General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to climb this trash party mmr?

How to climb this trash party mmr? in General Discussion

    I duo queue, every time we get matched with a 3 stack it's a shitshow
    Last game we had a 2.8k mid vs a 4.5k mid, how is this balanced
    look at this shit

    I only won the second SF game today because I was against the highest mmr on the enemy team mid (4.7k) and his 2k team was just awful

    What are your strats? I usually play around 3.6-3.7k avg


      why do you need some special strats? it's basically the same as solo q besides less anxiety and agression. play decently and win games (or get eventually carried by ur party teammates).

      é c l a i r ♬

        Watch this MMR commentary by Blitz, I'd say.

        Pol Pot of Greed

          tiny centaur roaming support combo

          casual gamer

            play wisp tiny with ur partner

            use tether and toss to trap 1 guy on the cliff at rune fight

            do wisp tiny things


            99% winrate


              lmfao who wants to win in party ?..

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                I got 5962 party MMR and I just mostly solo carry games and lose almost all games when I'm a support because my friend is about 2k lower than me and can't carry the weight on his own.


                  @Sacrifice VII: don't get me wrong, I'm not a retard that thinks that MMR can't be climbed, look at my ranked winrate. I already saw the video but I don't remember if Blitz says anything about party mmr, if he does, can you tell me at which minute?

                  I'm just saying that half of the times that I play party, I just get an unplayable shit because of unbalanced games, maybe I use the wrong strat
                  I can't play wisp lmao

                  King of Low Prio

                    I usually play heroes like zeus BS PL or weaver in party q so I can just clean up


                      actually i remembered several things I discussed with one of my friends a while ago.

                      the optimal playstyle in party games is a bit different to the one that wins you solo games. i saw a lot of really decent solo players be consistently unsuccesfull in party games, cause they try to play and win game on their own which is far from optimal and contradicts the whole idea of party ranked. You gotta rely on your teammates here; even if they are 1500-2000 pts below and less skilled than you, you'd better believe in them. It's kind of a whole new perspective to the game.

                      -if you see your teammates initiating a bad fight, you'd better tp there too and try to minimize the losses by helping them, instead of farming and thinking you gonna win this on alone, like you would do in solo queue.

                      -if you stack with better players, you'd better let them play core roles and pick a support, even if you are not a very decent supp - it's better to have a mediocre carry and bad supp, than a bad carry plus decent supp here.

                      -never flame anyone if you are losing even if it's his/her fault; the best comebacks I've seen in my games were in party q - just because ppl don't give up and kinda emotionally support each other, even if they don't say anything.

                      -don't play with people you dont feel comfortable with, it will just lead to losses, no matter how decent you/they are.

                      -try to use skype/ts/etc., communication wins games.

                      -don't be greedy on pick stage, remember that the space to farm your team gonna have is limited, and you cant pick a support lins if you have sf, spectre and wr as offlaner. you have to trust in other ppl to win.

                      -even if you are not qing as 5, try to communicate with all of your teammates, even if some of them are random and you do not know them. people in party q tend to be way more friendly than in solo.

                      -if you duo queue, dont insta-lock 2 core roles (mid and carry). just don't.

                      This comment was edited

                        ^ ty
                        I stack with people I think I have a good sinergy with and with the same skill level, however we can't win ranked games for some reason, while we win a lot of normal matches (same people)
                        We tried to dual offlane, didn't work, best thing is probably 1 core 1 support and try to win the early game


                          ^^ communication is the most overrated thing in DotA, unless you know how to communicate, but saying obvious shit is just pointless. I pretty much never heard anyone communicating properly, but saying shit like "push" "back" which you can do with chat wheel and pings. Instead you need to say which spells you are using or something else that is actually useful, so you can avoid using 2 stuns at the same time on AM for example.

                          This comment was edited

                            ^it smells like a reference to some real match in which we fucked this shit up xD
                            by communication i meant the common stuff like saying "back", "go kill top" etc. the difference with solo q here is that ppl actually listen to the one ffering the ideas, and it has positive impact on team's efficiency.


                              ^ Nah it's not xD. When someone is captaining in solo q I'm pretty sure I win 80% of those games if not more, but it's very rare, pretty much happens in 2/100 games.


                                I communicate a lot with my party members, while in solo Q i usually just use chat wheel or pings and mute chat if I see retarded things because they distract me from my gameplay


                                  road to 7k party, Sam AaaRE yUOoOo REAdDy? LETsTS GOgogGOg

                                  ThISI SI T10+ ¤%Luck 20 % SKilLL 15 % sCOncecEratTED PrOwer Of WIll 5% pleasure 50% PAIN And 100% PreAson T he rreMember tHE NAMEE


                                    what's highest party mmr now btw? i remember s4 had over 7k at some point but now he's in 6ks afaik.


                                      attacker and his friend got 7k too, idno if anyone in EU has got higher, prob someshit higher in china. NA doesnt even qualify lols