General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat's the best way to get a game ruiner into low priority

What's the best way to get a game ruiner into low priority in General Discussion
waku waku

    My last game one of the players went salty from the start just because we had pudge and invoker in team so he started to afk farm and try to be as useless as possible. He succeeded, and now I'm salty as well. What type of report do you think would have gotten him into low priority the fastest?


      report for intentional feed, attach a comment like "intentional feeding and racism"
      racism always works.


        Why say feed and then racism :/
        Isnt that communication abuse?


          Do the comments actually get parsed?


            the system which kinda evaluates the weights of the reports can recognize certain key words, as far as the rumors say, and "racism" is one of them. it has nothing to do with the actual report reason, but it just makes the punishment faster (if these rumors are true). its totally OK to stick griefing and communication abuse into one, too.

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            the realm's delight

              and i always put as reason "fuck you you fucking fuck boi invoker picking cu.nt"


                Good joke real funny mate see you at FUCK YOUJ


                  seriously i met a bunch of flaming and feeding morons so many times without punishment
                  it's like after reborn i can't get anyone to lpq
                  or because i became a flaming fuck as well, valve decided to take away my unholy powers of sending whoever i wish to lpq

                  Livin' Real Good

                    Yeah, NEVER REPORT SOMEONE for ability abuse, it does nothing unless they get a shit load of reports.

                    My favorite is communication abuse, it's the EASIEST way to get someone punished. For whatever reason, communication abuse takes less reports than the other two to activate. But the only way to get someone into low priority is to report them for feeding, the ability abuse gets them low pro too, but it takes too long, and most likely they won't get punished, so just report them for intentional feeding, and add a comment with key words like triple steal said.

                    King of Low Prio

                      Reporting pieces of shit


                        Report for feeding lmao

                        plz do

                          report for intentional feed, no matter what they did. like valve would check every single report.

                          Pale Mannie

                            report for speaking english


                              "intentional feeding and racism"

                              Haha close to what I usually type; Intentional feeding and racial slur ;_;


                                Won't reporting for communication abuse just get them muted?

                                And won't the system check for an unreasonable number of deaths before accepting a intentional feeding report.


                                  lol i didnt know that triple
                                  when i report ppl i just type sdsdsd

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                                    when i report people i report them for communication abuse and don't type anything.


                                      i reported 3 people the other day, and got 3 reports back again, idk how it works

                                      Holy Roman Empire

                                        I once got banned from stram for naming myself Adolf Hitler. So I believe Triplesteal saying that rasicsm is the fastest way to get someone in LP