General Discussion

General DiscussionNecronomicon 1 on Lone Druid

Necronomicon 1 on Lone Druid in General Discussion
Child in Time

    Prior to 6.83, Lone Druid's ultimate ability, Battle Cry, only gave 20 bonus damage to each unit at level 1. Now in 6.85, It has been buffed twice to a very high 90 bonus damage at level 1, which scales to 150 damage at level 3.

    It is now situationally useful to get an early Necronomicon for pushing and fighting. You don't need to upgrade it past level 1 because the Battle Cry bonus damage is greater than their regular attack damage and the Necro units' attack speed/base attack time doesn't scale when upgraded. All that matters is the number of units under your control and how fast they attack.

    After Necro, you can start building the bear with typical items like Maelstrom, Basher, AC, and Vlads or you can build a Desolator for better tower damage and fighting.

    Since you would probably be getting a necro instead of a farming item like Maelstrom or Radiance, this kind of build would work better on an off lane or jungle Druid with lower farm priority.

    Another benefit of Necro on Druid, is that it makes Aghs more useful. Necro + Battle Cry gives your Druid very high damage in fights/pushes and all you really need is an AC or a Desolator on you bear to use him for farming and split pushing. In a more standard build, all your resources are in on your bear so your Druid will do very little damage in fights. In those situations, Aghs is only really useful as a way to quickly reposition your bear around the map and remove the liability of having your Druid in fights.


    EDIT: Reworded some things for clarity.

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      can ld have 2 necrobooks running at once?

      Sexo Meister

        Yes rocket, if u get 2 midas u will farm faster as well, but idk if bear midas gives the free exp tho

        Child in Time

          Yes, you can have one on the bear and one on the Druid, but then you won't have any utility or damage especially when they are on cooldown. Necro provides Strength and Int, which doesn't benefit the bear at all.

          The only reason I think Necro is exciting on Druid is because he gets so much value from level 1 Necronomicon. It means he only has to invest 2700 into the item instead of >5000. Buying 2 Necros will give you 33% more damage for 6 seconds out of every minute, but do very little for you for the remainder of the game.


            sorry -wasn't recommending it was jsut curious as to whether you could have four minions or if the original ones insta-died when you used the second book.

            waku waku

              he's the real beastmaster

              Sexo Meister

                Holy shit he is the real beast master


                  rocket, up to 4 necrom.
                  necro bear, refresh, use necro again (but from a second necrom item)
                  necro hero, refresh, use necro again (but from your 4th necrom)


                    TIL you can have 2 necrobooks+refresher. i used to get angry when my refresher+necro killed off the original warriors :)


                      Dont forget octarine for most cancerous build.

                      Pom Pom 🍕

                        you can also have double hotd creeps that gain damage from battle cry too.


                          hotd catapult creeps, that is.

                          Child in Time

                            I didn't mention HotD because most lane and jungle creeps attack more slowly than Necro warriors and you only get 1 creep for ~2000 gold instead of 2 creeps for 2700. You can dominate the troll summoners and make and army of buffed skeletons, but they die very easily so that's too gimmicky for me.

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                              Dominate centars