General Discussion

General DiscussionPredict my MMR Mega-Thread!

Predict my MMR Mega-Thread! in General Discussion

    @tasaina thanks buddy


      @Lucius, Majority of your games are normal skill, some highskill, rarely vhs, I would say at best 3.2-3.6 (do your best in the calibration matches)
      @Mimi, 4k 4head
      @Jebaited, most of your games are normal, only 1 highskill, no vhs, 2.9-3.1
      @Infected, 3.4 at best

      If you want to know how to get higher bracket or raising your mmr in general I recommend reading this, a guide by kitrak(6k player)

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      Trafalgar D. Law

        it's new.

        Ba Sing Se

          @tasaina predict mine? or maybe anyone?


            Predict mine please :(

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              Can someone predict my TBD Solo & Party MMR?

              Cheers mate!



                Hit me up boys, I bet you'll be wrong :D



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                      I would appreciate your prediction pls :) thanks


                        @java 3.5-4k .. @, 3k


                          lul, that's right

                          mentally handicapped

                            pradikt ma memer plox tem nub i try 2 carry, they nub


                              @4k 4head, Can I know why is that your opinion mate? No worries. So, I know where I can improve. Thanks! ;)



                                I'm stuck at normal skill bracket and cant figure the reason for that. I normally play supports, my KDA is over 4, 63% win, most of the games I end with stats ~9 for support and ~9 for fighting. What I'm missing?


                                  @rag, Tasaina here, Farming better is the biggest impact you can make. Get every last hit you can, practice last hitting with your preferred heroes. When your team is inevitably having a mexican standoff at mid, go farm lanes and jungles with a TP scroll ready. Just always think about how to be more efficient with your gold gain.
                                  tl dr: git gud


                                    Predict my mmr plz.


                                      i same with rag`mon only once i got "high skill" result "loss" with pa,at that time the next game i use pa again with higher status and result
                                      but back to normal skill again....why????very stranger
                                      any one can explain this?,thx

                                      check this


                                        @Renshin, sounds very broken tbh. I'm a support most of the time, at least till I'm playing 4 carries in a team games, not going to be able farm a lot better then now. Still, I'm usually getting the best overall performance, securing the win with best KDA and also being support (max healing and ganks/deffense). It appears that winning games and maintaining high KDA isn't working at all. Do you say that GPM/XPM is a contributing factor?
                                        Using this profile as an example -
                                        This guy has stats similar to me. Our XPM/GPM is very close, my KDA is a lot better though he's playing HS and VHS most of the time.

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                                          Seems like when you score high on a few metrics in comparision with your game mates, your skill level is unknown, and then you are bumped up to calibrate at a higher level. obviously if you lose you come back to the previous level with a higher metric score.


                                            @rag, game just knows which bracket you belong, skill is the most important factor
                                            pls read my previous post in this thread to get more info, fyi you can play support in a smurf and get to vhs, maybe you are just lacking at aspects of the game, eg: rotations, map awareness, activeness
                                            here a game where I played support : see my assist (90% of the kills of my team, I was present)

                                            @wiz, so true


                                              Predict mine bro


                                                @IWANTLOSE, 3.2-3.6

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                                                    HEY GUYS !!!PLEASE GUESS MY MMR TY :D
                                                    ANYONW PLEASE PREDICT MY MMR :)

                                                    Wenk wenk wenk

                                                      Predict my MMR bro's, cheerios (:

                                                      HA HA HA HA HA

                                                        @tasaina or anyone else who can help me, recently I always got unlucky with my teammates. They always argue and argue while I play silent then they blame me. I gave up being carry sometimes for them. I often come at jungle and yet they feed. So that my KDA and GPM and XPM and my winrate are affected. Is there still a chance for me to calibrate higher than 3.6 mmr?


                                                          Predict my mmr ty


                                                            mine please


                                                              If you are in normal skill bracket, = your mmr is 3.1 below
                                                              If you are in highskill bracket,= 3.2-3.6
                                                              If you are vhs bracket, =3.7-above
                                                              To move above your bracket, its very simple, = GiT GUD


                                                                Ploz predick my memer tim ho1d1ng me bek alway5 tang1n@M0000000000000000000000


                                                                  so what is my MMR ?
                                                                  please predict my mmr TY :D


                                                                    @immorality 1-2k no kappa


                                                                      Predict please?


                                                                        @S-クラス16th:金属バット HHAHHAHA IDIOTA!

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                                                                            k scrub


                                                                              predict mine pls :D


                                                                                can u mods unpin this shit useless topic ,let something useful come up

                                                                                playing with pride

                                                                                  Predict mine please :)


                                                                                    Predict my hidden mmr pls


                                                                                      @Potatooo, 3.4
                                                                                      @FunkyouAliens, 3.2
                                                                                      @lol her!, 3.7

                                                                                      playing with pride

                                                                                        @Cow is there a chance it change?


                                                                                          @funk, yes, Just try your best man, also during your calibration matches, tryhard all those games. Calibration games are what matter the most. You can go from 3.2 average to 3.7 average if your performance is nice

                                                                                          playing with pride

                                                                                            Ty @Cow i wonder why your prediction of mine is too low?


                                                                                              @Funk, I based it on your stats, but i could be wrong, hs bracket could go 3.2-3.6

                                                                                              playing with pride

                                                                                                @Cow ty i sticked to dendi if i get 3.2 🙏😂

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                                                                                                  mentally handicapped

                                                                                                    prediky my memer plox i vhs i want 10k calibration

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