General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy didnt I win this game

Why didnt I win this game in General Discussion
lm ao

    Average MMR: 2298

    Our picks just looked so promising, however it turned out later on that 1. Bloodseeker is a braindead trash player 2. Chained stuns here and there 3. I made such a lot of bad plays, with me being the top net worth equals you fuck up games as hard as well



    About my itemization What do you think? I believe MKB getting there is rahter obvious, BUT, should I have bought Assault Cuirass over Butterfly on her? Should I have discarded Deso for something more carry oriented like Skadi? Should I have bought Buriza as well? Bloodseeker was basically dumspter shit so I was playing the carry for them? Splitpushing with manta?

    But I think though most of my shortcomings were from my really bad plays. It would be nice guys if you point them out yourselves, in a rude, unintelligible fuck-off-normal-skill-trash kind of way. It makes all the difference between hey-this-is-fucking-guiltening-i-should-really-geet-good and ah-okay-fine-i-see feelings. Watching the replay would really help me justify my level of skill. (I am also watching it as well, I'm not this dense) not just label me as some 'LOL-you-need-to-git-gud ind of guys we always get in the feed everyday

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      you didnt destroy the ancient, but honestly ur build is fine, plays is where its at

      lm ao

        Such spam m8 ily

        lm ao

          I wasn't actually stomping this game guys, we were actually zoned out to our tier 2's in less than 17 minutes. I had such little oppurtunity to farm. But I tried my best, tried not to die much and win teamfights. But ofc the KDA would tell you something else SD


            How did blood go 6-19?

            lm ao

              Feeding ofc


                thats how u lost


                  u just needed nig to hit a decent hole

                  lm ao

                    That's why I'm trying my best to carry shit team? and asking if I had been better with more different build?


                      no, nothign u could have done

                      lm ao

                        Pls thread dont die




                            ur items are ok, your laning/last hitting is weak and you need to pull the ancients out as you farm them.also once you get deso in a pub setting you can just immediately get smoke and optional flask/clarity if your status isnt topped up then solo rosh. after that just push as 5 with your deso blink
                            also you farm extremely safe areas when ta is extremely slippery, in that game you could farm extremely aggresively, the only real threat is blink wr and maybe cm biting you at night if you arent careful
                            that death at mid (which caused you to buyback and eventually die w/o buyback was super game losing idk what were u tihnking lol
                            i cant comment on the smaller mechanical stuff cuz i watched it at 8x

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                            the realm's delight

                              id watch the replay only to see what bs has been doing the entire game lmfao but yea h rtz streaming u feel


                                who cares its rtz bat im sure thats going to end up in disaster


                                  rtz streaming im on maen

                                  the realm's delight

                                    feeding couriers thats my TriHard



                                      lm ao

                                        jo~ wtf we're supposed to be SEA buddies you should understand my shitty laning phase, there are occasional packet loss problems when suddenly your hero can't move despite the number of clicks you do to try in vain to make it move, fucking gets stuck at 1 frame for 1-2 seconds even with 67 PING WTF. (Its definitely not my PC, I could move my mouse and make actions when it happened)

                                        And yeah, offlane magnus is keeping on stealing my runes so 'm forced to bottle crow, and I believe I stacked the ancient camps at least 3 times before the 10 minute mark. WTF though those shits are so hard to clear WP 6.85 fucking vulva

                                        lm ao

                                          ugh the replay nice la where is it