General Discussion

General Discussion[Discussion] Guides for Huskar and Bloodseeker

[Discussion] Guides for Huskar and Bloodseeker in General Discussion
Hungry God

    Hello guys i opened this threat for some attention on my guys, u can see my Dotabuff those both are my best heroes.
    I wrote 2 guides for them and i would like to get more feedback or votes for it.
    Ty :)




      plat 5 division 84 percentile rofl


        at least not normal skill, what mmr u have dude

        Hungry God

          my hidden mmr seems to be about 4k and my ranked mmr is 3,7k solo atm.
          I rather play with friends than farming alone :P


            Nice guides



              Its obvious you put a lot of effort, but still... some content is questionable

              you can just watch replays from pov of top huskar/bs spammers (idk r3niart / panterra) and learn from there

              Text guides are so dota 1.
              Its an outdated, inefficient and a boring way of delivering info.

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              Hungry God

                Well for me its like if u see a video how someone makes origami u cant do origami u need text :D
                but y i learned chaos knight and mirana a lot from sing sing videos, but my huskar and bloodseeker style is my own experience and very diffrent from the other spammers.


                  when i see a video how someone makes origami, i can do origami much easier than with text

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                      i carried panterra once

                      ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                      Hungry God

                        @KD , dude u may should say why etc. otherwise its just nothing but senseless shit talk :)
                        As u may see i am nearly in the top 1000 ranking for Huskar on Dotabuff (94 percentile, platinum 7).
                        Just try to make a position here and be a bit constructive, i mean if i say your windranger is shit that is just objective.
                        But if i say your winrate is 43% with Windranger an easy hero while u got an esports profile and maybe u smurf it gives it a total new level of deepness and understanding why i think that your windranger is shit.

                        @Arin, when u see an tutorial yes, but if u watch how someone just does it u cant
                        If u watch a game from someone who doesnt explain why he does what, u dont understood what u do,
                        u just copy it brainless, thats what i meant :)
                        I mean i saw TI5 but i did not understood all of their moves and they didnt explained it durin the game, but luckily i´m working on some videos with commentarys from me :P

                        @Sunris nice , he uses totally diffrent items i guess i check his style a bit out :D

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                          mek on huskar ?

                          prettysure 99% of the time armlet is the #1 item u should get

                          Hungry God

                            U could read the reason why i think mek is better.
                            Armlet is good vs Casters but not vs Carries because if u toogle and get bashed etc. u just die.
                            Also Mek is good for Huskars armor, and gives the more relevant people of the late game space.
                            If enigma doesnt need to go for mek for example he has sooner a blink also i dont need mana for fighting i still can use all my spells.
                            My Huskar build is a teamplayer who creates space and tanks in fights so i would get all bashes stuns etc. on me and armlet would be just a bad decision there.
                            Armlet is good for you but mek is good for your whole team.
                            Sometimes i go a bit back in the middle of the fight let the others tank a bit and if they are low i jump in juse Mek heal them and while i´m half HP again they need to focus me or they die.

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                              10/10 for effort
                              9/10 for presentation
                              2/10 content. sorry. it just wont work in higher tier games.

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                                @Jeep, yeah u should check his itembuild, he goes for some funny shit, normal boots+midas>euls+travels> shadowblade>solar crest
                                but it works

                                Hungry God

                                  Ty , but in higher tier games it works rly good because in higher tier games huskar is not the position 1. :) because he gets outcarried by so many heroes.
                                  Also i think we are in the same bracket arent we?
                                  Also in your 3000 + games u just played huskar one time so what o.O ?


                                    i saw quite a lot of huskars playing pos 1 recently, so im perfectly fine.
                                    i dont play huskar myself, but ik quite a lot about meta cancer cz i see it all day all night.
                                    no, we dont play in the same bracket (edit: unless i stack with 4k sunris HuEhuehuEhue).

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                                    Hungry God

                                      that is the same bracket because my hidden mmr is over 4k :) how do i think i got platinum 7 with just a few games?
                                      I play in all pick in 4-5k .
                                      If Huskar would be a good position one you would have seen him in TI.
                                      Nvm with my build i end the game often quickly before my carries start to do something, so you could say i´m poistion one but in a 40 minute game vs void or spectre u just wont do shit especially when they got a bkb.
                                      If u dont get kills in early to mid game u have rly bad farming mechanics so an antimage will outfarm you aswell.


                                      Here the Dotabuff Top Huskar Player he is the number one, this were his last matches.
                                      He went Mek and Armlet which i do when the game is rly hard, but the best thing about mek is u can upgrade it into guardian greaves which give poor huskar bonus armor when he is low and burst heal etc.
                                      There are not many games were he goes for it but just to show you that in your skillbracket its works rly good :)

                                      Also a friend of mine is 6,7k mmr and he says that the players in this skill bracket are way more retarded then in the bracket from 3,5 to 4,5. maybe its because players who start dota get such a high hidden mmr that they are getting stacked with em haha

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                                        not a single reason to buy vlad over dominator on huskar.

