General Discussion

General DiscussionHuskar counters? (include the ways too)

Huskar counters? (include the ways too) in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu

    Ми гирлфриенд студиес руссиан бут И цант ундерстанд муцх оф ит.


      ай юсд то спик лайк зис виз рашн пипл, ит гейв ми кэнсер, бай бай нау(( ай эм сэд

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      Riguma Borusu

        сајрилик сука гг

        Riguma Borusu

          Also, if huskar has ulted you already, a ghost scepter is a good way to escape his further attacks for a few seconds. Not a counter per se, but it will be pretty annoying to him.

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            Miku Plays

              lifestealer kappa, he gonna eat him alive


                Dimitri guys attack!

                On: Best counter broodmother


                  Stuns and control over bkb are huskar counter.

                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    Or just buy Silver Edge and kill him.


                      Silver edge is not cheap tho. And the dmg huskar can do till you get silver edge can be devastating.

                      Didos Nipples

                        Honestly, I beat him as a solo hardlane Lina. target him with spells first and burst him down so he doesnt gain spell resistance, then work on a right click build. I personally like crystalys or desolator.

                        Dire Wolf

                          you have to look up every spell and effect cus there aren't any hard and fast rules, but pure means not reduced by magic resist. Magic immunity piercing is a completely separate effect.

                          And husk, never have any issues with them, they just dive and feed all game. But axe is very good counter and so is PA. PA husk dives her, she dodges all his shit, blink strike crit he's dead. Sniper's pretty good too since he'll be dead before he's in range to ult. Troll warlord too, when he ults you pop whirling axes, he will miss a ton, you bash him to death.

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                            as an huskar i would like to farm fast my items

                            threads - urn - mordiggan - domi - halberd - solar crest - butterfly <3

                            Riguma Borusu

                              ^that's dirty. I want all people who stack evasion on huskar to DIE.

                              Riguma Borusu

                                Huskar IS ridiculously powerful early game, but he CAN'T kill five people with disables at once. Like, even if he dominates his lane and gets an early solo rosh with armlet - he's still way, way too prone to getting bursted down if you gang up on him as a team. What happens when he has a huge early advantage, his team is already grouping up around him, gets a solo rosh and you have in no way counterpicked him?

                                Well, good luck defending highground, because he's gonna dive and still manage to kill you with the help of his team.

                                Óðinn H

                                  Clinkz is also really good vs Huskar

                                  Óðinn H

                                    Silver Edge isnt even that good VS Huskar cause a good Huskar player will purge it off wth his ulti

                                    You need some raw phsytical damage or some burst like lina so, otherwise he'll just outregen Your damage With his heal, which actually is fucking broken.

                                    Consider buying Diffisual or Euls vs Huskar, and purge his heal. It gets really easy to kill him when he dont have his heal.

                                    Riguma Borusu

                                      Diffusal is also good to burn his mana so he does not have mana for heal and mek. He has shit mana pool as is, hitting him with diffusal is adding insult to injury.