General Discussion

General DiscussionThe moment when....

The moment when.... in General Discussion
Giff me Wingman

    you see how awful your trashteam is and start selling everything to feed couriers, then at the end of the game end up with the highest GPM.


      its still less weird than when u see how trash ur team is, sell everying, feed ~10 times, go afk, abandon, and come back in 40 minutes to see enemy's throne fall.


        Happened to me this past 3 games (2QoP,1 Zeus), copy paste mid, min 4-5 and they are 0-5 blaming everyone that they dont come gank MID



 are a russian and 4th pick bs after 3 cores, this guy randoms and starts courier feeding meanwhile crying that you are russian


            .... not as awkward as my last game
            Wr having connection issues and abandoned
            sold all her stuffs for dolla and then suddenly she reconnects
            glad still won that game


     receive free pts after abandoning a game without getting lp.


                ^ what do you mean?I dun quite get it, could you explain ?


                  Well, I found that game and experienced some latency issues (despite normal ping and 0 packet loss). I tried to reconnect, however the button didn't work. Then I tried reconnecting steam and it didnt help either. After 15 mins of attempts to do something I just said 'f### im out', hit the 'abandon' button and started another game.