General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion

    at least u got smthng in common with 3d women 4Head

    waku waku

      ty now i'm gonna spam this thread with anime in an attempt to be important


        @Triple bro - i actually played that shit only few times so i have no clue. I guess you can buy some items and some computer gear with them too, but you got to earn a lot. That's all i know, maybe can Meka tell us more about FaceIt points.


          mfw people ain't online cause they have to work tomorrow


            just got a slardar set cause i followed him on twitch, good shit

            D the Superior
              This comment was removed by a moderator
              Yowai Mo

                As soon as I change my nickname to Aimstrong people turn super toxic, abandon after 15 min, 2nd pick brood
                I mean wtf

                Give me some very cute or tryhard names, ty


                  you're a tard magnet


                    fuxck im banned

                    Yowai Mo

                      Looks like it, but maybe it's just a common sunday doto

                      The real reason why we lost

                      Pale Mannie

                        Got my first low prio through reports

                        Pale Mannie


                          acc buyers in my team

                            I am low prio like 3 times a week LoL


                              yesterday i had a dream about getting in lpq, but even there it turned out to be a mistake

                              Pale Mannie

                                Else i got them through abandons



                                  MEKA IS ON ZAI STREAM OMG

                                  Yowai Mo

                                    I'll go full tryhard mode to 6k and I'll give you all aids when I'm there


                                      does any1 want to paly another faceit cup in 3 hrs

                                      Yowai Mo

                                        Can only make it in 5h

                                        Pale Mannie

                                          must unsee this

                                          Pale Mannie

                                            Miku Plays

                                              Hey Guys
                                              UPDATE: Because Reborn does not have the option for newly formed teams to search as a team and therefore gain a "Team MMR" we will allow for teams to just get the average of all their players solo MMRs and that will be a suitable measure of overall team skill at this point in time.
                                              Just wanted to post to let everyone know that there will be a new league starting up on the 8th of March which will last a total of 10 weeks aimed at Amateur teams from around Australia. We are looking for eight 2-3k MMR teams for one division and eight 3-4k MMR teams for another division.
                                              Matches will be a best of 2 series to enable for wins, draws and losses and will be held on each Tuesday night starting at 7:30 pm. This league will be free and and so therefore there will be no prize money...However we are looking for teams who want to play seriously and have a high level of competition for each division.
                                              The Dotakings league will hopefully be filled but if not matches will go ahead whether the 8 teams are fulfilled or not and a bye will be introduced to make up for uneven numbers if that is the case.
                                              For more information or to register head over to or to contact us send an email to
                                              Don't hesitate to ask any questions if need be. This has also been posted in the Ausdotes forum if you'd prefer to communicate via that thread.
                                              Cheers Fellas




                                                    Yowai Mo


                                                        Yowai Mo

                                                          Sometimes I try to answer those how to escape normal skill threads but then after I'm done typing I close the tab because I remember that I'm replying to some shitstain


                                                            ^ nice kunkka and ogre gameplay :horse:

                                                            Yowai Mo

                                                              Behind the scenes I agreed with Triple to get Oracle, but then you shitstain wanted it so bad
                                                              And Kunkka, hmm never played Kunkka support needed to figure out what to do
                                                              The best suited role in party stacks for me is something that goes full davai like NS, Brew, Bara, Centaur, Tusk, Undying, Abaddon


                                                                AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA




                                                                      i thought that the steam profile backgrounds are for free or come with the game
                                                                      do people seriously pay for it



                                                                        no you need to craft cards in order to get them, and you cant get it just from playing the game because it gives you half the amount of cards required for a craft.
                                                                        and yea people pay for it, most of them are like me though, they just have too much steam funds to their account and its not worth the hassle changing it into real cash, and most dota items are underwhellming anyways

                                                                        the realm's delight

                                                                          "too much steam funds"
                                                                          how does that happen


                                                                            doing low prio for arcanas
                                                                            selling account for arcanas
                                                                            boosting for steam items
                                                                            charm abuse

                                                                            jus chillen

                                                                              chinese input meth nice tab i want to input meth into my organism


                                                                                meth wat


                                                                                  oh its chinese input method edition which allows you to type chinese without having the app or whatever

                                                                                  the realm's delight

                                                                                    ppl pay arcanas to do lp? wtf


                                                                                      Kittyminati and I could be best friends.

                                                                                      the realm's delight

                                                                                        whats charm abuse
                                                                                        this things?


                                                                                          uh i just have a certain friend who cant stand playing lp lol
                                                                                          yea but those actual marketable ones
                                                                                          anyway dota items really feels useless
                                                                                          90% of dota items dont really have a significant effect on your hero, and i hero spam + smurf way too much for me to actually use those items that are nice

                                                                                          This comment was edited
                                                                                          the realm's delight

                                                                                            what dfo u mean
                                                                                            do u see this shit

                                                                                            the realm's delight

                                                                                              theres some potm kreygasm set too


                                                                                                well thats the 10%
                                                                                                but most likely ure not going to play the hero enough to make it worth it anw


                                                                                                  onyx lotus set with the hair replaced with deadly nightshade is the most kreygasm/10 set ever but everyones so fucking blind
