robert 2016-08-27Page masterNah, I'd win 2016-08-27Ofc he is a thing with around 57% winrate in 5k+ bracketarin 2016-08-27i suppose it's time to spam timbersaw mid like an autist quity 2016-08-27it's too late for that retarddunce 2016-08-27Mirana spam is better i thinkNah, I'd win 2016-08-27^ Tomorrow I want to see this juicy 5k INV MENYA LP PARTY 2016-08-27bum farto 2016-08-27Mirana, void spam atm is really strong. arin 2016-08-27is mirana that good you cant nuke people that well anymore without second agh starstorm you deal 3/4 single target damageThis comment was edited 2016-08-27arin 2016-08-27Nah, I'd win 2016-08-27robert 2016-08-28Aimstronk how was your first game in SEA server Nah, I'd win 2016-08-28Only 280 ping SeemsGoodNah, I'd win 2016-08-28robert 2016-08-28It's was only 280 ping tera4head bruh. Somehow we had a pretty decent team despite the fact we had techies on our team Edit: forgot my LULThis comment was edited 2016-08-28jo~ 2016-08-28reminder that its impossible to lose to drow as long as u pick pa and have vanguard by the time drow is 6dunce 2016-08-28Nah, I'd win 2016-08-28best player keepo private RTZ 2016-08-28What's up with refusing to buy bkb in 4k bracketjo~ 2016-08-28dunce 2016-08-28 this whole day for -25Blue_ 2016-08-28where new re zero ep??jo~ 2016-08-28kissanime? INV MENYA LP PARTY 2016-08-28kiss my ass? D 2016-08-28inx soon will be a star trashMokujin 2016-08-28TripleSteal, как дела?  INV MENYA LP PARTY 2016-08-28Привет Мокужин. Я Триплстил. Всё заебис. У тебя? Mokujin 2016-08-28У меня интервью в консалтинг Deloitte на этой неделе; тебе удалось куда-нибудь попасть?This comment was edited 2016-08-28 INV MENYA LP PARTY 2016-08-28Слава Украиний! Героям слава! INV MENYA LP PARTY 2016-08-28Да, я про-геймер в доте 2.Mokujin 2016-08-28Nice.  INV MENYA LP PARTY 2016-08-28gl with ur interview TripleSteal- 2016-08-28я с пятого числа выхожу в делойтarin 2016-08-28re zero airs around sunday night in gmt +1arin 2016-08-28whatever i dont even know why am i watching it when there wont be a season 2 in 20 years since not even original light novel's finishedMokujin 2016-08-28Triple, какой отдел если не секрет?TripleSteal- 2016-08-28audit, IRGThis comment was edited 2016-08-28EmptyJar 2016-08-28rip kitrak threadwoof 2016-08-28 ggggggg i fucked up how can i let them get huskar after aa ban and this is fucking game 3 xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDTripleSteal- 2016-08-28is it ur last jdl playoff game?woof 2016-08-28LUL win in 24 min vs that lame lineup and ye we're div 2 nowThis comment was edited 2016-08-28Vem Comigo 2016-08-28GG guys dont post #trigerred images of ugly women, they will ban you for 1 week :(Nah, I'd win 2016-08-28^ Vem Comigo 2016-08-28If they dont ban you i gonna ddos this siteD the Superior 2016-08-29This comment was removed by a moderator 2018-01-24bum farto 2016-08-29Fuck you guys actually, I am late maybe 5 minutes now I have like 5 tickets I can use cause battlec*nts are done. FUCK YOU ALLsano 2016-08-29no, fuck youjo~ 2016-08-29@aimstrong doesn't matter about winrate I haven't seen a single omni or warden but then I again I play in low 5k. But my friend who is 100 mmr higher than me says he gets drop aws alot 4headrobert 2016-08-29Bump robert 2016-08-29Dump. Please sign in to post comments.Sign in with Steam
Page master
Ofc he is a thing with around 57% winrate in 5k+ bracket
i suppose it's time to spam timbersaw mid like an autist
it's too late for that retard
Mirana spam is better i think
Tomorrow I want to see this juicy 5k
Mirana, void spam atm is really strong.
is mirana that good
you cant nuke people that well anymore without second agh starstorm
you deal 3/4 single target damage
Aimstronk how was your first game in SEA server
Only 280 ping SeemsGood
It's was only 280 ping tera4head bruh. Somehow we had a pretty decent team despite the fact we had techies on our team
Edit: forgot my LUL
reminder that its impossible to lose to drow as long as u pick pa and have vanguard by the time drow is 6
best player keepo
What's up with refusing to buy bkb in 4k bracket
this whole day for -25
where new re zero ep??
kiss my ass?
inx soon will be a star trash
TripleSteal, как дела?
Привет Мокужин. Я Триплстил. Всё заебис. У тебя?
У меня интервью в консалтинг Deloitte на этой неделе;
тебе удалось куда-нибудь попасть?
Слава Украиний! Героям слава!
Да, я про-геймер в доте 2.
gl with ur interview
я с пятого числа выхожу в делойт
re zero airs around sunday night in gmt +1
whatever i dont even know why am i watching it when there wont be a season 2 in 20 years since not even original light novel's finished
Triple, какой отдел если не секрет?
audit, IRG
rip kitrak thread
ggggggg i fucked up how can i let them get huskar after aa ban and this is fucking game 3 xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
is it ur last jdl playoff game?
LUL win in 24 min vs that lame lineup and ye we're div 2 now
GG guys dont post #trigerred images of ugly women, they will ban you for 1 week :(
If they dont ban you i gonna ddos this site
Fuck you guys actually, I am late maybe 5 minutes now I have like 5 tickets I can use cause battlec*nts are done.
no, fuck you
@aimstrong doesn't matter about winrate I haven't seen a single omni or warden but then I again I play in low 5k.
But my friend who is 100 mmr higher than me says he gets drop aws alot 4head