General Discussion

General DiscussionHow can I improve my skill?

How can I improve my skill? in General Discussion

    I created this account 3 days ago.On my previous acc I have about 3000 mmr,but I think it is so,because during calibration I didnt know the mechanics of mmr and played almost all games on supports with pretty low kda and herodamage. So,i decided to try to get more(I hope it would be about 4000 or something like that). Now I have high skill, games still enough easy,but teams sometimes really awful,so it is impossible to win( especially if you are not on mid or main carry). Which mmr can I get with such skill bracket? How can I upgrade it to very high skill? Can anyone give me some pieces of advice.

    Sorry for my English. I am from Ukraine,but its forum full of rude and dull guys,which have the same mmr as buy,but think that they are gods.

    Bad Intentions

      Yo op, listen man, you gotta be a high impact player to calibrate at vhs. You need to pick your best heroes during the calibration phase. Just dominate.


        Your playing pattern tells me that you're at least a 4k player. If you pick alchemist and afk farm with radiance you might even get 4.5k mmr or around 4200 mmr with HIGH IMPACT mid heroes. It's best to mute your team, because their communication might hold you down.

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        НЮХАЮ ФЕН

          What do you mean by "playing pattern"?

          Livin' Real Good

            Well, that's how it's always been White flower, don't let them get to you, the people on this forum have actually come A LONG way from when I first started coming here, they were actually worse, now seem to better along much better.

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