General Discussion

General DiscussionIs this some kind of abuse?

Is this some kind of abuse? in General Discussion

    Why does everyone have a high winrate? Are these people abusing in some way?


      probably just 2 5 stacks that play captains mode and usually get matched against much weaker teams?


        if u queue ap unranked even if you have your hidden mmr capped out normally you will only meet 4.5-5ks
        cm unranked there are even less people so probably high 3ks/4ks, stack with any decent players and you can easily hit 90% winrate

        the east wind

          Normal MM 3,122
          Ranked MM 67

          i think this is saddest thing i ever seen

          Riguma Borusu


            100% winrate for 58 matches. Wtf.

            lm ao

              Kek how dishonorable

              the realm's delight

                ayy lmao fukin allison brie thats vroks friend