General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do I win a game like this?

How do I win a game like this? in General Discussion

    Ok Guys, here is the game:

    I had lastpick and had do pick a carry for safelane top, sky was with me and i was pretty sure i was facing Nyx + Sylla

    That was maybe my first mistake, I decided to go for Spectre, because she is quite tanky in lane and could still carry the game in lategame.
    Pudge and Puck decided to go offlane, I don´t really like that because Sylla will have a really good time top vs me and Skywrath.
    I considered Jugg aswell but my team was against it, Viper was my other suggestion but i dont think Viper would´ve carried that game.

    In Lane me and sylla had quite even farm what was a little win for me i think, Pudge and Puck wrecked Gyro and Kotl.
    After i think 10 Min i felt pretty ok, i had some farm that would allow me to get a ~min 20 Radi with Pt´s.. and then it began, i had 0 space to farm because they completely focused me, Invoker was kindof useless and i was the only one who would have real impact late.

    Another mistake by me was maybe going radi, but i dont really know if a diffu or sth else wouldve helped us more, we just needed the dmg output i think

    After all it was a really bad game and we got smacked in 25 min..

    Invoker and puck blamed me for having less farm on our "trilane" top vs solo off LD; while we had both double lanes..

    Can anybody tell me what i could´ve done better especially with the draft and maybe the itemchoice..

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      pt -> vanguard -> radi
      might help


        no other suggestions? :/


          spectre tanky in lane vs lone druid? Okay I don't think thats true. Oh yeah and getting to late game as a spectre vs lone druid, sounds difficult

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            spectre is not tanky in lane and u shud get items like pms phase urn drums


              ^ listen to doge he knows whats up.


                You rushed radiance in a game like that and you wonder why you lost? xD you needed urn, drums, manta and then MAYBE radi or diffusal.

                King of Low Prio

                  Vanguard is pretty much core on spec after they changed his passive.


                    you either go pms + urn + Drums or Vanguard. Spec technically is Tanky due to dispersion. Its less likely that she will die to a burst then another carry. However there is pretty much nothing Spec can do in lane to avoid harass or to harass the enemy. So while you might not die, you will go through regen pretty quickly and probably have to go back to fountain.

                    Spec is one of the least useful carries if you want to put any sort of pressure on your opponent in lane. Also I wouldn't recommend Spec against heroes that have a summon that they often have with them since you will pretty much never get the desolate damage vs that hero (Lone Druid in this case).

                    If you do end up in a game like this with spectre though, then you need to be ready to haunt the moment an enemy over-extends. Punish them every time they make a mistake. That's the only way you can really stay ahead in a game like this. Also I like Phase boots more then treads but its up for debate which is better.


                      im normal skill, 47%winrate, 1k mmr, so dont take my advice to strongly.

                      i think its push meta paired with somewhat early magic lane dominance.
                      i think it was the entire team composition and not just the last pick.

                      windranger and druid take towers pretty quick. and gyros ultimate is great for team fights.
                      kotl healing and dmging anyone in the path of illuminate with a harassing nyx.

                      puck is a useless hero imo. doesn't contribute enough damage, squishy, and there's better disablers.
                      looks like your pudge never got any momentum.
                      your invoker player has 44 games with a win-rate of 32%.
                      spectre doesn't contribute much in laning phase, and would argue is not tanky.

                      invoker is the only crowd control really, and hes really squishy.
                      pucks ultimate seems to only be good for fleeing, with this lineup, and is also very squishy.
                      skywrath just doesn't make sense really to me.

                      in conclusion: no hp; no damage; no push; weak nukes; little disable; weak 5 man; no momentum pudge.
                      i dont think anyone is to blame, i think you boys got out-drafted.

                      how you could of won? i dont know ):

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