General Discussion

General Discussionban appeal: booty bay bodyguard

ban appeal: booty bay bodyguard in General Discussion

    please, he's not a racist. I promise he will be kind.. I love this boy and I want to apologize in his name. Also, please state which part of his threads were offensive. Imo, he simply had a honest criticism on the dotabuff(c)(Kappa) forum(c) policy. UNBAN HIM OR BAN ME TOO

    (ノ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ノ︵┻┻ ᕙʕ ಥ ▃ ಥ ʔᕗ

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      ban both


        first SEA doge is banned
        now EU doge is banned



          I'm contemplating it. Although I will say, aside from a little bit of spam (this included), there's not much to ban him for at the moment. Sooo I'll leave it at: OP, don't spam, and as to why he was banned: pretty obvious, no need to elaborate on that - even disregarding that he's a repeat offender


            But I mean, seriously. He is not an offender, he's not insulting etc. He has some serious criticism, do you want to ban everybody that has problems with the dotabuff policy? I don't see why people are so incredibly scared of saying certain words. Even people that are meant by these words don't feel insulted. o.O





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                    also, #StopAnimalAbuse


                      "Even people that are meant by these words don't feel insulted. o.O" that's a - to be frank - stupid generalization. How can you say that everybody remains unaffected by certain words. I certainly do feel insulted when people throw around words such as "insert insults for asians or germans".

                      Nobody can make or pass that judgement other than all the people that are affected by it. That's common sense. If you have a serious concern or regard for the forum policies, then post a thread that properly states your argument, other than posting "3Head" (it's even the wrong meme..or I guess that is the meme of the meme, whatever)

                      All of us are open regarding the forum policies, they are - for the most part - there for you guys after all. But there's definitely a 0 tolerance policy when it comes to slurs such as the ones he was throwing around. And again, it's not even the slurs he was using, more so the fact that he - if he really presented a concern - did it in the most stupid way.

                      the realm's delight

                        i suggest we move to nadota, their mods flame users just like the normal users flame themselves 4Head


                          well honestly, it's because these policies are ridclious. Maybe I just had luck that I don't give a fuck about those insults.. You can call me a nazi since I'm german, it's not like im gonna sit @ home and start crying in front of my pc. In real life all my black friends call each other nig*er / I call them nig*ers and they don't care about it, they prefer that over "hey maximum pigmented dude"... We are using all these "insults" in a joking manner, we are never racists / trying to insult either of the parties. Especially since it's partially common to call each other nig*ers under friends, even if both of them are white. Just my 2 cents.


                            But friends at home are much different than strangers on the internet, how is that hard to understand


                              ^^^"The books you think I wrote are way too thick
                              Who needs a thousand metaphors to figure out you shouldn't be a dick"

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                                for me, this is my 2nd home - I love these guys and well, i'm talking with them. I'm not talking to random strangers and I know that these guys would do it / want to do it just as much as I do. It's not like I'm gonna insult some random guy - those bans are deserved.


                                  And you should feel good that you were raised, or rather grew up in such an environment. I feel the same with words such as (insert any gender/racial/ethnicity neutral insult you can think of) - I use them with my friends all the time. They do make fun of me being Asian.

                                  BUT - that's in the context within friends. They mean to joke around, I understand it's a joke. On the internet, or just in general, when talking to strangers, that may not always be the case. So if you post something about "Oh what a (insert racial slur)" - people may take offense.

                                  I get what you're trying to say, but I hope you understand, that out of context, these words have different meanings. And if no relationship is established, would you go to a black person and call them the n word?


                                    i insult spunkif0l day and night


                                      Well, exactly, and we only use these words in our context. You will see (Or idk, maybe you already pretty much do) that there's a "core" of dotabuff members.. You should not take every "insult" as serious as you do right now - We're using them in a joking manner. the same way booty bay bodyguard joked about the policies, they're pretty ridiclious because we all know that this is the forum where we all bring our all random bullshit, laugh about it and flame each other. That's how it works for us, thus I want him to be unbanned pretty please.


