General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion






        Pale Mannie

          Pale Mannie


            ASSESS Product

              You need to wait like 10 years more if you want n3ds emulator for pc. But not sure if n2ds emulator is already available.


                so there isnt any free method to play pokemon x y now?



                  getting bj'ed and distracted

                    how badly I want to believe in that. A pleasing personality could only get you so far.

                    ASSESS Product

                      From what I heard 4 years ago, nintendo never reveal how their bios work. There are beta simulator for pc but too lagging.

                      Edit: So i did a search people saying this will working. Might trying this one.

                      This comment was edited
                      getting bj'ed and distracted

                        Which reminds me. My brother has this blue nds he got from his godmother from canada. I wonder if i could get it torun emulated games off these emulation sites.

                        ASSESS Product

                          It just emulator. But for the games, I cant find any link. Tell me if you have any.


                            i only have a gba emu cuz its the fastest so far, and i hate w8ing bullshit on storyline.

                            ASSESS Product

                              Finally found it. But its look complicated af


                              Â INV MENYA LP PARTY



                                WHY ME
                                WHY FUISBNudfbär4ewmearrrrrrrrr

                                ASSESS Product


                                    which pokemon is best in terms of game completion? im assuming fire?
                                    also how do i speed up i cant find any such options except for frame skip?

                                    ASSESS Product

                                      I always pick water starter for every pokemon game.

                                      1. Open the Config tab, then go to Frame Skip and uncheck "Limit framerate" (if the game runs too fast, check "Limit framerate" back). After that, come back to Frame Skip and set it to any number (0 = smooth gameplay; the higher the number, the faster and skippier it will be), then uncheck "Auto-minimize skipping" if you can.

                                      2. In the Config tab, go to Emulation Settings and uncheck every single box except for the one that says "Use dynamic recompiler" (this is the setting that makes almost all the difference). The Block Size (still in Emulation Settings) is set to 100 on default. You can change that number anywhere from 1 to 100 (the closer it is to 1, the more accurate the graphics will be, but the slower the gameplay will be and if it is closer to 100, the graphics will be sacrificed for the performance).

                                      3. In the Config tab, go to 3D Settings and uncheck the first 3 boxes (leave the Renderer to SoftRasterizer). ONLY uncheck "Enable Line Hack" if you're seeing graphical bugs involving lines.

                                      4. In the Config tab, go to Sound Settings and change the Interpolation from Linear (typical, sounds good) to None (fastest, sounds bad). To be honest, it doesn't sound bad to me, actually. If it does to you, however, you can switch it back to Linear (typical, sounds good).

                                      5. In the Config tab, you CAN go to Firmware Settings and change that to whatever you want (honestly, I have no idea what it is for).

                                      6. In the Config tab, you CAN go to Microphone Settings and change something if you know what it's all about. However, the default settings are fine to me.

                                      7. In the Config tab, go to Control Config and change your controls to what you want (if your game requires you to move in a special manner, I THINK checking the box "Allow Left+Rt/Up+Dn" will let you do it).

                                      8. In the Config tab, go to Hotkey Config and change your hotkeys to what you want (I THINK using the "Fast Forward" and "Increase Speed" hotkeys will speed up your gameplay, but I'm not sure. Also, "Toggle Fast Forward" makes it so that you only have to press a key once to activate/deactivate fast forwarding.).

                                      9. If you wish to make your DeSmuME window bigger, you can either: a: drag the corners of the windows to stretch the window (I do not recommend doing this); b: go to the View tab, then Window Size and choose your option; c: maximize the window by clicking the button next to the X on the top-right hand corner of the window.

                                      10. You are done!

                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                        Fire honestly. Emboar is insane, Samurott is nice too obviously, but Fire is more useful for this game. Just don't pick Serperior.


                                          ^^retard, fire is best in gen5

                                          This comment was edited
                                          getting bj'ed and distracted

                                            what about Nds emulator for android

                                            Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                              so good


                                                thx for the tips! i followed them


                                                  i have a wierd issue tho idk how to open the start menu (i have it as enter) even tho it worked for starting the game (when they ask you to press start initially)

                                                  lm ao

                                                    Eh all gen 5 starters are aesthetically disgusting and competitively underwhelming bullshit

                                                    jus chillen

                                                      i remember i used to watch pokemon when i was 8

                                                      lm ao

                                                        Emboar is more useful against gym battles/elite four but fire and fighting attacks only benefit from really speedy sweepers. If u cant attack first then your insane coverage is just useless.


                                                          snivy is kawaii i wanted to pick it at first


                                                            wtf so much hate on grass pokemon. even got a low dmg they have the highest speed. i love picking the grass one (exept cikorita = slow but tank), theres agility and double team for sure miss, quick attack very gud for farm. fire in all gen is too boring

                                                            lm ao

                                                              Although contrary serperior is quite imbalanced

                                                              lm ao

                                                                No u dont agility on meganium, best thing u can do is run leech seed/toxic buildthe thing doesnt have sp atk anyway

                                                                Im talking about competitive pokemon battles, thats the thing i only look forward to after i finish the main story

                                                                jus chillen

                                                                  how strong is pikachu


                                                                    i mentioned cikorita m8, its evolve to bayleef > meganium.


                                                                      and pikachu is shit, it only use for breed a pichu and complete pokedex

                                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                        Pikachu is pretty shit actually. Also, the only bearable Grass starter is Tortwig and maybe Treecko.

                                                                        This comment was edited
                                                                        jus chillen

                                                                          how about onix

                                                                          jus chillen

                                                                            can he smash some pokemons or nah

                                                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                              Onix is terrible offensively, Steelix is fine I guess.


                                                                                just try to play pokemon on gba, emerald or smth. throw ur stater pokemon after got a magikarp and u will see how OP splash atck is

                                                                                This comment was edited
                                                                                jus chillen

                                                                                  ok how about bulbasaur, thats the last one i remember

                                                                                  Yowai Mo

                                                                                    I only know Kicklee

                                                                                    me, government hooker

                                                                                      guys when everyone is gonna build vang echo sabre on am i want u to remember its my build


                                                                                        team Asperia is playing in quaterfinals WutFace
                                                                                        werent they bad

                                                                                        Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                                                          why are so many american sjewish? serious question

                                                                                          iirc every 4th one is jewish or something liek that

                                                                                          ASSESS Product

                                                                                            @kotlguy there is nds version for android. Just crack it but your phone need to be rooted frst.
                                                                                            @)))))))) For i remember its actually not start menu to open your item/save tab. But forgot wat it is.

                                                                                            me, government hooker

                                                                                              just in case

                                                                                              Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                                                                nvm every 100th but still a lot#

                                                                                                There were about 4 million adherents of Judaism in the U.S. as of 2001, approximately 1.4% of the US population. According to the Jewish Agency, for the year 2007 Israel is home to 5.4 million Jews (40.9% of the world's Jewish population), while the United States contained 5.3 million (40.2%).

                                                                                                ASSESS Product

                                                                                                  @triplesteal Manilla major?

                                                                                                  Yowai Mo

                                                                                                    Anti Mage is a fucking traditional monk he is not gonna build this new hipster shit


                                                                                                      aui already make vangu for the rest of his am new patch, and plus echo saber wont make it ur build cuz ur out of his league, kappa