General Discussion

General DiscussionOgre magi with Octarine?

Ogre magi with Octarine? in General Discussion

    would Octarine core be a good item to have after aghs on a ogre magi or would something more like a bloodstone gaurdian greaves or eul's be more useful in most casses?

    Sexo Meister

      if u want to be selfish and buff yourself get octs

      if u want to be a good support and buff the whole team get GG boots

      if u want to save people or chase enemies get Eul

      if u want to add more damage and delete the enemy physical hero get eblade

      if ur fat, get all 4 and ur basically a monster

      if ur confuse on what to make, get hex

      Riguma Borusu

        By the time you'd get an OC/Bloodstone, the only important spell you have is going to be Bloodlust, since the enemy carries will get tankier and have bkbs and your other spells will not do that much. So focus on utility instead, GG are good, Eul's good, don't forget ghost scepter if they have hard hitting physical carries, and instead of wasting so much gold on bloodstone/oc, you can get a hex. OC/Bloodstone is just a waste on a hero whose spell damage does not really transition into lategame, and even something like solar crest/glimmer is going to be a better pickup in most games, and getting a blink/force staff is going to greatly benefit your ganks since you can blink/stun or forcestaff/stun easily since your stun has shit range.

        TL;DR: It's a waste most games, get some utility that always helps. If you still want to buff your damage output, but have heavy magic damage dealers on your team like shaker, cm, veno or sand king, get a veil instead. It'll make you tankier and the active will still help both yours and your teammates' damage output. Another option for this is Orchid, though you'll most likely prefer hex in most games.

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        Sexo Meister

          @ne mora svaka da se pobedi

          did u draw that sven? he looks adorable :D

          Riguma Borusu

            My friend did, he drew 5 heroes for our team, we all have those 'awesome' avatars pretty much, but we are not all using them all the time. This is a match played by us 5, and you can see we have invoker/shadowfiend/sven avatars drew by him.

            Sexo Meister

              @ne mora svaka da se pobedi

              aww its damn cute lol, may i ask your friend to draw one for me?

              Riguma Borusu

                Honestly, I doubt he'd be interested in that, it's kind of an intern thing and he's very introvert kind of guy. He only plays with us 4, either way.

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                Sexo Meister

                  @ne mora svaka da se pobedi

                  aaaah okay lel :(

                  The Ice Truck Killer

                    Ogre with Aghs and Octarine can basically stun lock someone. His dps via magic is insanely high and with the life steal + str gain, he often can man fight/outlast carries in team fights. I guess he's hit hard by bkbs and glimmer but you can at least destroy someone who isn't glimmered/without a bkb and take them down with you whilst you force bkbs. Even if he's countered by bkb, euls & orchid (and to some extent hex without blink) are bad choices. Eblade is very good and other good utility items are shivas, lotus, glimmer, force, greaves (and veil but same problem as aghs and OC) but I feel aghs and OC are too good to pass up. I'm not saying you have to rush them; getting a proper utility item like force or greaves or glimmer first is fine but you want to have aghs+OC late game.
                    I find it hard to believe people say his spell utility/ magic damage does not transition into late game; anyone who's played him late game can tell you his magical/spell damage output is up there with Zeus, Lina & Lesh. Ignite on 5 heroes + 10 creeps gives you insane life steal, bloodlust on half your creeps + all your allies = non stop drums active and his stuns = stun luck on 1 hero without even considering its damage output. He also scales very well into lategame with those 2 items and his stat gain - he has 14.5 armour, 2871 HP at level 25 giving him 5380 physical EHP and 3828 magical EHP.

                    Suppose a 6 slotted magic based DPS Ogre has Aghs, OC, Veil, E-blade, Blink and Bots 2; at level 25 he will have 27 armour and 3175 raw HP which works out as 8320 physical EHP and 4233 magical EHP. A right click carry with no refresher and a fresh bkb will have to deal 832 dps else he gets stun locked and raped by ogre

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                        I was carried once by a mid Ogre with Aghanim's + Blink + Octarine. Shit's legit.