General Discussion

General DiscussionReborn's match making system is broken.

Reborn's match making system is broken. in General Discussion

    So I've seen a couple people making new accounts and stomping people but still remaining in normal skill.

    So I became curious and wanted to do the same thing, I made a new acc (said that I'm a beginner) and my first game I've had people already with 400 hours and the guy with 400 hours had 4.4k solo and 3.6k party mmr, imagine if you just started a game, how are you supposed to play against someone like that?

    This was the match:

    Just made acc for fun, what I've also noticed was that alot of people when you press ''beginner'' are smurfs in matches, very strange.

    Btw don't look at my items, my actual build was midas > euls > blink > refresher > octarine > BoT2.

    Was just having fun blowing up people, sold my items in the end because PA was crying but nobody took him serious

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      the initial options you choose when creating an account are not even a part of smurf-detection system, I guess, which works pretty much fine in 99% of cases.

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        ''you guess'', exactly. You're guessing wrong.


          oh boy
          its just the way normal ppl communicate, relax
          smurf detection is way more complex than you might think, and your experience proves it

          the realm's delight

            heh would u look at that a new thread


              Alright how do I get into normal skill bracket then.


                i dunno what they track besides ur IP adress and email
                and also even if you manage to get into NS, you'll probably be kicked out of there rather soon unless you throw on purpose


                  I've changed my IP and i use random emails lol.

                  the realm's delight

                    u think the fact that u changed ur ip changes anything lol lord gaben knows everything about everyone


                      wow u got me good

                      Riguma Borusu

                        When you make a new account your uncertainty level is huge, which means that each game you queue for will have arbitrary opponents, to test how good you really are against ANY people, and keep track of that. Owning people who have 400x more hours than you do is going to net you much higher matchmaking rating, but if that's only one game, your uncertainity level is still gonna be huge, which means the system has not yet decided how good you really are, then it will put you against way better opponents than you are and test if you're actually better than those. If not, it will go lower/higher depending on how well you're doing, and sometimes the opponents will be very arbitrarily chosen, if your uncertainty level is still big even after a good number of games, since you need more calibration data for the system to make sense of your gameplay.

                        As you play more matches, your uncertainty will EVENTUALLY fall off and you'll be placed with people of similar skill in no time. That's how the system actually works, and it's also a part of the smurf detection system.

                        "Alright how do I get into normal skill bracket then."

                        Play badly for a very long time and you'll be here with me and other 2k shitstains. If you go 800+ gpm and xpm every game with 30 1 15 scores and 2 times HD of your opponents, every fucking time, obviously you won't get to normal skill.

                        Also, mind you, the mm does NOT fucking care whether you win or lose - it only cares about what YOU are doing, meaning if you rack up 50k hero damage and 50k farm and shit, and your team still loses because you end up feeding like a retard or something, you'll still be placed higher because of your impact.

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                          How did this guy go normal skill when he has 79% win rate?

                          the realm's delight

                            he prayed to gaben day and night


                              I do the same thing every day and only thing I get from Gaben is retards in team :/

                              I must be doing something wrong I guess.

                              Riguma Borusu

                                That's because you're doing it wrong, when you pray to GabeN, you have to wish for the opposite of what you want. Before you queue for your next solo match, say these words:

                                "Oh my Lord and Savior Gaben,
                                Thou who hath created Valve,
                                Giveth the games,
                                In Thine infinite wisdom,
                                To us who are less than dust,
                                In Your presence,
                                I doth dearly pray to you,
                                That there be retards on my team.

                                HL3 confirmed"

                                Well, if that does not work, I don't know what will. Gabe's like that, he likes to screw with mortals.

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                                  shortly said I should ask gaben for retards inteam yes.


                                    all i want for my birthday is a big booty hoe


                                      ^...but ur mama aint cming



                                        i hope this b8 is obvious enough and i wont get banned, but who knows

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                                          ^get banned both of u



                                            Bunch of cykas here.


                                              I made a smurf too and my first game my opponents looked as if they had literally never played a singe game before/tutorial/anything. They seemed confused how to even click move around the world. I stomped this game and my VERY NEXT GAME was against other accounts that were clearly at least low 3k mmr, a massive jump from players who had never played the game before. If you stomp even one game the system shoots you up dramatically.


                                                Honestly I been sayin for years, everyone's start MMR should be ZERO.


                                                  ^ And after years still in normal skill right? :/
