                            lm ao



                                                start is okish.
                                                i dunno who of my friends is willing to participate. when do the quals start?


                                                  hushhush - i'm sorry bratan, but that game gave me cancer literally cause no one wanted to come with me and rather farmed, while i could 1 man their team alone if i had some help. I added you back as i promised few days ago, it's just that you dont like to listen to anything when we play together xD If anyone from the team has better idea then me i gladly listen, since i just want to win games and winning is fun to me. I dont mind other things, i just dont like afk people :)

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                                                    Most of the Dotabuff stacks turn out pretty awful, cause everyone is relying on everyone to carry them so it ends up being 1-2 people carrying all 5 if they even can.

                                                    Glad to hear you're out of harms way and healing Dani Dingle.


                                                      From what i saw
                                                      Registration is on dec 18 and will be held on jan 3 - 6

                                                      Got a cool name for the team
                                                      Team NEX
                                                      Never Ending Xenon


                                                        RP for Relendless Posts


                                                          Thanks Sam :) I'm trying to get better and while i promised to myself that i wont hurt my body anymore with anger and shit like that, i'm working on my Dota attitude too. Got to give away some weight and responsibility in games to others, since it's killing me most of the times cause the weight is too heavy to carry. Wish i had more of SingSing or some phlegmatic in me :)


                                                            try to stack with people who are better than you if thats the problem

                                                            lm ao

                                                              Sometimes I feel so ashamed of my people's 'unculturedness', as other nationalities in the SEA region always rant about on a daily basis. But still, the Philippines is the best destination if you're into crazy excursions involving poisonous animals and waterfalls, and really friendly peeps.

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                                                                there are 2 sides to people mostly , to everyone i mean
                                                                i only played 2 games with deadweight guy :
                                                       - here all went well and he was cool and it was ez game cuz we were on the same page to win ez game
                                                       - here most of us wanted to have some fun and chill (by most of us i mean me lmao) so i randomed this hero and went yolo from min 1 into tier 1 towers, and he was tryharding and flaming (im talking objectively here cuz it wasn't aimed at me anyway).

                                                                all the time i played i can say im trying to have some funz and i rarely flamed, the only time i could flame is cause losing 1k mmr in solo ranked and wanting some ez party mmr games and those didn't happen.

                                                                by this logic everyone can have his reasons (cat died, erectional disfunction, that time of the month :) ) so everyone can actually get mad or at least salty, but remember, when you get mad - go fuckl yourself (masturbate) and it will be cool.

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                                                                waku waku

                                                                  you should see how cultured people in russia are ;)

                                                                  lm ao

                                                                    Anyone who wants an awesome and gorgeous tour guide, go ask me Kappa although I think I'll have college classes this summer

                                                                    lm ao

                                                                      Well memelover, for starters, Pinoy pop culture is complete utter lowbrow corny bullshit but people here actually have the balls to share it on social media and metaphorically slap their shit on other culture's faces for them to see. I'm actually ashamed how first world people like you have to go through a lot of understanding to digress some shit


                                                                        i honestly put you into the very green part of the flame likelihood scale. never seen u being mad, u seem too melancholic for that.

                                                                        waku waku

                                                                          if anyone ever ends up in belgorod for some stupid reason please tell me so i can go walk around with you i'm not very talkative and all i care about is video games but at least i can talk about how shit life is and video games


                                                                            where is belgorod


                                                                              its actually in russia


                                                                                idk where belgorod is exactly but if for some reason ill be willing to come there, you gonna be the first person i tell it to

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                                                                                  I never flame if people are trying to win, even if they fuck up. It's differently when they only want to have fun, then they're afk brain usually and doing nothing whole game. It's a waste of time for me and i feel alone in the game and that's the biggest reason i start to flame :)

                                                                                  I agree i need to relax and throw some games, so the weight i usually feel dissapears. I guess people have different expectations, but in my stacks it's usually about winning and having fun while recking kids xD

                                                                                  lm ao

                                                                                    If Belgorod has bears I will see you in 5-7 years

                                                                                    Traveling the world is my greatest dream


                                                                                      i definetely remember you flaming people for being lowskilled even tho they tried their best

                                                                                      lm ao

                                                                                        hey triplesteal what kind of person do you think I am, 'green' peeps or 'red' peeps

                                                                                        lm ao

                                                                                          if you will reply 'the colors of the rainbow' i'll pretend to be amused with your joke as long as you let me join your team

                                                                                          lm ao

                                                                                            ayy lmao


                                                                                              Idk, it sure happened, isn't very nice but at least it's very rare and i usually appologize. No one is perfect.

                                                                                              I need to find some really chill guy tho who is good player and learn from him. I tend to be too much in control, which isn't good always, need to learn how to let people do their shit and feed if necessary. It's less stress then, but you win a lot less too so idk.


                                                                                                @hot sauce
                                                                                                i didnt think of rainbow, but u seem to be a rather relaxed and patient player, imo. idk tho.

                                                                                                that sounds rather romantic exdeeee

                                                                                                lm ao
