General Discussion

General DiscussionNormal skill to High skill to Very high skill

Normal skill to High skill to Very high skill in General Discussion
Mid or tiny airlines?

    Can someone here please explain to me how does this normal, high and very high skill work? I really don't get it. I saw someone who had just a normal skill games then latet it became to very high skill. I was " What the fuck? " Please, explain this. I've been playing Normal matches before I try calibrating my ranked matches. Btw, this is my alt.


      VHS is 3.8k+


        eheheheh nice normal skill alt


          I see what u did there, nyeahahahahaha

          yung griphook

            If I'm not mistaken, it goes like

            Normal skill <3.3k

            High skill 3.4k - 3.7k

            Very high skill 3.8k +

            someone correct me if i'm wrong


              very high 3.7+ now guys, not 3.8


                Normal skill is anything below 3.2k average
                High skill 3.2k - 3.7k average
                Very high skill 3.7k and anything above

                This comment was edited

                  VHS is somewhat closer to 3675 I think.


                    I super shaker in the world

                    CLEETUS McFarland

                      Thank You very much, now I Know.

                      CLEETUS McFarland

                        Thank You very much, now I Know.

                        JULIAN "SPARTANS" SIBARANI

                          THISSSS ISS SPARTAAAA !!!!!!!

                          Dire Wolf

                            It's not a static number, it's actually a percentage of games so that the top (I'm making these up for example) 5% of games are labeled very high skill, the next 10% are high skill and the bottom 85% are normal. I believe valve once released these percentages but I don't recall them offhand. Either way you'd probably be a little shocked that such a huge majority of matches are normal.

                            It's based on the average mmr of the match, not a specific player, that's why you can get dragged into a very high skill match in group even if your group rating is 3k or whatever.

                            It's also DYNAMIC based on all live matches at that point in time, or something close to that like in a 24 hour span, not all matches in history. So that changes it too. If all the sudden zero players over 4k were playing a bunch 3ks would shoot up to very high skill instantly. But cus dota is spread out over bunch of mmrs and players playing at relatively evenly distributed times the averages tend to stick where around 3200 is cut off for high and 3700 is cutoff for very high.

                            This comment was edited
                            Mid or tiny airlines?

                              Thank you Dire Wolf. :)


                                If you get Insane KDA you can get into high skill or very high skill. Doesn't matter if you win or lose. It's all about KDA


                                  thats stupid cuz if you play support your kda is low


                                    Kda/gpm/lh/denies = vhs

                                    Space - Creators

                                      Why my new alt accaunt Have other game high skill brackets why most of game normal bracket explain pls. I can't understand dotabuff skill brackets.

                                      Space - Creators

                                        And how to maintain the high skill and vry high all of your games.


                                          ^ git gud


                                            ive had some sub 3.7k games show as very high


                                              im in VHS by spamming support slncer