General Discussion

General DiscussionAny situations where you would stack skadis?

Any situations where you would stack skadis? in General Discussion
smug anya

    Just curious if there are any situations that justify stacking skadis like a 2nd skadi as opposed to getting an ac or butterfly etc

    Riguma Borusu

      I don't think so - on heroes you mostly build skadi (illusion heroes), you need utility for your other items, so manta's a much better 2nd stat item than two skadis, you might want to get diffusal as well on some of these to get more damage and utility, and heart gives you invaluable regen since you have a ton of health that's not easy to regenerate, and you might wanna get butterfly to make your EHP go further.

      Really, +50 on all stats and some mana and hp is obviously great, but with illusion heroes you get more illusions with manta, and more total EHP, and damage. With slark who builds skadi, you want better lockdown later with basher/abyssal, with medusa you'll run out of slots you need for better stat items. Two skadis are gonna give medusa worse survivability than a skadi and butterfly or a skadi and manta (don't forget manta's active), and slows from two skadis don't stack.


      I don't know what you'd try to accomplish here, as every other combination of skadi + other fitting 5-6k item is simply gonna give you more utlity and ehp, plus it'll stack. Hopefully a more experienced player will have some genius idea to share here :x

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        on meepo.

        Riguma Borusu

          ^well, there you go, heart's regen won't work and he benefits from all stats, though I'd still get a hex in order not to get wrecked by a problematic hero. If you don't need to hex anybody and are dominating the game I guess 2xSkadi would be the way to go.


            on terrorblade when you need to tank, on dusa double skadi can be viable too


              on lancer when u want illusions to do shit aka slowpushing and just being nonsence

              Riguma Borusu

                Maybe also by the time MKB is already rolled out and you are about to build a butterfly - get a skadi instead?


                  ^ I would get Eblade if need stats or just other dmg item


                    casual meepo if u need tankiness


                      anyone said stacking skadis?

                      Riguma Borusu

                        holy fucking shit


                          I'd rather stack bf's than skadi's on TB


                            Most skadis i saw in meepo... i think 4, yeah treads + aghs + 4 skadis :p
                            Sometimes in lategame when playing naga i replace Butterfly with a second skady (or heart) if enemies build 2 mkbs or more, after all youre always rich with lategame naga...


                              i prefer butterfly more ehp. manta, and tarrasq

                              Dire Wolf

                                Non illusion heroes wont' have enough dmg. Medusa is tanky enough with one skadi. I mean three skadis is 75 dmg and 75 IAS, but still less dps than one daedulus or mkb. Plus AC and butterfly on most heroes is a lot more ehp.