General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion

    I'll probably join you too for one or two games

    running away from parties, ayy
    i'm a terrible person


      LMAo who CareAs xDD

      plz do

        im playin, come come. 10hr dota saturday.

        kvasius # KSVM

          Will be in 35-40 minutes. This борщ wouldnt cook itself. (also it wouldnt eat itself, but that's another story)


            yo triple there's that crap tournament with 0 reward today at 6pm cet so if you find someone we can get together our ayy lmao squad and wreck some faces
            i can arrange all the shit

            e: there might be a small problem that the games will be on eu servers but i can try to create lobbies and sneak in russian server without anyone noticing, hue

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              eu is fine, im in, we can play with ppl from this thread no matter what their skill-mmr is if some1 wants.

              the realm's delight

                what u mean no reward(

                i can play mid/carry if u need me

                jus chillen

                  if i will have a mouse i can play carry, and i have been training my mid lately so i am profesional mid too

                  jus chillen

                    i won a storm game with my 3k mmr stack in high skill


                      then we need +1 support i suppose
                      husherino, yoshi? (◠﹏◠✿)

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                      kvasius # KSVM

                        "no matter what their skill-mmr is if some1 wants."
                        That's why I'm joining =D. Any place left?

                        I can play support if you want. *anyway omni, supp wr and kka were the only heroes i could play with semi-decent performance. IDK about now, after 3 months w\o doto.*

                        EDIT: Any comms? (TS\Skype\Mumble?)

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                        jus chillen

                          ^those are for tryhards, i press G in dota if i feel like shouting in my mic


                            me, arin, yalla, krebs, and?

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                              and yeah we can go mumble or ts or whatever
                              i'm not going skype though, my potato pc can barely handle chrome and dota running at the same time

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                                he has no mouse


                                  is this how you play bounty hunter


                                    by "this" u mean what?


                                      nothing, just a bad joke

                                      i just saw you're playing bounty hunter right now but meanwhile you have time to post here

                                      jus chillen

                                        by this he means shit

                                        jus chillen


                                            im a bit dead sometimes

                                            jus chillen

                                              u the only thing keepin those shits from losing lmao

                                              kvasius # KSVM

                                                like... right now.

                                                lm ao

                                                  Dank memez please

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                                                    nice, nice, i got 9gagging 10 minutes and everyone forgets about me :(((


                                                    where iz you!? :D

                                                    kvasius # KSVM

                                                      Not even speaking about myself =D

                                                      Wait, Arma3? Isnt it the most buggy hell of world games?

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                                                        Ok f*gs, dont feed to much in this "tournament" :)


                                                          if we cant feed, why would we even join it...

                                                          lm ao

                                                            Where are my dank memes mummy?

                                                            kvasius # KSVM

                                                              Isnt 6 pm cet passed? Or I'm just an idiot?

                                                              the realm's delight

                                                                what. its 5 pm cet time

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                                                                jus chillen

                                                                  you are an idiot =D

                                                                  jus chillen

                                                                    jk bro its still 2 hours to go

                                                                    lm ao

                                                                      No jking no more feed train replies I need something to relieve me from my tilt

                                                                      the realm's delight

                                                                        boys im in csgo game add me and let me know when to join l0bby

                                                                        jus chillen

                                                                          well looks like im not gonna have my mouse. gl without me if you still play


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                                                                            jus chillen

                                                                              cut the v out and use img again bro


                                                                                thx mate

                                                                                waku waku

                                                                                  i heard if you oppose anime hard enough you might get a squad of anime girls come at your home and strip in front of you


                                                                                    the realm's delight

                                                                                      OSfrog le balanced blue pony OSfrog

                                                                                      jus chillen

                                                                                        must be fun to have 120 fps

                                                                                        kvasius # KSVM

                                                                                          And... It was pretty fun to play with u guys. Hope we will play together more and wreck shit up. Like the first part =D But it was my best dotko expirience so far. Cuz no flamerino.

                                                                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                            Who doesn't ban Leshrac?


                                                                                              they gave me a chance to firstpick it somehow

                                                                                              jus chillen

                                                                                                they thought they'd counter it with am


                                                                                                  same way i thought i can handle pl xD
                                                                                                  i cant


                                                                                                    ayy lmao squad got rekt by roaming tusk undy duo

                                                                                                    but we shall arise again and spread the cancer and shitposting to the world
                                                                                                    stay tuned

                                                                                                    kvasius # KSVM


                                                                                                      Also it got rekt by my gf which made me 1mmr insulting me while we were playing.

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