General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion

    privet, eto ruskij forum xaxaxa xorosho.

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      I'm a spiritual lyrical individual spiritual miracle lyrical individual spiritual miracle individual


        Storm spirit wasn't picked for 8 days... I think he's starting to think that aimstrong is dead or he left him and found a new hero :[

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            This patch killed my joy for Dota and if OD shifts just to tier 2 pick after the nerfs then I'll probably quit


              Today I had a game without OD!!

              < blank >

                But then you had a Sven/Spectre in your game

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                    can someone lose a bit of party mmr with me soon? i want to practice a couple of heroes, and im feeling a bit nervous doing it in solo q, cz im pretty bad with them.

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                        lm ao

                          Moku and meka exchsnging gay shit in russiam so no one except triplegay can understand

                          Btw nice threesome

                          Miku Plays

                            WELCOME TO MY ROOM SCRUBS

                            Miku Plays


                              i dont know where the gif came from..


                                3/10 miku
                                Not enough wall scrolls


                                  is that rly urs wtf

                                  lm ao

                                    Disgusting neetfågs


                                      You don't even have any cool Bishies.

                                      Git Gud Miku

                                      Pale Mannie


                                        D the Superior
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                                            just realized it's april 20th

                                            lm ao

                                              hey guys

                                              2 days before global 'mind awakening' of the human race.

                                              if u have no idea its a meme on 8chan's /x board


                                                I can't find any links to 8chan website anymore looks like it's finally dead. Notlikethis Hotwheels

                                                lm ao

                                                  people here are breaking us laws all the time, so u wont get anything from google lol

                                                  4/22/16 guys

                                                  lm ao

                                                    threads about GATE (basically a government project programming smart kids so they will inherit ameruca and continue the corrupt status quo) always get janitored or autosaged

                                                    i posted in ayy lmao once of a vidoe of a vigilante referring to this oligarchic manipulation of society

                                                    pop sci lulz NotLikeThis


                                                      hey alison hmu with the account details i can play now

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                                                          idk send me the link or whatever why would u do that tho

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                                                                  what the fuck is kitrak doing lmao


                                                                    PogChamp HOLD CTRL AND TYPE WTF FOR A PogChamp ℱ𝓐𝓝𝓒𝓨 𝓦𝓣ℱ PogChamp


                                                                      kittyminati do u have a twitch channel where do you ur speedruns? and do u find it fun i mean its just playing 1 game over and over (and the game isnt supposed to have much replayability value for single player)

                                                                      TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                                                        ^I raise you this

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                                                                        Miku Plays


                                                                            threads about GATE (basically a government project programming smart kids so they will inherit ameruca and continue the corrupt status quo) always get janitored or autosaged

                                                                            yeah this is some interesting shit


                                                                              also i just got a letter from college that i was accepted without having to take entry exams (both physics and comp sci)

                                                                              Miku Plays

                                                                                Anime: Oneechan ga kita ( iirc its only 3 mins long )



                                                                                    lol im happy for you
                                                                                    so are u still going to study for self improvement?


                                                                                      like.. right now?
                                                                                      right now i'm studying so i can leave the high school lol


                                                                                        oh yea i got that mixed up whops


                                                                                            i'm retard who likes playing the same game over and over while awaiting a different outcome. just like everybody here


                                                                                              i tried to stream a few times, but I can't really stream over wi-fi without interrupts, and I can't play on my desktop atm because I can't hookup my controller to it.

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