General Discussion

General Discussionhow to win 2k games guys

how to win 2k games guys in General Discussion

    Pick mid or safe. Choose someone who can snowball. You need to be able to 1v5 the enemy team. Your team is retards but your enemies are retards too. Buy your own wards, courier if necessary. Farm your core items and gank people if that's the kinda hero you got. Mute your teamies if they flame you. Remember: you are the most important person in the game. You are the best person in the game. Don't die to save your retards. Only TP to save your retards if it's a free kill. Don't flame your retards, ever. Good luck.

    lm ao

      Play objectively nyams, come up with your way to win the game - it solely depends upon the circumstances of course, of how the game is going, and a few other factors (like what heroes can kill you or pressure your space). I think you get my point dude, look at my recent games, ez MMR cause i tell my teammates whats the best thing to do, and most importantly, I do it in a nice way, you know to keep those kiddish Pinoobs from ruining your game.

      A balance of psychology and chess, thats my advice.


        uhuhuhu dude look at my last game, teams cant even push :(((


          Pick splitpusher, 2k don't know how to counter split push.
          Let's face it, the only way your team will push high ground is if you wipe, so you either gotta pick splitpusher and take high ground yourself or pick carry and wipe them yourself.

          play for fan

            carl is the one YOu need
            1000 mmr 1 week
            i want to sell it for few immortal only add me if u want its 3100 now and u can add friend with it

            This comment was edited
            saint leon

              Pick Tusk and go for Greaves + Blink dagger

              Riguma Borusu

                ^Actually, in 2k it's mostly better to go sb deso or some similar damage dealing shit because your teammates are mostly not worth being kept alive since they aren't gonna accomplish much. The supporty tusk build you're doing is only effective if you can do something with your teammates, otherwise it's better to build selfish and damage-based in general.