                                        Also, halberd > tarasque to tank

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                                          Hungry God

                                            @matrice i´m rly thankful of course dominator is better i must have missclicked i changed it.


                                              pkatinum 7 is below 4k i guess, it shall be ~3.8-3.9kk.
                                              mid 4ks shall be diamond 5-6.
                                              so when you tell me that we play in the same bracket, it sounds kinda offensive ^^

                                              huskar was not picked on ti5 cz hes a good pub stomper rather than a wise pick for competitive matches, he's more or less similar to meepo in these terms.

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                                                my friend is 4k flat and he's Diamond 8, this division shit is so broken


                                                  welp, db administration told they gonna rework it after ti5, soim kinda looking forwards to see a good ranking without professional division and with a bit more intuitively comprehensible parametres.


                                                    idk why would low skill player write guides

                                                    get some clue about hero before actually "teaching"others

                                                    u dont see fucking 5th graders go to university and teach 20 year olds how to do their shit do you ?

                                                    u can buy mek on any hero in game but that doesn't mean u should

                                                    huskar has 1 "job" in this game and its jump people and faceroll him with rightclicks if u want to build mek get something like bh or enigma or whatever they also got additional spells to help

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                                                      the game cdec picked slark, in which the failed miserably due to the item build of slark, well, if they last picked huskar, with no skill involved, they woulda win it easy.

                                                      The main reason they couldn't pick huskar at ti, is cause lina everywhere.

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                                                        FIrst of all, armlet is almost core on huskar. Your objective of the game is to snowball. THis is pre determined by enemy picks. Hes not a good late game carry but hes a beast at snowballing against the right enemy team. Your items after armlet should be helm, ac and then whatever you need whether its BKB, solar or halberd. You also want to be always around 20%hp.

                                                        You dont need mek if you have armlet. Mek is such a shit item for you to be snowballing. Timing should be armlet, threads, and helm. Then get a 10 -15 min rosh. With that aegis, no one can kill you and u should take all t1-t2 towers. And no you dont want to get a heart, why would you? heart gives you regen hp that you dont need. What you want is EHP when youre low onhp. Like evasion or armor. IF it goes later than 35-40 minutes then its gg you didnt snowball hard enough.

                                                        This paragraph isnt from me, from a 6k huskar player. hoho.


                                                          You don't need armlet to make a timing end.

                                                          Halberd stacking is way better.

                                                          dominator, frost ogre, halberd, rosh rax.
                                                          If still aegis, 2nd rax.
                                                          If no aegis but 2nd haberd, 2nd rax.

                                                          That way it require literally no skill, apart mb from the laning phase.

                                                          If you complete 1st step under 20 min, then unless they have agah lina, or aa, or doom, you basically won the game


                                                            there isnt any such thing as "HIDDEN MMR". Valve has general brackets that it places players under for unranked matchmaking. 3.2 and below go into normal so anyone from 0 mmr and 3.2 can be matched together in a normal ranked game 3.2-3.6 fall into high skill and any player that is 3.7+ gets put into high skill where they may be matched with any players that is 3.7k or higher. If you want to see proof of this go to my third game on this account (storm where I get solo matched with moo who is 7k solo) and would probably be at least 5k if there was such a thing as unranked mmr.

                                                            Unranked MMR is for tards that want to feel special about being matched with 6k+ players in unranked while they are retarded 3ks. Shit doesnt exist.


                                                              @matrice yeah youre right but armlet just allows you the possibility to be at 20% hp at all times. Early game no one have enough physical dmg to deal u 300-400 dmg unless you're severely chain stunned. But yeah your item choice seems brain dead haha. BUt you cant be as aggresive as you would like i guess.


                                                                what ?

                                                                u can dive tier 2 and toggle armelt inbetween 2-3 tower hits and then kill multiple heroes 1 after another and run away

                                                                it leaves so much place for big plays (implying u can time proper toggles ) and if u do that ur litteraly unkillable unless enemy team has counters to u


                                                                  with my build, you are also unkillable xD

                                                                  but you don't need to toggle anything.

                                                                  It's true however that you can damage a bit faster the building with armlet build, but it doesn't scale at all. in y our role. My build is really timing build. if they don't have the counter, no matter how skilled they are, they cann't win, (and almost no matter how bad you are, as long as you are not stupid).

                                                                  If you lose the timing window, my build can scale pretty well, since halberd remain ultra strong the whole game, and is more related to a shiva cuirasse + agah (aka full tank + agah build)
                                                                  than the armlet one, since it put more enphasis on dps (unless you sell it, but considering huskar farm speed, that's an horrible thing to do ^^)

                                                                  And the full tank build on huskar is really really strong lategame (but suck between the timing window and the lategame ^^, but that's for all build i think)

                                                                  Anyway, those 2 build can achieve similar result, there's actually only one thing the armlet build is much more reliable. it's if enemy have a lot of purge (diffu, eul, tornado etc...) since the armlet build isn't as dependant as the halberd one on innver vitality

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