General Discussion

General DiscussionImprovement

Improvement in General Discussion

    Many of you here are more experienced and skilled than me. Judging from my games, what areas do you think I should focus my efforts on improving?

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      If you got cancer from your last game, let me tell you it's not your fault, check this TA, jesus.

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        I wanted more stuns for that match and I could have easily drafted that as the captain, but this is 1.5k MMR. Only 30% of the players know how to play anything other than hard carry and I'd much rather see a semi-competent jugg than a totally incompetent lion.

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          why the fuck would u even play cm mode with randoms

          i wouldn't even trust scrubs if they were 6k+ and above ranked


            play lesh PL bloodseeker and storm spirit


              and dont play support


                VAGA, I play CM because I need to be better at picking heroes and playing against organized opponents. In CM, I am more likely to face an opponent (even at 1.5k MMR) playing as a stack or having an overall strategy. Also, CM (when I am captain) lets me avoid slark and techies, two heroes I am not good at countering.

                DISASTA...I'm not asking how to improve my MMR. I'm asking for more experienced players to help me identify my mistakes (because they are able to help me find mistakes I don't even know are mistakes).


                  ahhh, well im not very experianced, but if you need to raise mmr, theirs your answer lol

                  Ding Ding Ding

                    Every time you die, try to figure out why you die, is it because of diving towers, is it because of enemy ganking or is it because of your silly action or is it because of your hp is too low ( e.g. if i have a magic wand just now, will i still die? ; if i got a vision there, will i still die? ) , then avoid or make changes to it instead of just sitting there waiting to respawn. Also, when death timer is counting down, think which lane should you go when you respawn. Don;t have the thinking of i'm carry i don't buy ward, i'm mid i don't buy ward. Try ask your team to buy but if they ignore, spending 75 gold to secure your own lane ( instead of getting ganked 3 4 times and your team starting say 'stop feed' and you response with ' we don't have ward, what you expect') i would say it is totally worth it. Another useful tips is win the game by winning with item, which means more farmed (which means better CS) than them. AND try to avoid times wasting like walk here and there without doing anything or smoke gank without vision which leads to fail ganking and wasting time. Use the time to farm instead.

                    instead of playing CM, i would suggest you to train couple strong and impact mid hero (e.g. storm, qop, etc, avoid picking mid hero which requires staying mid to farm for a long time) and help ganking other lane, especially opponent safe lane which slow down their carry farm. As you said 1.5k MMR player tend to pick carry so their hero might not be useful in the first 15-20 minutes (e.g. anti mage), take the advantage and pressure him by taking towers (gank if possible but 1.5k players may not good at ganking, so i suggest you play heroes like qop or storm which can solo kill easily when farmed) .Don't get too aggressive, don't dive tower, stick to the objective (e.g. take towers and rax instead of chase killing or dive tower which end up you are too low hp and mana to push). When your team is losing, stop engaging fight, carry a tp, when they dive tower, take them down at your tower.

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                    Quick maffs

                      Support is the hardest role in dota, i suck at it so i cant tell you anything about it.

                      For carry and mids though i know exactly the mistakes you and your teammates are doing in your MMR, you are all fighting too much and not farming.

                      Learn how to last hit, farm more, do not waste your time around your team because you think a fight might happen, only go to a fight IF you can win it and IF its already happening and IF its close to a tower you can tp to.

                      If you learn how to farm and know what items to buy in every game your mmr will improve at least by one thousand.

                      147 is the cs you should have by 30 min ( more actually but its ok-ish ) not by 50 min and that itembuild on WK is really bad.

                      Pol Pot of Greed

                        hitting creeps

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                            it allways cracks me up when people say "hence why" :D