                                      the realm's delight

                                        asian german dotabuff mod PogChamp


                                          Okay, how about you work with me: Just call each other idiots or whatever, but just refrain from using any gender or racial slurs? All is cool then. Or are you experiencing withdrawl from not using certain insults?

                                          I realize that you call each other certain things, I respect that, but don't you see that opening a thread and clearly not properly criticizing anything as pointed out above, is certainly not in that very context? he was begging to be banned basically.

                                          Again, I don't care if you call each other idiot or whatever, asshole, shithead, idk whatever, as long as you just stay away from racial/gender slurs. Is that so difficult?


                                            Ur all fuckin idiots (I mean my homies) 4Head


                                              Yes, I'm alright with that. Would it yet be possible to unban him? You can punish him the next time he does this. I think he understands ur position now


                                                also you might want to do some forum policies and write them down on some page, also add a search function for threads. That would make the forums look a bit better - also you can split them up. right now its like, just make 2 forums or 3, a common forum where we can post random bullshit, and another 1 where ppl can discuss the game / ask questions about dotabuff etc.


                                                  I've adjusted the duration for which he will be banned. Since he's a repeat offender, I'm not totally unbanning him. We'll see him in 3 days again!

                                                  the realm's delight

                                                    yeaa yeaa ya aa
                                                    1 here comes the 2 to the 3 to the 4
                                                    now Errrbody in da club gettin tipsyy y (x3213)


                                                      Thanks a lot :)

                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                        I don't know who the hell this is about but I want him banned


                                                          ^you make a good and compelling point

                                                          the realm's delight

                                                            LMAOn fuk off canuck


                                                              WE WANT MORE DRAMATIC BANHAMMERS

                                                              King of Low Prio


                                                                You basically folded under pressure. Prepare for 50 threads a day


                                                                  i honestly vote for banning Mokujin next


                                                                    there are ~2-3 bans per week on average

                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                      25 for each person


                                                                        I vote for banning every "predict my mmr" shitstain

                                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                                          Just perma ban every 3k player


                                                                            we can set it in a way mafia is played, and just vote for banning one person once a week.
                                                                            the vote ban duration shall be exactly 1 week so it expires right after the next vote.
                                                                            no one can be banned twice in a row.
                                                                            the one who gets most votes is banned.

                                                                            it would bring some fun to my life on dbuff, honestly.

                                                                            the realm's delight

                                                                              holy shit did u guys know theres whatsapp for computer
                                                                              now i can spam my dank memes on there too Nice

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                                                                                Not scared, I'm like Gandalf buddy - nobody shall pass

                                                                                no vote banning pls. Fairly certain I'll get voted out every 2 weeks


                                                                                  how this thread looks now:

                                                                                  how it would look if we banned all the 3ks:


                                                                                    can u theorically ban urself? i tried to report myself several times, and it didn't work.


                                                                                      "i honestly vote for banning Mokujin next"
                                                                                      that's not how it works


                                                                                        lmfao my TriHard sunris got banned again huh

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                                                                                          well, i tried



                                                                                            I've been posting for approx. ~1.5 years (and lurking/reading db since late 2013) and it's always clear whether a topic is made with or without the intention of getting a legit answer.

                                                                                            e.g. -
                                                                                            1) Why is my team so shit? Is this ELO hell?
                                                                                            2) How to itemize Spectre?

                                                                                            It's obvious that for '1' people are going to flame OP for being a dunning-kruger retard, that's just how it works.
                                                                                            As for the 2nd example, most of the time people will legitemately give you good answers as long as you ask correctly. People get what they ask for, it's just how this forum works.

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                                                                                            the realm's delight

                                                                                              spooky booty banger

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                                                                                                the realm's delight

                                                                                                  does any of u have any idea how it feels like to win when u have 1 cs at 3 minutes as a pos 2



                                                                                                    1 cs -> stacked 10 camps got 13 bounty runes 8 min radiance ez ggwp


                                                                                                      more like, do you know how it feels to lose vs 1 cs alchemist babyrage